Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6801761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768 >>1772 >>1827 >>1839 >>1852 >>1870 >>1889 >>1935 >>1974 >>2026 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300

Our Response to NBC News’ Inappropriate Questions

Stephen Gregory


June 20, 2019 Updated: June 20, 2019 Share


Dear Readers,


Last week, we were contacted by two NBC reporters who posed a series of highly inappropriate questions.


The NBC reporters questioned the religious beliefs of some of our staff members, sought to discredit their beliefs, attacked our journalism based on personal opinion rather than objective analysis, and even sought out information on the personal lives of our staff.


In responding to NBC with this open letter, we are not only defending The Epoch Times, but also journalism itself, freedom of the press, and freedom of belief.


As a fast-growing independent media, we proudly uphold the highest standards of journalism.


The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 with the goal of bringing truthful and uncensored news to people around the world. Our founders personally experienced the horrors of communism in China.


In our reporting, we have continually exposed the crimes of communism against humanity. For doing this, we have sustained ongoing attacks. Ten of our staff members were arrested in China and given prison terms ranging from three to 10 years.


Unfortunately, the bane of journalism today is the all-too-common practice of writing news to conform to a pre-existing narrative or agenda. This is what The Epoch Times has sought to avoid in all that we do. The best journalism of the past had the truth as its standard, not political advantage.


NBC’s questions seek to dig out what they assume is our agenda by asking about our coverage of President Donald Trump and our relationship with the spiritual practice of Falun Gong.


It certainly does appear that NBC has an agenda with respect to covering the Trump presidency. A study by Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy found that NBC’s coverage of Trump’s first 100 days in office was 93 percent negative.


The plain truth is that because The Epoch Times’ coverage of Trump differs from that of NBC, two reporters have sought to hunt for an agenda that would discredit us.


And the story they have in mind is no small undertaking. For weeks, ex-staff members have been contacting us to let us know that NBC had been asking about their work at The Epoch Times. What a great deal of effort has been put into this story.


NBC asked directly about our having an agenda with this question: Much of the Epoch Times’ recent coverage has focused on the promotion of President Trump’s policies, interviews with surrogates, and a “deep state” conspiracy to “spy” on his campaign during the 2016 election. Do you feel like this is a fair characterization and do you consider the Epoch Times to be pro-Trump?


The question substitutes supposition for evidence. The failure to take a factual approach leaves up in the air the characterization of our journalism, and NBC is free to assert their opinions about what we do.


Other questions want to draw conclusions from the private lives of our staff, as in this offering: Is the Epoch Times predominantly staffed by volunteers? Do some Epoch Times interns, volunteers, or employees live in a shared home?

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 3:38 p.m. No.6801768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1772 >>1935 >>2026 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300



This is simply inappropriate. What bearing do individuals’ living arrangements have on the journalism of The Epoch Times? Would NBC ask New York Times journalists if they share an apartment? This digging into private lives can have only one motivation: to find something that can be used to discredit The Epoch Times.


And then there are questions about the spiritual practice Falun Gong.


It seems that all or most of the Epoch Times reporters and editors and executives are also Falun Gong practitioners. How does the practice of Falun Gong inform or influence the Epoch Times’ coverage?


The question assumes that individuals’ personal beliefs are a fit subject of inquiry. Would NBC ask about the role of the faith in the work of a New York Times reporter who happened to be Jewish?


The question is meant to root out the agenda NBC is looking for. In doing so, it tramples on our society’s long-held conviction that matters of conscience are rightly private. But much of today’s journalism has no problem with stripping away the customary attitudes that protected freedom of belief.


Another question asks directly about the spiritual beliefs of Falun Gong practitioners:


One former Epoch Times executive and practitioner claims that Falun Gong practitioners believe that the world will soon see a “weeding out process” that will pit those who are sympathetic to Falun Dafa against those who are sympathetic to the Chinese government. Is this a fair characterization? And does the Epoch Times editorial staff believe this?


NBC’s characterization of Falun Gong puts its beliefs in a false light, is similar to the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda attacking Falun Gong, and has the surely unintended effect of helping the CCP justify its 20-year-long persecution of Falun Gong.


At the same time, this straw man that NBC puts forward and links to The Epoch Times has one purpose: discrediting our journalism.


In response to NBC’s questions, we issue the following official statement:


We are committed to reporting the facts on the Trump administration, even as many other media have resorted to selective reporting and, in some cases, spread inaccurate information. The Epoch Times’ position on and approach to reporting on the Trump administration is described in this October 2018 letter to our readers.

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 3:38 p.m. No.6801772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935 >>2026 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300




The Epoch Times is not funded by Falun Gong practitioners, nor does it speak for Falun Gong practitioners. That said, The Epoch Times sees the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and the remarkable and heroic ways in which practitioners have responded to that persecution, as one of the most underreported stories of the last 20 years. Our founders included Falun Gong practitioners, and our values of “Truth and Tradition” reflect their moral principles.


Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, only addresses spiritual issues with his disciples. He has no role in The Epoch Times.


The Epoch Times, which was incorporated by John Tang, is primarily funded through advertising and subscriptions.


We take advantage of different marketing platforms to grow our subscriber base, including Facebook. On Facebook, we use video ads to drive subscriptions. The Epoch Times’ subscription advertisements have no political agenda. The only reason some of them are run as “political advertising” is that online platforms require them to be categorized as such.


The Epoch Times is staffed by full-time and part-time paid employees as well as contractors and freelance contributors, and we believe that a person’s belief system is their own business.


The Epoch Times and NTD Television, while they are sister media, are entirely separate entities. While we are aware of the entertainment show “Edge of Wonder,” which was founded by former Epoch Times staff, The Epoch Times is in no way connected with it, as the show’s website makes clear.


Our free press has special privileges in our society, as suggested by the term “The Fourth Estate.” In order to defend those privileges, the press must show it is acting in a responsible manner. In responding to NBC, The Epoch Times seeks to vindicate our media and, in doing so, the role the press should play in our society.




Stephen Gregory

Publisher, U.S. editions


This open letter was updated on June 20, 2019, to include the background story of The Epoch Times.


Follow Stephen on Twitter: @StephenEpoch

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6801852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1870


Mike Cernovich

Verified account




Is there any good reason for NBC to be asking about a person’s religious beliefs?



Art McDonald



1m1 minute ago


Replying to @Cernovich


NBC uses the Pelosi Smear


Mr Moore



22m22 minutes ago


Replying to @Cernovich


WOW, the same thing that Hitler and the Nazis did….

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.6801899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919 >>1935 >>1958 >>1997 >>2025 >>2026 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300


ANON WHO KNOWS how please embed this ausio from soundcloud:


Keith Raniere told top NXIVM disciples that some


small children are "perfectly happy" having sexual experiences with adults and that it is "society" that considers it abuse,


according to a video shown Friday at his trial.


Raniere, 58, also dictated curriculum in NXIVM teachings that asserted women have reported an "unexpected experience of freedom which occurs during rape."


The man known as "Vanguard" confidently asserted that standards that define abuse — and sexual abuse of children — vary greatly depending on where and when one lived. He noted various ages of consent to sex, which in New York is 17.


"In some states, it's 17, in other parts of the world it's 12," an unshaven Raniere, clad in a black jacket, told a group of acolytes including actress Allison Mack, a top member of his secret "master/slave" club within NXIVM.


"What's abuse in one area is not abuse in another. And what is it really?" Raniere asked. "Is the person a child or is the person adult-like? Does the person have a certain type of cognition, morality to make such a choice?"


Raniere's remarks on video, played during the testimony of FBI agent Michael Weginer, represent the final piece of evidence that prosecutors presented at the NXIVM's co-founder's trial in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn.

Raniere pontificated in the video-chat exchange that many people who "scream abuse" do not understand what they're talking about. He suggested that just because standards classify something as abuse does not mean it is is abuse.


"So they abuse abuse," he said.


<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:01 p.m. No.6801919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300



Will Raniere STILL be saying this in his prision cell to his roomie?:


people who "scream abuse" do not understand what they're talking about. He suggested that just because standards classify something as abuse does not mean it is is abuse.


"So they abuse abuse," he said.



Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6801958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2097



this audio/video was played to the jurors:


In a video chat, NXIVM co-founder Keith Raniere lays out his theory that some children who are the subject of sexual abuse by adults aren't really victims.


Robert Gavin



Follow Follow @RobertGavinTU


"Often when you counsel people who were, say, children of what you call abuse … some little children are perfectly happy with it until they find out what happened later in life and then it's more society that abuses them…."



Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6802078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2082 >>2090 >>2142 >>2144 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300


there will be no war with Iran.



POTUS Took Control of Iran Today



8 May 2018 - 4:44:19 PM

Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.

Today, POTUS took control of Iran.

Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.

Suicide watch.

The deal kept Iran quiet.

The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.

Bigger than people can imagine.

Treason is 1/10th.

Ask yourself, why are they panicking?

Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?

Trips to the WH?

What are they hiding?

Why is HRC in NZ?

Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?

Why is that relevant?

Suicide watch.



Iran has Been Defused (Like NK)



24 Apr 2018 - 8:42:14 AM

$500 Billion at Risk if Iran Deal Fails




24 Apr 2018 - 8:37:59 AM


What’s at risk?

$250B x 2 / year.

What the taxpayers don’t know.

Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise?

We endure.



Hostage no more.




We Knew this Day Would Come



25 Apr 2018 - 9:08:22 AM


We knew this day would come.

We knew people would need a guide.

We all have a part to play.

We knew FLYNN would be challenged.

Part of the plan?

Flynn JR recent “did not lie to VP.”



SIG sent [WH position]?

Moves & countermoves.

Role outside of WH?

“Lost house.”

“Funds for legal.”

“Beat up.”

You are watching a …..

What is right?

What is wrong?

Up is down.

Left is right.

Left is LEFT.

WH position [rapid] changes.



Visibility in one helps another?



Why is this relevant?

Think pushback.

Open source.


They are watching.

Proofs provided to retain.

Future proves past.

History books.




Reread Iran is Next (Marker)



24 Apr 2018 - 8:27:03 AM

Iran is next.



POTUS today.

“Mark it down.”

“Bigger problems than ever before.”

SIG to Iran?

CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]

Refers to more than continued payments of $250B.


Sweet Dreams.




Reminder Iran is Next Marker



23 Apr 2018 - 10:56:57 AM


Iran is next.


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.



Jan 1.

Jun 1.

No inspection @ GZ NR sites.

No missile tech prevention.

Load carrying.


Think NK.

Who controls the $?

Who really controls the $?

Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?

Who receives the money?

When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?


How does GS fund WW counter-events?

Who funds WW leftist events?

American taxpayer (subsidize).

Define nuclear stand-off.

Who benefits?

How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?

Threat to humanity?

Environment push?

Think Paris accord.

Who audits / tracks the funneled money?

Define kickback.

Define slush fund.


No oversight re: Hussein.


How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

Off the books?

Re_ read past drops.

Will become relevant.

Welcome Mr. President.

The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.




North Korea and Iran Provide Protection for Cabal/Elites/NWO



12 Feb 2018 - 11:56:23 PM

Operation Merlin (tech).



Iran Deal (funding).



>T cells


NK Nuclear (mini suc)(icbm suc)

>War engine



Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6802082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2090 >>2146 >>2230 >>2274 >>2300



The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America



21 Jan 2018 - 12:06:20 PM

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

#Memo shifts narrative.

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).


[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Install rogue_ops

Leak C-intel/Mil assets

Cut funding to Mil

Command away from generals

Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)

SAP sell-off

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)

Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)

Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)

Blind-eye NK [nuke build]

[Clas-1, 2, 3]

Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]

Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

Stage SC [AS [187]]

U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]

KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)

[CLAS 1-99]

HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]

Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)

Install 'on team' SC justiceslegal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)

Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]

Limit/remove funding of MIL

Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]

Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59


Pure EVIL.

Narrative intercept [4am].

Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.

Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].

Shutdown Primary Reasons.


Weaken military assets.

Inc illegal votes.

Black voters abandoning.

"Keep them starved"

"Keep them blind"

"Keep them stupid"

HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

The Great Awakening.

Fight, Fight, Fight.



search term IRAN:

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:32 p.m. No.6802134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


free spech board you find youself on….YOU miss the importance of no censorship……you let them take words from your mouth…….WHY……does not matter which word…..any word taken and you allow YOU LOSE……sheepfag


For those new to 8chan (Newfags)


We are happy you joined us. However, you need to be aware you are entering a Free Speech board. 99.95% of the internet is tailored to high-civility and/or mainstream speak. The chans are the ONE public forum where uncensored participation is allowed with no barriers to entry. You must understand how precious that is. If you don't, please reflect that Q most certainly does, and that WE made this board what it is. This can make you feel disoriented, because you are probably coming off internet areas where censorship is the jackboot rule of the day, but the reverse is true here. Illegal content and spam is the only exception, and will be removed by a Board Moderator or Global Moderator.


We know it can be tough. There is no one lurking behind the scenes to decide for you what you should see and shouldn't see. It is up to YOU to decide for yourself and look or not look. You will be expected to use your own brain and filter those things you don't wish to see, by not looking at them. Its a very adult concept, but no one is here to make you happy. You do not have a right not to be offended. You do not have a right to be 'comfortable'. Everyone has a guaranteed right to Freedom of Speech. 'Inappropriate', 'offensive,' and 'problematic' are words that do not exist here. YOU are responsible for what YOU look at and how YOU feel about it; NO ONE ELSE IS. You can choose to look or not look, read or not read. If you do read something you don't like, then remove it from behind your eyeballs yourself and move on. It is your fault if you allow a thing you don't like to sit in your head and take root and make you feel offended. We do not care if you are offended. We don't want to hear about it. Do not tell us if you are offended.


Everyone here is anonymous. We care about your ideas and your words and the value of what you say. We value your contributions. We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know. The game of identity politics is not played here. Here, we really are equal, and equally anonymous. 8chan is different than the rest of the internet. You will probably feel shell-shocked. We know, that's why we're giving you advice. Steady yourself and hang on to something! And get ready to remember how amazing it is to be master of your own experience.


"We came here for a reason" -Q

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6802169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2181 >>2184 >>2188 >>2203





YOU don't belong in the barracks, go back to your pen, YOU are a sheep/cattle:


Welcome to the Global War


You are now entering the mind of Patriots worldwide, and to our fight we welcome you. Since late 2017, Q Clearance Patriot, more commonly known as Q, has tasked us with compiling events and evidence of the world-changing circumstances that have, and have yet to transpire.


We are anonymous; We are your friends, your family, your co-workers, and strangers alike. Just like you, we knew there was something wrong with the world around us. Like you, we had a desire for our world to achieve peace. And like you, we found ourselves here in the forefront of information warfare. We stand for truth. Will you join the fight? Will you brave the depths of the unknown with bravery and courage?


Know that the corruption that you are about to unravel is not the fault of any one person. The pervasive systems of evil being unveiled and dismantled here have pitted us against one another since before your birth. Be strong, stand together, and stay united. We are with you. Together we are unstoppable! United we are invincible!


Show no fear, as now is the time for We The People to make our final stand in this battle between good and evil! Love shall prevail!


May your thoughts be clear, your wits be sharp, and your heart be strong. For in this digital age, the mind is the battlefield, and it can be your strongest ally or the greatest enemy.

For those new to 8chan (Newfags)


We are happy you joined us. However, you need to be aware you are entering a Free Speech board. 99.95% of the internet is tailored to high-civility and/or mainstream speak. The chans are the ONE public forum where uncensored participation is allowed with no barriers to entry. You must understand how precious that is. If you don't, please reflect that Q most certainly does, and that WE made this board what it is. This can make you feel disoriented, because you are probably coming off internet areas where censorship is the jackboot rule of the day, but the reverse is true here. Illegal content and spam is the only exception, and will be removed by a Board Moderator or Global Moderator.


We know it can be tough. There is no one lurking behind the scenes to decide for you what you should see and shouldn't see. It is up to YOU to decide for yourself and look or not look. You will be expected to use your own brain and filter those things you don't wish to see, by not looking at them. Its a very adult concept, but no one is here to make you happy. You do not have a right not to be offended. You do not have a right to be 'comfortable'. Everyone has a guaranteed right to Freedom of Speech. 'Inappropriate', 'offensive,' and 'problematic' are words that do not exist here. YOU are responsible for what YOU look at and how YOU feel about it; NO ONE ELSE IS. You can choose to look or not look, read or not read. If you do read something you don't like, then remove it from behind your eyeballs yourself and move on. It is your fault if you allow a thing you don't like to sit in your head and take root and make you feel offended. We do not care if you are offended. We don't want to hear about it. Do not tell us if you are offended.


Everyone here is anonymous. We care about your ideas and your words and the value of what you say. We value your contributions. We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know. The game of identity politics is not played here. Here, we really are equal, and equally anonymous. 8chan is different than the rest of the internet. You will probably feel shell-shocked. We know, that's why we're giving you advice. Steady yourself and hang on to something! And get ready to remember how amazing it is to be master of your own experience.


"We came here for a reason" -Q

Only marxist nonsense has convinced you that it's okay to enter someone else's space and immediately start demanding they rearrange the furniture to suit you. Be gracious, and recognize you have a lot to learn. LURK! That means read, and read, and read, and don't post until you have good reason to think some people on here might actually wish to read your hot take or lulzy meme. If you aren't contributing in a meaningful way, reconsider your post. If your early attempts don’t get recognition, or get newfag/shill smack-downs, take the note and go back to lurking. Most important, keep up on the notables, read all old crumbs, and post diggs of new research not already discussed on the boards. TThe chit-chat is for anons that have already earned that status via diggs. If that sounds like a lot of work before you get any feels of recognition, welcome to the world where not everyone gets a fucking participation trophy. You'll be glad you joined up though, because when you finally do have something to add, everyone here knows: earned comfy is best comfy.

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6802181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2188 >>2203





Be humble. Be patient. That is the foundation of being an effective patriot. Do you imagine Q started out by skipping those steps? Along the way, lurk with agency, study the boards, the bantz, the culture. Track ID's when you're confused who's just a grumpy anon (we're salty autists generally short of patience for shallow stupidity) and who's a shill. If you're confused what the hell everyone's talking about, then Google shit before making an ass of yourself asking the people here. Would you walk into a NASA meeting and ask help with your algebra homework? As for the JQ, if you think we're all anti-semites, research our claims of jewish supremacy in media/gov./finance/entertainment before weighing in. How else do you think we came to our ideas? Do you think Q would choose a collection of idiots who have an ideology of hating people for no reason? If you do, what the hell are you doing here? Remember that /pol/ was here before any of you, and Q came to /pol/, not the other way around.


This is a political research board, a war room, whose occupants likely have a higher-than-average level of intelligence. You have little to teach the anons who work here, but they have much to teach you, if you just LISTEN. You'll hear straight talk and heavy locker room bantz, because high competition spurs excellence. If that's too hard-core for you, take it to Reddit. Don't presume to dull the edge of these warriors; they'll skewer you before they let you interfere with the fighting force they've created. The chans are a boot camp for the mind. Being called faggot is a mark of having submitted to the training. Do you see why Military Q would relate?

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6802188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203






There are lots of us here that also care about bringing the general public up to speed, and will step in to help you if you approach things the right way, to save the heavy diggers the hassle, but you have to come in with the right attitude. If you start bossing people around about racism or not having enough love in their hearts, We will all join them in busting your balls. We do it for two reasons: 1) make better anons. 2) get your whiny ass out of the way, because women and children don't belong in a war zone. If you ARE gender-female, then shut the fuck up about it and be an anon. Recognize that the culture of the boards, and of warriors, is metaphysically male. Be glad you can swim anonymously with them if you choose to, but if you want to preach "let's all be gentle day-care workers as is the way of women", then go where the women and children are, and go with our blessing, but understand this is a men's club because that's who founded it. Women and SJW's have claimed every damn corner of the world, but this one is OURS.




"Who is Q?"


"Q Clearance Patriot", or "Q" has been given the task of bringing everyone up to speed about the wrongdoings and evil that almost took over our world.

They have held the evidence to bring down a world wide ring of blackmail, and Admiral Rogers gave Trump the key.

Combined with Military and Navy Intelligence, Trump has gone full Andrew Jackson and America has been in a state of National Emergency since December 21, 2017 when the "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" was signed.

Trump, Q, Sessions, and all the other named and unnamed patriots in the intelligence communities and the boots on the ground have put their lives on the line to restore America to her rightful beauty in the world.

These patriots have watched as the world burned around them waiting for the day their plan will come to be. To set things right.


Welcome to /qresearch/

You're in for a helluva year, so get comfy~

Because if you shine the light on the truth, the rest will set us free.



The success of this entire operation rests on our backs to take the information that has been gained by the Q posts and the anons that have come up with the undeniable proof (the keystone) and share that with the general population… intel already has all the facts.

Our job in its beautiful simplicity is to communicate it to our friends and families. Q has made this crystal clear.

The code is not complicated, because the target audience is YOU the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are.

Your Great Awakening is our Great Awakening. We're in this together and there's no stopping our tidal wave of Truth. We're not doing this to start something, we're here to ease the chaos that's about to erupt.


There are over 60,000 federal level sealed indictments on standby.

There have been over 5,000 CEO/President, or otherwise notable resignations that are reshaping the corporate landscape.

More than twice the amount of representatives than Watergate - 53 so far - will not seek re-election this year.


This is what a swamp draining looks like.


Without violating the very laws that are being brought back into full power today, Q drops clues about whats going on in the silent war against the seemingly entrenched evil few who strangled our world through unimaginable means. The FBI has been gutted, the CIA has been shattered, and the DOJ cleansed of those who stood in the way of our Freedom. Who's next? Lets find out.





All content written above was contributed by (You), the autists of /QResearch/.

Anonymous ID: e460ef June 20, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6802352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Artist Martin Roth has died, aged 41

The artist's last solo exhibition centred on gun violence


Roth’s last solo exhibition was held in New York’s since-closed gallery Yours, Mine and Ours in 2018 and was centred on a desert plant stolen from the garden of


Stephen Paddock,


the man behind the mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. Roth hoped the poignant installation would “act as a symbol of hope or healing


Martin Roth: I collected a plant from the garden of a mass shooter at Yours Mine and Ours Gallery


artist’s bizarre commemorative of the worst mass shooting ever to have taken place in American history. The colorful carpet, a mixture of irregular patterns against a red background, is a reproduction of the hallway carpet that led to Paddock’s room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Roth incorporated drawings of the desert holly into the duplicated carpet. In the middle of the room is a large vitrine, in which gravel local to Paddock’s environs covered the floor, with the desert holly plant occupying the center.