Anonymous ID: 2e5f12 June 20, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6799963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are watching a movie

The purpose of which is to wake up the public to the following over a period of time; anons know but the long drawn out demonstration is for the rest:

  • it IS possible to resolve major international conflicts with Enemies without cranking up the war machine.

  • the Fed Reserve Bank is not run by the government nor does it act in the best interest of the United States.

-the major banks and stock market as well as most large US Corporations act in the best interest of China. Same same with the 6 media companies that control nearly all majors.

-the Deep State is a glacier most of which we cannot see upon first-glance. But is is Deep and Wide and lethal. Exposure in progress.

-if Potus 45 can rev the economy and restore our dominance worldwide (think: strings cut) in 2 1/2 years with one arm tied behind his back, why wouldn't previous Presidents if the US (question for normies not anons)

IMHO the aforementioned points are "the movie." Anons know what to look for and what it means in general but these are the points leading to major awakening and what we should focus on driving moar. (Our part to play)

Anonymous ID: 2e5f12 June 20, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6800009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dubbity dubs

Potus with Abe-historic (comms? evidence?)

Abe goes to Iran

Deep state attack on ships

CIA group in Iran is outed (Monday of this week)

Xi says same day he is going to NK.

Xi says NK should resume talks.

Drone shot down.

War drums beat.

Potus shuts them down with measured, generous statements re: roguish general.


Plan keeps a moving.