Anonymous ID: fc31bc June 20, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.6801705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1719 >>1776 >>1783

I don't know guys… I am getting scared Q and Potus is not real.


No one is happy about the stock market and the rich getting richer..


The Fed's Casino Is Giving Away Free Gambling Chips (But Only To The Super-Rich)


At one of the rallies last year Trump said something like they dont want me to talk about the market but its great it is making nee highs so i am not going to listen.


Trump said he never lies so what is going on?

Anonymous ID: fc31bc June 20, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6802119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2154 >>2254

Feb 27, 2018 from the St. Louis Fed


When the Stock Market Rises, Who Benefits?

Surprisingly, though, only around 50 percent of American families have any exposure (direct or indirect) to the stock market. In fact, stock market wealth is heavily concentrated, with the wealthiest 10 percent of households owning around 83 percent in 2016.1 Consequently, the risk—and rewards—associated with the stock market don’t accrue to many Americans.


May 24, 2019

As rich get richer, poor stay poor, the middle class leaves


May 31, 2019

The richest 10% of households now represent 70% of all U.S. wealth


May 24, 2019

The richest 10% own 70% of the country’s wealth


May 29, 2019

America's Humongous Wealth Gap Is Widening Further


June 14, 2019

Top 1% Up $21 Trillion. Bottom 50% Down $900 Billion.


June 17, 2019

Economic Inequality Is a Red Herring


(going on 3 years of Trump and not a dent in the inequality issue)

June 16, 2019

Classism and elitism are alive and well in Corporate America


June 19, 2019

Richest Israelis Are Getting Richer, and Other Takeaways From Haaretz's 2019 Rich List


Feb 26, 2019

'''The Rich Are Still Getting Richer

Inequality is the economic great wall between those with power and those without it.'''


Trump Video in 2016 – skip to 50 seconds in the video


Unemployment Rates and ….


June 9, 2019

Why labor force participation is more important than job growth

Anonymous ID: fc31bc June 20, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6802183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2223


When? How? Does this include Blackstone's Schwarzman.. You know… The hedge fund that was basically given America's residential housing stock for pennies from Obama in 2009? Only to raise rents beyond any sensibility?

Anonymous ID: fc31bc June 20, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.6802269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2271



>Nothing at All!

>Tax Reform!

>Prison Reform!

>Lowest Unemployment for Men Women

>Black, Hispanic, & Asian populace in History!

>NK = U.S.

>China = U.S.

>KAS = U.S.

>India = U.S.

>Russia = U.S.

>Border Wall being Built!

>Twats to Mexico into taking action on Their Southern Border!

>U.S. Embassy Now in Jerusalem

>Golan Heights Renamed "Trump Heights"!

>Gained 14 Trillion in Wealth due to Tariffs & Sanctions!

>Right to Try!

>Western & Eastern Europe Rallying around Trump Policies!

>Stock Market on Fire Due to Trump Economic


>Q making (((you))) Panic!


>Nothing at All!

>Severe Lack of SLACK!

>The SubGenius!



‘’’Here is the problem with all of the above, it is simply disingenuous and the more Trump and Don Jr. go on about the false promises kept the more they are going to lose followers. For example:’’’


Labor Force Participation stats are a better indicator of employment rate. Look at the chart



Right to Try.. did very little to assist and we who have dug into it find the FDA expanded access still preferable, faster and with less regulations.



Who cares about the stock market…….The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks



Genie Oil and Gas .. The company with the rights to drill in Golan Heights. Take a look Gennie Oil and Gas Board of Directors. I have to ask… Who benefits from Golan Heights recognition? Common people or Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney, Lawrence Summers, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Steinhardt, James Woolsey, etc.



The problem with the OP list is they are all simply not true or if true very little difference has contributed to the common people.


‘’’Feb 27, 2018 from the St. Louis Fed ‘’’

When the Stock Market Rises, Who Benefits?

Surprisingly, though, only around 50 percent of American families have any exposure (direct or indirect) to the stock market. In fact, stock market wealth is heavily concentrated, with the wealthiest 10 percent of households owning around 83 percent in 2016.1 Consequently, the risk—and rewards—associated with the stock market don’t accrue to many Americans.