Anonymous ID: f17de2 June 20, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.6801783   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Tens of millions of hard-working Americans have retirement funds that invest heavily in Fortune 500 companies.


Millions more have bought stock as a personal investment.


Yes, the rich are doing very well.


Here's a secret about "the rich", meaning everyone below the rank of billionaire. Despite having high incomes, they don't have financial security.


As income increases, expenditures increase. You buy a bigger house in a nicer neighborhood. Then you meet your new neighbors and attend their parties and spend money as fast as they do. Your teenage son needs a BMW, and so on.


So you save almost nothing and you still worry about losing your job.


How much would you need to have saved before you became confident that you could live on savings for the rest of your life?


About 5 million, or thereabouts.


What's a high income? $200,000?


Suppose you earn that much. Half of that will be taken in taxes. If you're extremely disciplined (which you won't be - nobody is) then maybe you can save half of the remaining $100,000 and spend the other half.


So you save $50,000 a year. It will take you 100 years to save 5 million.


So you're screwed, even if you're a high earner.

Anonymous ID: f17de2 June 20, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6801986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2022



Invading Iran won't happen. The name of the game is brinksmanship. Trump needs to raise the tension until everybody is hysterical, and then he can announce a deal.


AIDS has already been cured, or at least can be permanently suppressed. The name of the game here is make the drugs dirt cheap.


Go to Mars - yes!


White men need self respect, something to live for, something worth doing.


Maybe we're alone in the universe. Then we must populate it. Maybe we're not. Then we'll take our place among the spacefaring civilizations.


That's a worthy task that will create millions of jobs.


Here's the reason for going to outer space: The goal is world peace, but the military forces of the world can't just be made to disappear and their continued existence makes wars more probable.


But enemy forces such as the Soviets and the Americans can work exceptionally well together and develop respect for one another in space.


That's what the military will be for once war is ended.


Suicide - yes.


The you-know-whos need to exterminate the white men before they find out about 9/11 and the holocaust and the rest of history.


The internet is making the spread of information unstoppable, and what goes on in the yiddish mind is: "What would I do if somebody did to me what we Jews do to the goyim?"


And from there, they reason that they need to exterminate the white men before they learn what has happened in history.


They would love it if more white men killed themselves. They laugh about it.


They've made western women hate western men and men can't even have male friends without being accused of being gay (a bromance).


The intention is to crush their spirits with despair and loneliness and lack of love.


The solution: Get a dog.


Dogs love you unconditionally. If you're thinking about suicide, you need love. A dog will make you grateful to be alive and able to experience unconditional love.

Anonymous ID: f17de2 June 20, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.6802052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2094



Yeah, but white men are the only ones being driven to suicide right now.


The Jews think that white men are a threat to them, and everybody else is too stupid to understand their shenanigans.


I think they're wrong on both counts, but they won't listen to me.