Anonymous ID: f23736 June 20, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.6801937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1972

Asian supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

Jewish supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

White supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

Islamic supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

Black supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

Christian supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.

Atheist supremacism is abhorrent and a blight on decent people everywhere.


Respect all life. You are here by God's Grace, or by the Universe's Benevolence However you happen to frame your experience of existence, there is ONE truth, and YOU don't know it. Have humility, and move through this world with grace and compassion.




Anonymous ID: f23736 June 20, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6802224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2276


> there is ONE truth, and YOU don't know it.


It's a message of compassion, everyone's on a different stage of their path. I used to be a staunch atheist, but by God's grace I've seen my hubris and changed my priorities. I now know enough to know I know nothing.


Individual Consciousness (Souls) may re-incarnate cyclically; accurate Near Death Experiences and Past Life memories have been recorded world-wide.

Consciousness may be like a radio signal, interpreted by the brain, rather than originating in material chemical interactions.

We may all be aspects of God, experiencing existence through limited cognition; the Universe observing itself through infinite time and multi-dimensional realities.

Plants may be conscious on an entirely different timescale from us, like the Bristlecone pine tree in CA that is 4,850 years old.

Yes, Evil exists and those guilty of atrocities Must be held accountable.


Truth & Justice

that's what it's all about, o7