Anonymous ID: 821f02 June 20, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6798094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Via Jim Stone

Don't get your panties in a bunch faggots.

This is place of free exchange of information.


I am going to repeat again that nothing is going to happen to Hillary


Once again, probably for the 18th time, there's a flurry of reports about "they have the documents" and "they are going to prosecute" and "the deep state is going down." It will not go down, and I'll tell you why:

Jared Kushner That's why.


Jared has painted over things so well for the Jewish community, and that they can "do no evil" and that it is all just a "misunderstanding" and "we really love America" that Trump is simply allowing traitors to keep on going because "they could not be that bad" and he does not know who to trust. He's not getting good advice. If anything positive happens it is kept in check by subversive elements. No one is going to jail, the welfare for immigrants situation will not change, and every damn last piece of "progress" we do manage to make will come with a price tag: WAR ON IRAN or at least an attempt to start it.


Where are we now? Trump was anti-vax, yet the vax laws are in place harder than ever. Trump knew common core was bad and wanted to change it, and NOTHING happened. Now we have teachers outright telling boys to get sex changes, and it was not that way under Obama, the left accelerated EVERYTHING and Trump has not been able to stop any of it. Quite frankly, we are sitting in a worse place than we ever were, despite the fact that Trump was likely well intentioned.


And as it turned out, it WAS the U.S. waging war on Yemen, not Saudi Arabia which is perplexing because I can't think of why the U.S. would want to wipe Yemen out, or why the Sauds would want to either. This is a mystery war, proven to be U.S. fronted when rebels shot down an advanced American killer drone that could not have been there unless the U.S. was flying it. Well done. Now we have better insight. Could Eretz Israel have anything to do with it? Maybe they want the whole peninsula? Why the hell would anyone blow up Yemen? That's like having a 10 year old with a B.B. gun shoot sparrows just because they are something to shoot at. And it just goes to show that Hillary had Libya, Trump had Yemen, and he probably did not even know it because the entire damn system is subverted.


Don't expect miracles when there is a mess like THAT, NO ONE is going to jail, take your pajamas off, dream time is OVER.