Anonymous ID: 083cfa June 20, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6800122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Q/Potus have it all. They knew what was going on, not sure how long they knew, but they knew long enough to have the “plants” at the right places, at the right time.


The [DS] started “stealing the election & working the insurance policy” in an environment not OWNED by [THEM] but rather the TRUE presidential candidate who was/IS fit for the job, and who the people voted for. POTUS/NSA/Q knew what was going on and /ourplan/ was launched.


When you put this first set of facts together, you can build the scenario of how everything came about. The environment which it all took place.


Q said that spying operations go both ways..


I can’t stress this enough, Q/POTUS knew before it was going to happen, so they had all their spy capability honed in on the players.


Was the NSA watching Hillary the WHOLE time?


From the conception of the Operation AGAINST the people of the United States.. from the time they went live (like the new tech launched by China.. Q had control from the “start button” being pushed.


Question is.. WHEN did Q/NSA/POTUS know for certain that the [DS] was planning to steal election + insurance policy? Sometime 2015.. mid 15? Or does this go back to at around the time of Clinton leaving Hussein admin?


Patriots knew the whole time, intercepted comms led them to understand there was much fuckery going on.. wasn’t hard to see. Did the “watching of the traitors” start literally when JFK Jr. was killed as Q said? Did our intelligence agencies LET things progress so they could bust the [DS]???


And we are thinking FLOTUS is part of Q.. which would make me VERY happy!