Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6802519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548

they will do anything to eliminate and annihilate citizens who stand for the constitution, don’t ever forget that Anons. You know how POtUS said they play dirty, it’s worse than that


New Lawsuit Details Alleged Conspiracy to Defraud Former Tea Party Congressman, Rob Him of Military Benefits


Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI) is fighting back in court to save his good name and revive his political career


Former U.S. Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), dubbed the accidental Congressman due to the peculiar circumstances of how he obtained public office, only lasted as a Congressman for one term after his surprise election in 2012.


While outsiders have attributed his short career to political inexperience, a series of affidavits show the lengths to which he was sabotaged by the political establishment that was desperate to oust the tea party favorite from office.


Bentivolio came into office unexpectedly after the Republican incumbent in Michigan’s 11th Congressional district, Thaddeus McCotter, was forced to resign from Congress in disgrace after failing to turn in the 1,000 valid signatures needed to get on the primary ballot that year.


The fiasco made Bentivolio the only man on the ballot, and an establishment write-in effort against him failed. Bentivolio defeated his Democratic challenger in November by a comfortable margin, and he was headed to Congress.


But the miracle run for Bentivolio was not to last for long, as saboteurs – including those from within his own inner circle – plotted to upend the constitutional legislator before he could make waves against big government in Washington D.C.


Robert Dindoffer, who served as Bentivolio’s campaign attorney and campaign manager before being terminated from those positions, allegedly colluded with his client’s opponents, committed electoral fraud, sexually harassed staffers, and used unethical lawfare to garnish Bentivolio’s meager military benefits.


According to an affidavit written by attorney Kent Clarke Jr, Dindoffer sexually harassed at least two women who were working or volunteering for the Bentivolio campaign. The affidavit states the women both attested to Clarke Jr. that Dindoffer dropped his pants and forced himself on them shortly after entering their respective domiciles.


The affidavit also claims that Dindoffer unlawfully garnished Bentivolio’s Veteran Disability benefits after the former Congressman was forced into bankruptcy despite the fact that Dindoffer had accepted Bentivolio’s offer releasing him from liability for past debts.

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.6802533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OMG no one is going to believe in racism after leftists get finished, and that will be bad that have experienced real racism

VIOLENT LEFTLatinos For Trump Lost Its Event Venue After Antifa Called Them Racist

Latinos for Trump is the latest organization to be targeted by Antifa.

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.6802582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2683 >>2844 >>2994 >>3054

WTF is going on, this is getting exposed at a massive scale, and it makes wonder “how stupid have we been and for how long? It seems like a very, very long time.


NEWSScientology, Accused of Human Trafficking, Lobbied Hillary’s State Department and Obama’s White House


Scientology is in big trouble.


The Tampa Bay Times reports:


A team of eight victims’ rights attorneys on Tuesday filed the first of what they promise will be a series of lawsuits against the Church of Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige, on behalf of defectors who say they suffered a range of exploitation from child abuse, human trafficking and forced labor to revenge tactics related to the church’s Fair Game policy.


The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on behalf of an unnamed Jane Doe born in 1979, outlines her lifetime of alleged suffering in Scientology where she was subjected as a child at the Clearwater headquarters to abuse inherent to auditing, Scientology’s spiritual counseling that can more resemble interrogation.


Tampa Bay Times passage ends


I reported:


The Church of Scientology started a big-money lobbying relationship with the U.S. State Department during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

What do you think?

Greg Mitchell, proprietor of The Mitchell Firm, is Scientology’s official Washington lobbyist. A church member, Mitchell works to help the church gain mainstream credibility and to lobby on behalf of issues the church cares about, like criminal justice reform and religious freedom in foreign countries.


Mitchell features a photograph on his firm’s website that shows him posing with Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Church of Scientology International spent $80,000 over three quarters to have Mitchell lobby the State Department in 2011, during Clinton’s tenure as the head of the agency. The church had never lobbied the State Department before the second quarter of that year.


The church’s lobbying continued in 2012, as it spent a total of $80,000 ($20,000 per quarter) to lobby Clinton’s State Department.


Scientology lobbied for religious freedom issues, opposing efforts by foreign governments to stifle minority religions like Scientology.


Mitchell fought against a new religion law in Hungary that legally de-registers minority religions in the country, and “urged the Secretary to raise this issue with the Hungarian Prime Minister and with leaders of the Hungarian Parliament,” according to lobbying disclosure forms.


Mitchell also circulated a letter to the secretary of state and others “to express our deep concern about rising government restrictions on religion in France” and to fight a religious extremism law in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, among other similar issues…..

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.6802636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2662 >>2787

Does anyone ask parents what they want for their child anymore? And why is media promoting perversion of the innocence of childhood? We all know why, this is so sick to the point, there shouldn’t be freedom of the press for those that seek to destroy culture, all cultures even innocent childhood. I miss my innocent childhood and I fear for future generations


FAKE NEWS MEDIAHuffPost: ‘Children Can Handle the Kink’ at Pride Parades

The media’s effort to sexualize children continues


HuffPost went to great lengths to continue the political left’s push to sexualize children, publishing a June 13 piece advocating that kids be taken to gay pride parades to participate in the festivities.


“Anyone who has been to a parade has likely seen the procession of leather animal costumes, kinky costumes in every hue, and more skin than is normally exposed in public,” the piece admitted.


But according to a couple of “experts” – one a professor, the other an unspecified educator – the “children can handle the kink,” as the story’s headline said.


“Pride has always had a kind of outrageous edge to it. And should we alter that? It is not the Santa Claus parade, and it never was. It shouldn’t be. It can’t be,” retired University of Toronto professor David Rayside reportedly said.


I’ve seen thousands of kids at Pride, and I’ve never seen anyone fuss about what they see there,” he continued.


There’s nothing like a good bit of anecdotal evidence from a supposed scholar to prove that kids definitely belong at pride parades.


“There is absolutely no reason not to take our kids to Pride — it’s a fun day, there are a lot of bubbles, rainbow streamers and enjoyable performances,” educator S. Bear Bergman reportedly said.


He also described attending pride festivities as a “right” for children.


It’s their right as queer spawn,” he said. “And as a parent, I might want to take my kids to Pride, because they might be lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer or two-spirit.”


Leftist media rags like HuffPost have faced recent scrutiny over their fetish of sexualizing children. Teen Vogue was on the hot seat over the weekend for such behavior.

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:43 p.m. No.6802678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2795

FUCK—NXIVM Cult’s Daycare Centers: Human Experiments Left Children Damaged For Life


The NXIVM sex cult’s operation of various “Rainbow Cultural Garden” daycare centers is now coming under intense scrutiny following cult leader Keith Raniere’s conviction Wednesday for sex trafficking. The cult was found to have imported child sex slaves from Mexico, even providing them with fake identification to disguise the slaves’ illegal immigrant status. (READ — ‘CRIME BOSS’ — Satanism, Mexico Child Trafficking, Hillary, Schumer, and Gillibrand Ties).


The Rainbow Cultural Garden’s human experiments on children in Albany came to light courtesy of NXIVM whistleblower Frank Parlato, and the state of Florida recently stepped in to shut down the Rainbow Cultural Garden in Miami. The Cultural Garden is overseen by Hillary Clinton donor and illegal bundler Clare Bronfman, who might face more charges including visa fraud in connection to the NXIVM case.


“They do the human fright experiments where they subject women to surprise graphic viewings” similar to A Clockwork Orange, Parlato told Big League Politics. The Albany-based Garden hosted Dr. Brandon Porter’s sick experiments.


“The most diabolical experiments that he conducts are experiments where babies are subjected to a constant succession of strangers who take care of them instead of their parents, and the strangers teach them foreign languages,” Parlato said.


The cult members’ children, they are pressured to give up their children to Raniere. They pay $10,000 to Raniere for the privilege of having Raniere teach them how to speak.”


Seven different nannies would spend time with the children each day and speak seven different languages, rendering the children illiterate, confused, and permanently intellectually damaged.


“Adults are shellshocked now having been through this,” Parlato said.


“The children are housed with their parents and then the children either go to a school, Rainbow School, or the nannies who were sex slaves come to the house,” Parlato said. “The courses run for 6 months to 7 years or so, at which point Raniere alleges the young child’s brain is most susceptible to these different languages and cultures. They get them right at 6 months and the program has only been around for (a few years) so there’s only a limited number of parents….

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.6802720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PEW is not as accurate as Q or Anons but pretty close in some ways


Here are the States with the Largest Illegal Alien Populations in America


According to figures from the Pew Research Center, California and Texas are the states with the largest illegal alien populations in the country. In 2017, California had 2 million illegal aliens, while Texas had 1.6 million.


States like New York, Florida, Illinois, and others along the Eastern seaboard also have large illegal populations. 2017 was the first year where Mexicans did not make up an absolute majority of illegals living in America anymore.


Statista’s Katharina Buchholz points out that immigration from Mexico specifically has decreased substantially, while more illegals came from Central America, South America, and Asia.


Mexicans are still the largest single group among illegal aliens in America, making up 47 percent of the illegal population in America. The fifth largest group of illegals in America come from Canada and Europe, with an estimated 500,000 people in the country in 2017. From between 2007 and 2017, the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. dropped by 14 percent, but they still make up 23 percent of the overall foreign-born population in 2017, according to Pew’s research.


The average illegal immigrant has lived in America for 15 years.


The concentration of illegals in Texas could potentially have strong electoral implications given demographic data pointing to foreign-born groups as reliable voters for the Democratic Party. At the very least, any massive push for a pathway to citizenship could have a major impact in changing the political landscape in the U.S.


For that reason, immigration remains a major issue for conservative voters going into the 2020 elections.

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6802802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2818 >>2830 >>2849

Condi Rice Destroys NBC Reporter When Asked About Racism Under Trump: ‘Sure Doesn’t Feel Worse


You gotta admit, she was in the GW admin, so she’s heard a lot of hysteria and lies. God bless her.


The nonstop mantra of the mainstream media is that President Trump is a racist (and more than likely a secret Nazi, too). The talking heads at the liberal cable outlets have flat-out declared that as a fact


This is CNN Tonight, I’m Don Lemon. The president of the United States is racist. A lot of us already knew that,” the CNN host said in January 2018. His colleague, Anderson Cooper, said the same thing. “Not racial. Not racially charged. Racist,” Cooper said. “Let’s not kid ourselves or dance around it. The sentiment the president expressed today is a racist sentiment.”


But that’s not at all how former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice feels.


In a Thursday interview on NBC’s “Today” show, America’s fist black female Secretary of State was asked a loaded question by NBC News’ Sheinelle Jones. She declared to Rice that “there are people who will say it feels worse now when we’re talking about race” and said others feel that there is a “divisive environment” in the U.S. under Trump.


“It sure doesn’t feel worse than when I grew up in Jim Crow Alabama. So let’s drop this notion that we’re worse race relations today than we were in the past,” Rice said.


And Rice should know. In her 2017 book, Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom, she wrote, “My great-great-grandmother Zina on my mother’s side bore five children by different slave owners.”


“My great-grandmother on my father’s side, Julia Head, carried the name of the slave owner and was so favored by him that he taught her to read,” she wrote.


Rice grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, and and then Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which were both racially segregated.


So let’s deem her an expert on race.


Jones, who is black, had a decidedly easier path. She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1978, the daughter of a U.S. District Court judge. She attended Wichita Brooks Middle Magnet School and later went on to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.


Rice said the spurious claim that things are worse racially under Trump serves no purpose.


“I think the hyperbole about how much worse it is isn’t doing us any good,” Rice said. “This country’s never going to be colorblind. We had the initial original sin of slavery. It’s still with us.”


Jones — once again citing that vague “people say” trope — said “It’s top down, it starts with the president” and the rhetoric of Trump.


“Oh, come on, all right,” Rice said dismissively. “I would be the first to say we need to watch our language about race. We need to watch that we don’t use dog whistles to people… but when we start saying, ‘Oh, you know, it’s worse today,’ no, they’re not.”P

Anonymous ID: 57aa9c June 20, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.6802985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

oh well its Friday night and Jew time and the stack of accusations of our board, don’t they understand they filtered? I love reading and posting on this board until all the weirdos that have a day job -Attack the board. Thank you BO for the filter=


Weekends are the worst anons, but you have the right to filter.