Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 10:43 p.m. No.6804860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4964 >>5137 >>5310

Iran War Drums: President Trump Reportedly Cancels Retaliatory Attack; FAA Issues No Fly Order


President Trump reportedly authorized, and then cancelled, a retaliatory attack on Iran Thursday night for the downing of an unarmed U.S. drone the night before, reported the New York Times in a report later confirmed by CBS News. Planes were in the air and ships in position, however no missiles had been launched.


Screen image from IRGC propaganda video of attack on US drone.


.@CBSDavidMartin @CBSNews confirms, says there was ‘every indication’ the United States was about to launch a limited strike against Iranian surface-to-air missile sites Thursday night — but the U.S. stood down at the 11th hour for still-unexplained reasons.


The FAA issued an order barring U.S. civilian aircraft from much of Iranian airspace, leading to speculation the attack was put off to allow the airspace to be cleared.


#FAA Statement: The FAA has issued a Notice to Airmen (#NOTAM) prohibiting U.S.-registered aircraft from operating over the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. The NOTAM applies to all U.S. air carriers and commercial operators.


The Federal Aviation Administration has barred US civilian flights from the area where Iran shot down an American military drone, citing "heightened military activities and increased political tensions in the region"


Excerpt of the New York Times report:


President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions.


As late as 7 p.m., military and diplomatic officials were expecting a strike, after intense discussions and debate at the White House among the president’s top national security officials and congressional leaders, according to multiple senior administration officials involved in or briefed on the deliberations.


Officials said the president had initially approved attacks on a handful of Iranian targets, like radar and missile batteries.


The operation was underway in its early stages when it was called off, a senior administration official said. Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down, the official said.


…It was not clear whether Mr. Trump simply changed his mind on the strikes or whether the administration altered course because of logistics or strategy. It was also not clear whether the attacks might still go forward.


…The strike was set to take place just before dawn Friday in Iran to minimize risk to the Iranian military and civilians.


An alternative theory for the cancellation was posited by Jeffrey Lewis, who recalled President Nixon facing a similar situation in his first term.


I don’t buy this. Trump’s team is trying to have it both ways — acting restrained but talking tough. This is pretty much what Nixon did in 1969, too. Why not just admit that sometimes restraint is smart?


The @nytimes ran the same story Nixon in 1969. 🤷‍♂️ Nixon was not going to retaliate but he wanted people to think he almost did — and the Gray Lady obliged.


In the mean time, the U.S. airline United is cancelling flights:

Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.6804880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4897

Trump approves military strikes against Iran, pulls out last-minute


The US planes were in mid-air and ships were in position when the order to stand-down was given, Reuters reported.


US President Donald Trump approved military strikes against Iran to be carried out on Friday morning following the downing of a US surveillance drone on Thursday morning, but pulled back from launching the attacks, The New York Times said early Friday.


Planes had already been in the air and ships were ready to strike, but no missiles were fired yet when the order to stand down came, the NYT cited one senior administration official as saying.

Trump's pullback went against the position of National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who supported the strike, ABC reported, and came due to the President's fear of further escalation of the standoff between Iran and the US and the possibility of hurting civilians.


Trump had approved strikes on a handful of targets such as radar and missile batteries, according to several senior administration officials involved in, or briefed on, the deliberations.


The strikes were set to take place just before dawn on Friday to minimize risk to the Iranian military or to civilians, it added.


The abrupt reversal put a halt to what would have been Trump's third military action against targets in the Middle East, the paper added, saying Trump had struck twice at targets in Syria, in 2017 and 2018.


It is not clear, however, whether attacks on Iran might still go forward, the paper said, adding that it was not known if the cancellation of strikes had resulted from Trump changing his mind or administration concerns regarding logistics or strategy.

Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.6804892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4964 >>5137 >>5310

PEPE ESCOBAR: Brazilgate is Turning into Russiagate 2.0


The Intercept‘s bombshell about Brazilian corruption is being ludicrously spun by the country’s media and military as a “Russian conspiracy,” writes Pepe Escobar


It was a leak, not a hack. Yes: Brazilgate, unleashed by a series of game-changing bombshells published by The Intercept, may be turning into a tropical Russiagate.


The Intercept’s Deep Throat – an anonymous source — has finally revealed in detail what anyone with half a brain in Brazil already knew: that the judicial/lawfare machinery of the one-sided Car Wash anti-corruption investigation was in fact a massive farce and criminal racket bent on accomplishing four objectives.


Create the conditions for the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in 2016 and the subsequent ascension of her VP, elite-manipulated puppet, Michel Temer.

Justify the imprisonment of former president Lula in 2018 – just as he was set to win the latest presidential election in a landslide.

Facilitate the ascension of the Brazilian extreme-right via Steve Bannon asset (he calls him “Captain”) Jair Bolsonaro.

Install former judge Sergio Moro as a justice minister on steroids capable of enacting a sort of Brazilian Patriot Act – heavy on espionage and light on civil liberties.


Moro, side by side with prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, who was leading the Public Ministry’s 13-strong task force, are the vigilante stars of the lawfare racket. Over the past four years, hyper-concentrated Brazilian mainstream media, floundering in a swamp of fake news, duly glorified these two as Captain Marvel-worthy national heroes. Hubris finally caught up with the swamp.


The Brazilian Goodfellas


The Intercept has promised to release all the files in its possession; chats, audio, videos and pics, a treasure trove allegedly larger than Snowden’s. What has been published so far reveals Moro/Dallagnol as a strategic duo in synch, with Moro as a capo di tutti i capi, judge, jury and executioner rolled into one – replete with serial fabrications of evidence. This, in itself, is enough to nullify all the Car Wash cases in which he was involved – including Lula’s prosecution and successive convictions based on “evidence” that would never hold up in a serious court.



Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 10:55 p.m. No.6804912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


considering the sauce I provided I figure there's some serious fuckery afoot, Jpost and Times of Israel have been full of stories since this drone got shot down which read like they were written by excited children giddy that they are finally going to get what they want. MSM WW is also trying to get in on the action.


Can't wait for all these fuckers to be taken down

Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 10:57 p.m. No.6804919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4964 >>5137 >>5310

Assange lawyer reveals Pentagon behind pursuit of Wikileaks publisher


A lawyer for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has confirmed that the Pentagon - not the White House or any other government agency whose secrets he leaked - was driving the nearly decade-long campaign to destroy the publisher.


After asking officials at the Obama administration if they “really wanted” the publisher for whistleblowers and warning that “there are dangerous precedents here,” Assange lawyer Geoffrey Robertson said they responded:


We don’t want him, but the Pentagon does, and the Pentagon may eventually get its way.


Robertson’s “high connections” got him an audience with Obama administration insiders after he learned of the secret grand jury they had convened against Assange in 2010, he told Phillip Adams on ABC’s Radio National on Thursday. When Robertson warned them of the First Amendment implications of charging a publisher under national security laws, however, they already knew what kind of precedent it would set.


While the Obama administration charged more leakers under the Espionage Act than all previous presidents combined, it never attempted to wield the law against a publisher.


And the Pentagon has finally gotten its way. British Home Secretary Sajid Javid signed a request for a US extradition order earlier this month, and Assange will face a full extradition hearing in February.


He is charged with 17 violations of the Espionage Act, including obtaining and disclosing national defense information, plus an earlier count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, concerning a massive trove of classified documents given to WikiLeaks by military intelligence analyst Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. The Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs, as they were titled for publication, exposed US atrocities including the torture of detainees and murder of civilians and constituted the largest leak of military secrets in US history.


If he is found guilty - and it is highly unlikely that the Eastern District of Virginia court where he will be tried and where no “national security” defendant has ever won a case, will acquit him - he faces 170 years in prison.


The grand jury investigation of Assange at its peak involved the Justice Department, the Defense Department, the FBI, the State Department, and the Diplomatic Security Service, according to WikiLeaks. But it was the Pentagon, as early as 2008, which began the quest to bring down the publisher, launching its war on WikiLeaks through its Cyber Counter-Intelligence Assessments Branch.


According to John Pilger, their plot involved a media war using reputational smears and “threats of exposure [and] criminal prosecution” aimed at shredding the “feeling of trust” at the core of WikiLeaks’ operations.

Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6804959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5137 >>5310

4 Scoops on George Soros


George Soros, best known for backing left-wing causes and his propaganda campaigns in over 120 countries, has deep ties with the Global Fund in many locations. Two such locations are Russia and the Ukraine.


• The Open Health Institute (OHI) operated in Moscow for over a decade while receiving over $129 million from the Global Fund

• Russia funded over $225 million to the Global Fund

• George Soros’s organizations write the narrative for the Global Fund

• The Global Fund also funds Ukraine with Soros’s help, and Soros has other ventures in the Ukraine


For clarity, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was founded in 2002 by Bill and Melinda Gates, the late Kofi Annan, Jeffrey Sachs, and Amir Attaran. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.


1) The Open Health Institute (OHI), founded in 2003, was one of the largest NGO’s in Russia – owned by George Soros. Coincidentally, in 2003 just after receiving their first $88 million-dollar grant from the Global Fund, all of the Open Society’s offices, located in the same building, were taken over by 40 unidentified, armed individuals who forcibly evicted the employees and carted away documents, computers, and other belongings. Curious.


According to Devex, The Open Health Institute’s (OHI) primary funder is USAID, with additional funding from Russian agencies, The Global Fund, World Bank, Open Society Institute and the UK Department for International Development.


Fast forward to November, 2015 – the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office recognized George Soros’s Open Society Institute and “another affiliated organization” as “undesirable groups,” which banned Russian organizations and citizens from participating in their projects. What does this mean exactly? They found Soros’s operations to be a threat to national security, and prosecutors had launched a probe into both organizations in July after establishing the new law on “Undesirable Foreign Organizations” in June. Once a group is recognized as “undesirable” its assets in Russia are frozen, its offices are closed, and any of their materials in distribution must be banned.


A couple of things that don’t add up. A) Russia allegedly put the boot to Soros’s organizations in 2015. B) Reuters closed out their article by stating that the “Soros Foundation began working in Russia in the mid-1990s, but wrapped up its active operations in 2003.” Yet, OHI continued to receive funding up through 2017 from the Global Fund for their work in Russia with AIDS. In fact, the financing between the Global Fund and Russia is quite peculiar.


The last agreement signed between the Global Fund and OHI was dated July 15, 2015 with an implementation period to run from July 1, 2015 through December 2017.



Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 11:15 p.m. No.6804974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4993 >>5017 >>5137 >>5310

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff: Nuclear Weapons Usage Contributes To Restoration Of Strategic Stability


On June 11th, the US Department of Defense’s Joint Chiefs of Staff published a new edition of the Doctrine on the Use of Nuclear Weapons and deleted it shortly thereafter.


After it was deleted, a notice stated that the Joint Publication 3-73 was available at the Joint Electronic Library+, which is a restricted access website. The Federation of American Scientists managed to keep a publicly available copy and here it is.


The publication itself has some interesting statements such as:


“Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability. Specifically, the use of a nuclear weapon will fundamentally change the scope of a battle and create conditions that affect how commanders will prevail in conflict.”


Apart from very obvious statements such as the abovementioned, the doctrine mentions the possibility to use tactical nuclear weapons to support the US conventional operations.


The following quote is from the section “Operations in a Nuclear Environment,” and in addition to the information below, it also mentions that commanders should be aware how the nuclear weapons can affect personnel and that using such a weapon has tangible implications with a scope much larger than just the explosion.


“d. The spectrum of nuclear warfare may range from tactical application, to limited regional use, to global employment by friendly forces and/or enemies. The use of a nuclear weapon in support of even tactical operations requires detailed planning at all levels. Whatever the scenario for employment of nuclear weapons, planning and operations must not assume use in isolation but must plan for strike integration into the overall scheme of fires.


e. Employment of nuclear weapons can radically alter or accelerate the course of a campaign. A nuclear weapon could be brought into the campaign as a result of perceived failure in a conventional campaign, potential loss of control or regime, or to escalate the conflict to sue for peace on more-favorable terms. The potential consequences of using nuclear weapons will greatly influence military operations and vastly increase the complexity of the operational environment.


f. Integration of nuclear weapons employment with conventional and special operations forces is essential to the success of any mission or operation.”


Furthermore, the nuclear weapons allow the US President to “escalate or de-escalate a conflict,” in addition to providing simple deterrence against adversaries using nuclear weapons against Washington.


“Joint forces provide flexibility and employment options that allow the US to provide effective deterrence and, if necessary, execute missions against the spectrum of potential targets. Flexibility allows the President to engage the enemy with the capability of escalating or de-escalating a conflict. Flexibility, such as that offered by long-range bombers and dual-capable fighter aircraft, is important because deterrent credibility hinges on having a convincing capability to execute a variety of nuclear and non-nuclear options. Furthermore, nuclear-capable aircraft offer the greatest degree of flexibility in the triad because they can be a highly visible sign of resolve and, once ordered to conduct a nuclear strike, are recallable.”


Full 60 page report

Anonymous ID: 8abcf9 June 20, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.6805025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5035


Sorry to but into your argument but 5G has been thoroughly exposed here by Anon's and there is a grass roots movement WW opposing it which is starting to swell. We could write a long list of things not addressed by Q but we need to take the initiative and pick up the slack on such things which by all accounts is happening, think Q is going after the MSM nce they are out of the way imagine how easy it will be to address 5G chemtrails, food water poison etc….