Anonymous ID: 75059b June 20, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6800068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0109


>None of you have read the Mueller report.



The rest of your post is a vehement mistranslation of facts, based on Mueller's Handy-Special team of faggots not even being able to accurately finger Seth Rich as the source for Wikileaks.


Knowing what we know about the entire fiasco, we know that some operative was sent to meet with Donnie Jr, and the bait wasn't even taken. Nothing concrete, in the least, proved either collusion, which isn't even illegal (and probably should be), nor obstruction. If President Trump wanted to obstruct, he'd have simply fired Mueller. Instead, he created rumors that he was going to axe the whole thing, and let the MSM chase their tails spouting "inside sources" nonsense for nearly 2 fucking years straight (Hi, Rachel!). The MSM collectively fell on that sword, and the public has witnessed their ineptitude on a galactic scale.


Aside from all that, your post gave my dog cancer.