Anonymous ID: 067394 June 20, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.6803963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4059 >>4297 >>4317 >>4421 >>4510

Former CIA Bin Ladin Chief Michael Scheuer blasts the Democrats


Wisdom’s beginning: “Blessed be the Lord, my strength, Teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight”


There are times in life that leave you wondering why people believe in the goals they pronounce and seek, and, even more, why those same people would ever expect all others to support, or at least acquiesce in the successful attainment of their goals.


Having watched and listened to the 20-plus, clearly demented and startlingly arrogant Democratic presidential hopefuls, I do not detect the slightest inkling that any of one them understands that even if their party’s ultimate candidate wins the 2020 presidential election, and the House and Senate as well, the Democratic Party will never be allowed to assume power.


To be fair, each candidate probably has little time to face this reality, being too busy working to further tighten the shackles on the many tens of thousands of illegal/criminal/diseased voters their party has brought, and is bringing into the country as the new slave class, one meant to replace the permanent electoral advantage the Democrat party enjoyed until 1865 on the basis of enslaved blacks. The Democrats prove every day that while smoking may be a hard habit to kick, their complete addiction to being self-esteemed slave-masters is impossible to surmount.


The hoard of Democratic presidential candidates openly pledges to impose a dictatorial socialist economy on the United States; to raise taxes to extortionate levels even they have not previously dreamed of; and to gleefully murder babies after birth and then sell their body parts. It is interesting that this most abhorrent of premeditated crimes is the only Feminist accomplishment since 1973.


The Democrat candidates also are pledged to support the destruction of American history and its symbols, statues, and flags, starting in the American South; to make rank insanity mandatory by legally protecting unlimited numbers of sexual deviancies – including pedophilia – and defining them as kinds of normal that are more worthy of legal protection than the only genuine normal, heterosexuality; and to complete their party’s ongoing destruction of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution by negating the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments, as well as by eradicating the Electoral College.


The last action would be the final step in the Democrats remaking of the Founder’s republicanism into popular democracy, which is more precisely termed anarchy. Ending the Electoral College will leave at least 40 of the Union’s states with almost no voice in the government of the nation, and almost all state governments with no choice but to unquestioningly obey a national government created by, and in the permanent fascistic thrall of, politicians and voters in fewer than ten states.




The Democrats would do well to think about the ultimate consequences for themselves and their army of freaks when the worm turns, and, at long last, they are being hunted down and eliminated by fed-up Americans armed with the 2nd Amendment and the limitless strength and certain victory that flows from the words of the following Psalm.


Moar at sauce