Anonymous ID: de8202 June 20, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.6803555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3580

Same shit, different regime change. Simply edit their narrative and story a little bit, along with this 2 year psychological operation here, give the people just a little moar crumbs(not too much, still want them to be slaves), arrest some fall fish and say: "look, we're taking out the deep state!". Then the sheeple eat it up and never rise up to say enough! because they're complacent and ready to vote for another Patriot act 2.0 simply because "muh patriots in control". You also got about 10-20 grunts in milintel who help the ZOG cause by posting shitty memes and shouting down any dissent because they're useful idiots for the very same establishment you claim to be fighting.