Anonymous ID: 88164a June 20, 2019, 6 p.m. No.6802805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2850 >>2854 >>2938 >>2940

On a past bread today an anon was discussing the drone situation. He said he didn’t think that the drone could have its GPS spoofed to get it off course. Said it was too sophisticated.


Well, it isn’t. US drones have had their GPS coms spoofed before. Yup. It was done by…you guessed it. Iran. Twice, if I recall. Once they got control of one but crashed it…once they got control and captured it. This was on Camacho's watch. It’s important to note that those drones we in Iran’s airspace. The US has never had any qualms about sending up drones over their air. We always deny, but whatever…we do…and have…for a while.


So let’s think this out. Somehow, during O’s watch, Iran makes a miraculous big jump in drone hacking and spoofing capability. Doesn’t help that the GPS coms were in encrypted…and probably still are but that’s another story. Focus more on the sudden acquired ‘know how’.


I’m not gonna beat around the bush, I’ll just say it. Can’t sauce it, but it’s gut level and has been since Iran ‘captured’ their first of our drones.

I think Camacho and the Clowns gave Iran the tools…and in the process as a bonus…gave them one of our drones. Motive…who the fuck knows? Maybe the clowns are over there embedded in Iran and snooping and pulling intel and recon data from drones all over the world? If they were using NK for this kinda backchannel com and intel, maybe same deal in Iran.

Maybe…these same actors spoofed this drone into and over Iran waters and popped it. They nailed it on the return leg of the flight.


Now…on to a wilder theory. I think DJT and Co are cool with this. I think they want the Dems to think DJT is all for this war. Thus, you get the Schumer end zone dance we saw today.


Please Chuck! Don’t throw my beloved POTUS into that (WAR POWERS) briar patch!

It’s amazing. They will actually use Congress for the first time in my lifetime to declare an illegitimate war using the actual legit process. Fucksake.

They pass a war declaration you hand the POTUS immense war powers at home and abroad. That level-up might come in handy. Think Lincoln. Think FDR.


Do it Nancy. Do it Chuck. I triple dog dare you.