Anonymous ID: 4d737f June 20, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.6799417   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(You) are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Sad really…


Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, & the Mafia


“…The members of this group turned out to include not only hundreds of far-right figures in the intelligence, military, government, media, Church and corporate sectors, but a motley assortment of unreconstructed WW2 fascists, psychopaths and criminal underworld types to boot.”


“Today, this covert network of well-connected individuals rely not only on blackmailing and false flag operations to achieve their geopolitical objectives but also in human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, organ trafficking and more. The sickness and moral degeneration of these institutions have reached apocalyptic levels. The information you are about to see is neither new nor secret. It exists and has existed on the public record for years. The reason why most of us have not heard about some of these scandals is the result of a corrupt mainstream Mockingbird media campaign that lies mostly by omission.”


“This was the essence of Operation Gladio, a decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit directed by the intelligence services of the West – against their own populations. Hundreds of innocent people were killed or maimed in terrorist attacks – on train stations, supermarkets, cafes and offices – which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The purpose, as stated above in sworn testimony by Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was to demonize designated enemies and frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for government leaders – and their elitist cronies. “


Operation Timber Sycamore


Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congressthat it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence service) set up a rebel arms supply network in Syria from Libya — a plan that involved the Saudi, Qatari and Turkish intelligence services.


In October 2012, the New York Times revealed that this vast CIA-sponsored arms trafficking was mainly going to support jihadist groups in Syria.


It is also proven that these armaments mostly went to equip jihadist groups, including the terrorist militia which proclaimed itself “Islamic State” in June 2014.


Ultimately, Donald Trump decided to phase out this operation in early summer 2017. This was a major setback for the CIA, as the US President was thereby conceding the defeat of the United States and its partners in the war against Syria and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.


“First, Pulitzer prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh – says that Benghazi was really a CIA outpost for running weapons captured from Libya after Gaddaffi was overthrown into Syria … approved on a bipartisan basis by both Democrats and Republicans.


Second, it has been confirmed that the U.S. backed Al Qaeda terrorists in Libya so that they would overthrow Gaddaffi.

Third, as we noted right after Gaddaffi fell, the Obama administration’s stated reason for going into Libya makes no sense. Now, RAND Corporation political scientists theorize that Obama might have decided to bomb Libya – not for any reason having to do with Libya or Gaddaffi themselves – but rather “to keep the Arab Spring going“.

The U.S. ousted Gaddaffi and then left, and Libya has now descended into chaos.”


"But he's (Putin) a killer," O'Reilly said to Trump.

"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?" Trump replied.


Countries overthrown by the CIA:

  • Syria 1949

  • Iran 1953

  • Guatemala 1954

  • Tibet 1955–70s

  • Indonesia 1958

  • Cuba 1959

  • Iraq 1960–63

  • Dominican Republic 1961

  • South Vietnam 1963

  • United States 1963

  • Brazil 1964

  • Australia 1967

  • Chile 1970–73

  • Greece 1974

  • Afghanistan 1979–89

  • Turkey 1980

  • Poland 1980–89

  • Nicaragua 1981–90

  • Iraq 1992–96

  • Venezuela 2002

  • Iraq 2002–03

  • Iran 2005–present

  • Syria 2012–present

  • Ukraine 2014

  • Libya