Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6799704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9758

Hunter Biden Accused of Fathering Child With Arkansas Woman – While He Was Dating His Dead Brother’s Wife


A 28-year-old Arkansas woman is claiming that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden is the father of her 10-month-old child — and she’s suing to prove it.


Lunden Alexis Roberts claims Hunter Biden fathered her child while he was in a relationship with his own late brother’s wife, Hallie Biden.


You read that right. Hunter Biden began dating his brother’s widow in 2017 and they just split up a couple months ago.


Page Six reported:


Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28, filed a petition for paternity and child support against Joe Biden’s lawyer son, saying she gave birth to his kid, “Baby Doe,” in August 2018, according to court papers.


The two-page suit was filed in Independence County, Arkansas, on May 28 — nearly two weeks after Hunter tied the knot with a South African woman named Melissa Cohen.


Roberts wants a court to establish that the 49-year-old father of three is her baby’s biological dad. She is also seeking child support and for him to provide health insurance for the now-10-month-old infant. All out-of-pocket expenses would be split between the two parents, the filing said.


The petition does not say how Roberts and Hunter met or how long they were together.


But the birth of the child came while Hunter was in a relationship with Hallie Biden, his late brother Beau’s wife. The former in-laws started dating in 2017 and split in April, Page Six exclusively reported.


Last month Breitbart News exclusively obtained a police report from November of 2016, just days before Election Day describing how a crack pipe was found in Hunter Biden’s rental car.


A used crack pipe, credit cards, a Delaware Attorney General badge, US Secret Service business cards, two ID’s belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former VP Joe Biden were found in a Hertz rental car in Arizona.


Imagine if a crack pipe was found in Don Jr.’s or Eric Trump’s rental car or if either of them fathered a child while dating a dead sibling’s spouse — there would be wall-to-wall coverage of it in the fake news media.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6799725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9768 >>9937

Ilargi Meijer: "Our Economic Systems Have Been Destroyed By Our Central Bankers"


I intentionally start writing this mere minutes away from Fed chair Jay Powell’s latest comments. Intentionally, because the importance ascribed to those comments only means we have gotten so far removed from what capitalism and free markets are supposed to be about, that it’s pathetic. The comments mean something for rich socialists, but nothing for the man in the street. Or, rather, they mean that the man in the street will get screwed worse for longer.


And it’s not just the Fed, all central banks have it and do it. They play around with rates and definitions and semantics until the cows can never come home again. And they have such levels of control over their respective societies and economies that the mere use of the word “markets” should result in loud and unending ridicule. There are no markets, because there is no price discovery, the Fed and ECB and BOJ got it all covered. Any downside risks, that is.


But it doesn’t, because the people who pretend they’re in those markets hang on central banks’ every word for their meal tickets. These are the same people we once knew as traders and investors, but who today function only as rich socialists sucking the Fed’s teats for ever more mother’s milk.


Our economic systems have been destroyed by our central bankers. Who pretend they’re saving them. And we all eat it up hook line and sinker. Because the rich bankers and their media have no reasons to counter Fed or ECB actions and word plays, and because anyone who’s not a rich banker or investor is kept by the media from understanding those reasons.


What the Fed and ECB have done, and the BOJ, between Greenspan and Bernanke and Yellen and Powell and Draghi and Kuroda, is they have made it impossible for economies to let zombies go to die as they should. They have instead kept those zombies, banks, corporations, alive to the point where they are today a very big live threat to those economies, and growing. Look at Deutsche Bank.


How healthy do you think your economy can be if all the wealthy people are focused on whether Powell uses the word “patient” or not in his notes? Why would a vibrant company or entrepreneur give a flying damn about whether he does or not use a certain word? There is no reason.


But we have let our central banks take over, and that’s what they did. And it will be very hard to take back that power, but we will have to. Because central banks, while pretending to guard over the entire economy, in fact only protect the interests of commercial banks, and rich “investors”. And then tell you it’s the same difference.


There’s a case to be made that Paul Volcker was right when he raised US interest rate in the 1980s, but after Volcker it’s only been one big power and money grab for Wall Street, starting with Alan Greenspan and the housing bubble he blew. The Oracle my behind.


Japan is only just beginning to assess the damage Kuroda and Abenomics have done, and that’s at a point where both these men are still in power, and hell bent on doing more of the same. Something all central banks have in common; there are very few tools in their boxes, so they just repeat and repeat even as they fail. And that failure, by the way, is inevitable.


The Bank of Japan by now owns half the country, and they just want to do more. Kuroda’s plan to get rid of deflation was to force the Japanese to spend their money/savings. But the fully predictable result was that the grandmas did the exact opposite: they clued into the fact that if he wanted that, they had reason to be afraid, and so they sat on their money. And now it’s ten years later.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6799734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9922

‘Brain fever’ kills 150 children in India as more cases emerge


Over 150 children have now died of Encephalitis in Bihar, India and over 400 have been hospitalized in an outbreak linked to a toxic substance in lychee fruit that can affect under-nourished children.


Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES), known as ‘Chamki Bukhar’ in India, is a brain inflammation disease. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, and unconsciousness.


Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said a team of experts has been deployed to the area to help with the treatment of patients and a house-to-house active case finding mission has begun in affected areas.


Eight additional Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances have been deployed to transport patients in the affected districts, Vardhan told ANI.


Out of the 150 children that have died, 119 passed away in Muzaffarpur alone, CNN News 18 reports.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6799778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

72 Philadelphia cops moved to desk duty over allegations of offensive social media posts


Police commissioner says dozens will be disciplined and some will likely be fired


Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross has pulled 72 officers off the streets in the midst of an investigation over their online behavior, and says he expects some of them will likely be fired for making offensive Facebook posts.

What are the details?


Earlier this month, BuzzFeed News and Injustice Watch reported on a new database compiled by The Plain View Project, which scoured the Facebook feeds of thousands of current and former police officers in the U.S. to expose posts and messages that "could undermine public trust and confidence in our police."


According to NPR, the findings prompted internal investigations by a number of police departments including Phoenix, St. Louis, and Dallas.


CNN reported that Philadelphia announced its own investigation earlier this month, and on Wednesday, Commissioner Ross said dozens of officers from the force have been implicated and moved to desk duty while awaiting their fate — which, for some, could be termination. Posts from more than 300 Philadelphia officers were identified by The Plain View Project.


"We've talked about, from the outset, how disturbing, how disappointing and upsetting these posts are, and they will undeniably impact police-community relations," Ross said. "There's no question that this puts us in a position to work even harder than we already do to cultivate relationships with neighborhoods and individual groups who we struggle to work with or struggle to maintain relationships with now."


The department has hired a private law firm to read through more than 3,000 posts flagged for possibly being offensive, and assist in determining whether the messages are protect under the First Amendment.


Not everyone agrees with how the investigation is being handled. John McNesby, president of the Philadelphia police union told Time in an email statement, "It's premature and irresponsible for the commissioner to tell the public that police officers will be fired without a complete investigation into officers' social media use.


"Our officers are entitled to due process just like any other citizen," he added.

What did the posts say?


WCAU-TV reported one Philadelphia sergeant commented online that a suspect should be "taken out back and put down like the rabid animal that he is," and another posted a meme that read, "Death to Islam." Buzzfeed reported that six years ago, one officer using an alias commented on a post, "should have shot him."


Fuckery??? Get the cops out of the way for something?

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6799797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9937

We won’t sell out our allies or principles to strike Syria deal with US, says Putin


Russia will not reach any agreement with the United States on the future of Syria at the cost of Syria itself or Moscow’s interests and principles, President Vladimir Putin has said.


During his annual Q&A session on Thursday, a journalist asked Putin if there would be a “grand deal” with the US on Syria as the country begins to recover from years of hostilities and destruction.


“What do you mean ‘a grand deal’? Sounds like some commercial act. No. We don’t sell out our allies, our interests or our principles,” Putin said.


He said that Russia is willing to negotiate a political transition in Syria with various stakeholders. “Can it be done? I believe it can, provided there is goodwill of everyone involved in the conflict.”


Putin highlighted Turkey and Iran as Russia’s immediate partners in resolving the Syrian crisis, but said countries like the US, Israel, Egypt, and Jordan have legitimate interests in what happens in Syria as do the European nations, which were hurt by mass migration triggered by it. “We have to work together on it,” he stressed.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.6799819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Matt Lauer Absent From NBC’s 25-Year Celebration Of The ‘Today’ Show


Matt Lauer was notably absent Thursday from footage of NBC’s 25th anniversary of the “Today” show moving into Studio 1A in New York.


Lauer was taken off of the show after sexual misconduct allegations in 2017. He was removed from all video for the celebration, according to footage of the event. “Today” hosts Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie, Carson Daly, Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush were included in the footage.


Today is celebrating 25 years at Studio 1A, but one major piece of that history has been erased.


— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) June 20, 2019


Lauer worked on the show for almost 25 years before being ousted. His sexual misconduct allegations included lewd comments, exposing his genitalia to co-workers, sexual assault and more. (RELATED: Friends: Matt Lauer Is Super Upset He Can’t Be Matt Lauer Anymore)


The celebration included looking back on concerts, on-air marriage proposals and other events that happened on the show over the past 25 years.


When TODAY first moved to Studio 1A in 1994, it became a place where the team could try new things and connect with viewers.


Take a look back on some of those special moments over the past 25 years.


— TODAY (@TODAYshow) June 20, 2019


Lauer spoke out about the allegations after being fired from the “Today” show. He said that all of the allegations against him were false.


“I fully acknowledge that I acted inappropriately as a husband, father and principal at NBC,” Lauer’s statement read according to the Washington Post. “However I want to make it perfectly clear that any allegations or reports of coercive, aggressive or abusive actions on my part, at any time, are absolutely false.”


The allegations of “innapropriate sexual behavior” began at the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games, according to the female staffer who accused him.


Lauer and wife Annette Roque settled their divorce earlier in June, according to Page Six. Roque will reportedly get up to $20 million in assets plus their home in the Hamptons. The divorce still has to be finalized by a judge, Page Six reported.


NBC did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6799848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden


A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job.


Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.


At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.


“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”


The connection was first revealed in author Peter Schweizer’s best-selling book Secret Empires and was featured in reports by Breitbart News.


In 2018, during a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden bragged about strong-arming the Urkanian government.


“If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” Biden recalled saying, “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.”

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6799860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9867 >>9888 >>9937 >>0081

Sen. Lindsey Graham Names Ayatollah Khamenei ‘Murderous Thug,’ Calls for Strikes on Iran


According to the Senator, the best way to stop Iran from building its own nuclear bomb is to threaten to destroy the nation’s oil refineries and sink the Iranian Navy if attacks on tankers in the Persian Gulf continue.


US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-KY) gave an interview to Fox News on Wednesday, in which he repeatedly asserted that Tehran seeks nuclear weapons, while accusing Iran of being responsible for the recent tanker attacks.


"If the Iranians follow through on their threat to start enriching again… and basically take their enrichment program to a nuclear level in terms of weapons-grade production, Israel's in a world of hurt,” the Senator said. "How do you stop that to make Iran understand you're not going to let that happen?"


In his interview, Graham named Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei a “murderous thug,” while calling on the White House to put Iranian refineries on a “target list” over recent attacks on two tankers in the Persian Gulf and Iran’s alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons.


According to the Senator, the best way of showing Iran your intentions to stop Tehran from getting nuclear weapons is to blow up Iranian oil refineries and sink the Iranian Navy, but only if another oil tanker is attacked in the Gulf.


"[Trump] should put the [Iranian] oil refineries on the target list and look at sinking the Iranian Navy if they attack shipping again,” Graham said. "If I were the president, I would tell the Iranians: if there's an attack on a ship or a pipeline or anything like that, we're going to blow up your oil refinery because they're trying to drive up costs by creating chaos."


According to Graham, when Trump unilaterally pulled out of the Iranian nuclear deal, Graham told the president that the latter was “right to put sanctions on this state sponsor of terrorism.”


“They are the most murderous regime on the planet, and that’s saying a lot,” he said.


Speaking of Trump, Graham suggested that the president “doesn’t want a conflict, but he’s going to run out of options soon.”


“That’s what is about to happen in the next 10 days: we’re heading to a conflict here between the Ayatollah, who is a murderous thug, Israel and maybe the United States and the rest of the world.”


According to the Senator, Israel will be involved in the military conflict with Iran he claims is coming.


"I know Bibi [Netanyahu] very well," Graham said. "He is not going to sit on the sidelines and let a second Holocaust be set."


The US has recently ramped up political and military pressure against Iran, sending military forces to the region while citing an undisclosed and alleged threat from Tehran. US officials have accused Iran of attacking oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, an allegation which Tehran denies.


Tehran underscores it does not pursue nuclear armaments and is adhering to the terms of the 2015 Joint Cooperative Plan of Action nuclear deal. The US unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018, reimposing sanctions lifted during the Obama administration.

Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6799872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9893

Khan: Trump Is ‘Poster Boy for Racists’, ‘Defended White Supremacists at Charlottesville’


London mayor Sadiq Khan has reignited his long-running feud with U.S. President Donald Trump, branding the American leader “the poster boy for a global far-right movement” along with Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, France Marine Le Pen, and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage.


Speaking on President Trump’s recent state visit to the United Kingdom at a Mayor’s Question Time session at the London Assembly, the Labour politician accused the American leader, Prime Minister Orbán, Deputy Prime Minister Salvini, Ms Le Pen, and Mr Farage of “using the same methods from the old far-right playbook: picking on minority communities and the marginalised to manufacture an enemy; fabricating lies to stoke up fear; and promoting hatred of immigrants, sympathy for white nationalism, attacks on women’s reproductive rights, and rolling back the progress made on LGBT+ rights.”


Mayor Khan alleged that President Trump had “repeatedly made sexist and derogatory comments about women”, “defended white supremacists, antisemites, and far-right nationalists”, and “deliberately used racism, xenophobia, and otherness as an electoral tactic”.


This alleged behaviour, Khan claimed, “flies in the face of the ideals that America was founded upon”, which he said were “equality, liberty, and religious freedom.”


The Mayor said the British government should have instead offered the U.S. leader only a working visit, which should have used “to speak out and to say Trump’s views are incompatible for British values” and pose a “grave threat” to Britain and America’s shared principles.


“Mr Mayor, you’re absolutely wrong,” replied David Kurten, an Assembly Member representing the Brexit Alliance group — formerly aligned to UKIP — in defence of the American leader.


“President Trump is one of the greatest presidents of the United States, in fact, on a par with President Reagan,” Kurten insisted, to jeers and heckling from Labour members, which required the intervention of the chairwoman before he could continue.


“It was absolutely right that the Queen and the Prime Minister invited President Trump as the President of the United States and one of the greatest presidents to come to this country,” he said.


“The only fly in the ointment in his wonderful visit was when you, Mr Mayor, decided, for no reason whatsoever, to put an article in the Observer the day before he came [which] was very, very rude… and it was wrong to do that,” Kurten accused.


The Brexiteer challenged Mayor Khan on his accusation that President Trump had interfered in British politics by endorsing Boris Johnson for Tory leader — which he pointed out was “not entirely accurate; [Trump] called Boris Johnson his friend; he called Nigel Farage his friend as well, another great man” — observing that Khan had himself interfered in U.S. elections.


“You yourself, Mr Mayor, in 2016 interfered in the American presidential election when you backed the loser, Hillary Clinton, brazenly and openly,” Kurten recalled.



Anonymous ID: e4cd2b June 20, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6799928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Summons Congressional Leaders to Situation Room After Iran Shoots Down US Drone


President Donald Trump spoke to reporters Thursday about a response to Iran shooting down a U.S. drone in international airspace Wednesday, saying, “You’ll find out soon.”


BREAKING: President Trump Summons Congressional Leaders to Situation Room After Iran Shoots Down US Drone

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft June 20, 2019 8 Comments


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President Donald Trump spoke to reporters Thursday about a response to Iran shooting down a U.S. drone in international airspace Wednesday, saying, “You’ll find out soon.”


Iran bragged after downing the US drone on Thursday. (Fars News)


President Trump later summoned congressional leaders to the Situation Room at the White House on Thursday afternoon.


The President called Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Intelligence Committee chairs and ranking members, Adam Schiff, Devin Nunes, Richard Burr, Mark Warner. Also invited were Armed Services Committee Chairmen and ranking members. (SmithWA, Thornberry, Inhofe, ReedRI)