Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.6802363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Owners of Toronto web-hosting company charged in massive child pornography bust


A years-long investigation into an online “big box store” for child pornography has led to the arrest of five people associated with the Toronto-based web hosting company where the site stored its “horrific” content, Ontario Provincial Police say.


The investigation, dubbed Project Greenwell, began in October, 2012 after Toronto police received numerous tips alerting them to the existence of a child pornography website that could be traced back to the Toronto-based web hosting company YesUp Media.


OPP say that members of the TPS executed a search warrant at the business on Gordon Baker Road in North York in search of approximately 800 child sex abuse files but soon realized that they had stumbled upon a much larger operation.


A total of 32 servers that were filled with approximately 1,000 terabytes of data were ultimately seized and a larger, multi-jurisdictional investigation was commenced.


At a news conference on Thursday, OPP Det. Insp. David MacDonald said that investigators have since determined that a massive child pornography website with 60,000 registered users in at least 116 different countries was hosted at the location.


That website, he said, was subsequently traced back to a man in Vietnam who remains outstanding.


Police believe that man never actually stepped foot in Canada and arranged for the child sexual abuse material to be hosted by the company “remotely.”


The charges announced by police on Thursday relate to a separate investigation that began in 2014 and targeted the owners of the business that hosted the content for the website.


MacDonald said that it is the belief of investigators that all of the individuals charged were aware of the nature of the content that was being hosted on their servers and chose to do nothing.

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.6802386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2406 >>2683 >>2844 >>2994 >>3054

Dear Central Bankers: Prepare to be Swept Away in the Next Wave of Populism


The Ruling Elites’ Chattering Classes still haven’t absorbed the key lesson of the 2016 U.S. presidential election: the percentage of the populace that’s becoming wealthier and more financially secure in the bloated, corrupt, self-serving Imperial status quo is declining and the percentage of the populace that’s increasingly insecure and financially precarious is increasing, and candidates that mouth the usual platitudes in support of the bloated, corrupt, self-serving Imperial status quo lose to those who speak of the failing status quo as a travesty of a mockery of a sham, i.e. a “populist” speaking truth to power.


Donald Trump steered clear of the status quo’s favored platitudes and embraced a bit of populist cant, and so to those who understand that the majority of Americans have been abandoned by America’s hubris-soaked, self-serving managerial / ruling elites, his victory was not entirely surprising.


Just as we’ve reached Peak hubris-soaked, self-serving managerial / ruling Elites, we’ve also reached Peak Central Bank Cargo Cult: from now on the majority that’s been abandoned by the managerial / ruling elites will become increasingly aware that the unprecedented asymmetries of wealth and power that have undermined American social and economic life can be traced directly back to the central bank, the Federal Reserve, which has become the all-powerful Cargo Cult of the global economy.


The same awareness of central bankers’ responsibility for soaring wealth-income inequality and the decline of social mobility is spreading in other nations as well.


Longtime readers are probably tired of the chart below, depicting the incredible expansion of wealth in the already super-wealthy and the stagnation in the prospects of the bottom 95%. But let’s shake off the boiled-frog syndrome and check the temperature of the political water we’re immersed in: It’s getting hotter–a lot hotter.

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.6802416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FacebookCoin is a Trojan Horse of Corporate Oligarchy


For a long time, I’ve maintained there’s no doubt the current system/paradigm we live under will collapse under its own weight, but that doesn’t keep me up at night. What keeps me up at night is understanding we still have no idea exactly what will replace it. It could very well be a more decentralized and free world, a world less defined by brute force, grotesque power concentrations and coercion, but it could also very easily go the other way. The coming out party for FacebookCoin (aka Libra) is in my view the first real indication the forces of corporate oligarchy are determined to ensure the new world reflects their vision and is under their control.


Though I’ve seen many thoughtful and important articles on the dangers of Facebook and a consortium of large corporations building a new financial system in broad daylight, I have yet to see anyone explain precisely what seems to be going on. I think the level of strategic long-term thinking happening here is more extensive than even the most cynical observer is willing to contemplate. This looks like a power play of monumental proportions.


I’ve come to view Mark Zuckerberg as a strategic genius with zero ethics. In other words, he probably has a plan beyond your field of vision and you can’t take anything he says at face value. This is how we’ve seen him operate within Facebook and via the various wildly successful acquisitions he’s completed over the years, most notably Instagram and WhatsApp.


You don’t have to be Nostradamus to see that the current global financial system is failing and won’t be around as currently structured much longer (years not decades). Nowhere is this more apparent than in the fact that negative yielding global bonds just pushed back into record territory at $12.5 trillion.

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.6802536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2586

How big is the disconnect between how we die and what the media reports?

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6802556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2574

U.S. corporate government finally goes bankrupt over the summer. This will be seen in public as another U.S. government shutdown. However, this time it may lead, as many U.S. patriots hope, to a formal announcement of the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America on the 4th of July this year. Maybe by then Trump will reveal whether he is a Trojan horse for the patriots, as many still hope, or for the Zionists, as his own public words and actions seem to show.

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.6802572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More Than 100,000 Illegal Migrants Have Escaped Border Patrol Agents in 2019, Provost Says


Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost spoke to Congress on Thursday about the immigration crisis, and how it’s keeping agents from apprehending migrants who cross the border illegally.


“I have been forced to divert 40% to 60% of Border Patrol’s manpower away from the border as we process and care for nearly 435,000 family and children that have flooded across our southern border so far this year,” Provost said Thursday before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation and Operations.


Border Patrol and other agencies within the Department of Homeland Security have long complained the immigration crisis has forced them away from their enforcement duties, as they must handle the large influx of illegal migrants needing to be processed within the U.S.


Provost said 1,036 illegal migrants were caught in a single group in May — the largest single apprehension in the 95-year history of the Border Patrol. Such overwhelming numbers, she said, have forced her agents to abandon their posts, leaving other illegal migrants able to evade arrests.


“So far this year, we have observed 100,00 people who have successfully evaded arrest, a five-year high in what we call ‘got-aways,'” the Border Patrol chief said to lawmakers. “These are just the ones that we know about. Even with [the Department of Defense’s] support, I fear that we are missing far many others.”


It’s not just the number of illegal migrants that is overwhelming immigration agents, but the demographics. U.S. laws are designed to quickly process and deport Mexican adult men traveling alone. However, migrants reaching the U.S southern border today are vastly unaccompanied minors and family units from Central America.

Anonymous ID: 791867 June 20, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.6802654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2665 >>2666 >>2680

9/11 First Responder Pleads To Lawmakers In His Final Days


9/11 first responder former NYPD detective Luis Alvarez sacrificed his own life to save countless American lives on that fateful day. Earlier this month, Alvarez testified before lawmakers pleading them to fund the 9/11 Victim Compensation’s Fund.


“You made me come down here the day before my sixty ninth round of chemo and I’m going to make sure that you never forget to take care of the 9/11 first responders,” testified Alvarez.


Now, Alvarez is battling against a stage IV cancer. He never made it to that last round of chemo therapy because doctors detected liver failure. Still, Alvarez cares about others in situations similar to his and is still speaking out and fighting for what he says is justice.


Alvarez is spending his final days in hospice care with family by his side. Despite this, the 9/11 hero spoke with Fox News’ Shephard Smith Thursday to send one final message to Congress.


“I’ve been blessed. I got sick 16 years after the fact,” said Alvarez.


Alvarez accompanied by one of his three sons David who is 29 years old.


“I’m leaving them without a father, and there’s plenty like me. Like I said, I’m not special. There’s plenty of guys like me,” explained Alvarez.


At his weakest moment, Alvarez appeared a warrior for the cause and humble.


“I’m nobody special, I did what all the other guys did and now we’re paying the price for it,” said Alvarez.


His final ask, however, was for Congress to provide longterm funding for the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund.


“We did our job, Congress has to do theirs,” said Alvarez. He is truly a forever hero.