Thank you unicorn guy for your selfless sacrifice at Mandalay Bay for trump Jews and so we could doxx ourselves with berliners at the free jelly Bar
We would be lost Faggots on our chan boards if it wasn't for the martyr of unicorn guy
Danielfaggot tasted your rainbow 🌈 so would not have to
Danielfaggot still loves your rainbow taste and now larps drumpfs
More proof that our martyr chan God unicorn guy was betrayed by trump Jew abra-ham Fag actors knew of the Berliner free jelly bar at Mandalay Bay
Unicorn guy is our chan god
Unicorn guy died for (you)
Unicorn guy was eaten by trump Jews
Free jelly at Mandalay Bay
>>>6798547 (You)
>Here is proof of our martyr chan God unicorn guy embracing infamy at Mandalay Bay free jelly bar
>>>6798527 (You)
>More proof that our martyr chan God unicorn guy was betrayed by trump Jew abra-ham Fag actors knew of the Berliner free jelly bar at Mandalay Bay
>Unicorn guy is our chan god
>Unicorn guy died for (you)
>Unicorn guy was eaten by trump Jews
>Free jelly at Mandalay Bay
Our space ham Jew actors talk like a Fag and Babel Jew nonsense
Maybe we can rue tomorrow instead
Maybe we can rue tomorrow instead
>Oh some moar