Anonymous ID: 4938df June 20, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6799478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9504

Congressman Gaetz, if you are on here, I SALUTE YOU and your efforts along with Ratcliff. I tried to watch, but my blood pressure got to high. That stupid bitch writes about cartels but then back pedals IN FRONT OF CONGRESS, in order to try to just be a damn Dem. Sick of every one of the obstructionists that don't give a damn about actual American citizens. As for Nadler, he IS A DICK PIC. Sadly, Mueller would have to spend many years finding his pathetic Male genitalia.

I am gearing up for 2020, and we better TAKE BACK OUR HOUSE AND SENATE!!!!

P.S. Jim Jordan, I love your ass too! Go get em boys!