Anonymous ID: ca83cc June 20, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.6801711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There was a time when liberal leftist publications were against war, even though they were run by Jews. They basically had to be, because their own readers wouldn’t accept anything else. And it also didn’t matter, because the neocon right publications, also run by Jews, were all supporting the war and they would win the day.


Now, two things are different:


Leftists are no longer fundamentally opposed to war. They are concerned primarily about mass immigration, trannies and exterminating white men. Whether or not we should bomb some random country isn’t even within their scope of thought. So, if all the people they trust to promote the things they really care about – infinity niggers and trannies – tell them the war is good, they’ll take them at their word.


The neocon right is pretty much dead. It was always this weird boomer evangelical thing, where they had all these confused Christians gaslit into believing that if they killed a bunch of Moslems for Israel, Jesus would return and suck them up into Heaven. Younger right-wing people are not interested in this sort of gibberish, and are almost all ideologically anti-war, in the same way the right always was before the great neocon takeover.


So as the situation currently stands, there is a need for leftists to support Middle Eastern meddling, and there is also no real concrete resistance to it. Most of the old anti-war left is simply accused of being anti-Semitic, because they will inevitably point out the fact that Israel is directing all of this warmongering, and you’re no longer allowed to talk about Israel as you would any other country.

Anonymous ID: ca83cc June 20, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.6801728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913 >>1986

Suicide Rates Highest Since WWII – Perfect Time to Invade Iran, Cure AIDS and Go to Mars


While Donald Trump is promising to cure AIDS and send a man to Mars, people are killing themselves and dying of drug overdoses at a rate higher than any time in modern history.


Highest among whites. (By a lot)


Specifically, white men – women almost never kill themselves.


Because white people dying doesn’t fit into the narrative.


Why would people as privileged as whites want to end their own lives, what with all of their privilege?


The actual fact of reality is that white men in America are the most institutionally disenfranchised group in the entire developed world. And white people are the single group in all of human history who have been disenfranchised and oppressed in their own country – we are not terrorist Uighurs in China.


This is our country. Or it was.