Anonymous ID: d55e29 June 19, 2019, 11:23 p.m. No.6796329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6795732 /lb Notables

You can't expect anything else, ever again, from fox. Since pedophile central bought the management arm, they have been destroying fox as a believable entity and of course they7 aren't going to allow one of their clients to be exposed. Hell, since the weirdo was arrested and during the trial pedophile central has been protecting him.

Of course nobody in the clinton media networks is about to expose themselves and when one speaks of pedophilia and child rape traffickers you will not hear anything from the pedophiles and child rapists that own the media.


As Q has told us, WE are the news. WE don't need the slimey sub-intellects in the leftist media or those at fox. WE will ensure that this will not be swept under the carpet.


See something = say something. Any conversation you have should be lead towards the end of child rape, child torture and the end of the protection of those raping, torturing and murdering children. Bye-Bye shrillary and huma. buh-bye bubba. bye-bye to all the evil.


And…NEVER use the phrases child sexual abuse - children don't have sex! They are being raped and tortured by a disgusting, vile, sub-human adult and they must be called out for that.


Words matter and if we don't start using the correct words for the evil of these adult slime they will continue to get away with raping, torturing and murdering our children.