>Nobody who has consumed media over the threshold will believe you.
>Nobody who has been educated over the threshold will believe you.
>Nobody who has institutional faith over the threshold will believe you.
>Nobody with an ego to lose will believe you.
>Nobody believes me
>I tried to show my dad video evidence and he refused to watch it and said it was a conspiracy theory
>It was a abc new interview with bill gates
>All being awake gets you is a life of misery
>Most people mentally cant be awake
>Theyre cattle
>>>6801730 (You)
>As somebody once said, "Use logic."
>Also stop projecting.
The thing is an interview with Bill Gates does not prove the Q story. When you are allowed to take a phrase or a number or a word or name in one of these breadcrumbs use anything in the entire world to match it up with you will always find what you're looking for.
You are connecting dots that are not connected. REAL research would require you stay writhin certain parameters in order for it to be usable.
I could give you any random sequence and if I give you enough time and allow you to look for it any and everywhere you will eventually find that same sequence somewhere. But it will have exactly zero to do with my random sequence. It's all statistics and probability not research.