The cost of porta-potties was projected to be $46 million/year for LA (roughly 35K homeless).
This would have taken too much $$ away from funds available for programs for assistance.
Real reason - the grifters can skim/scam more $$ tax money on handout programs than they can get competing with the Unions who manage porta-potties. Get it?
The homeless in CA (SF, SJ and LA) are the Homeless Industrial Complex that is not solving the problem but creating the problem to skim/scam $$tax money into private hands.
Diane FineSwine and the Delancey Street Foundation were the first real ones in SF and CA. Everyone learned from her.
They are especially good at capturing street drug users who want to go clean, and trapping them into indentured servitude. All the straight users (recovering) I know swear everyone away from the Delancey Street help programs. It is a business making BANK by keeping people down but pretending to help.
Of course, with Democratic State and local government, there is no over site since all the elected officials on on the take in this game.
= Free needles
= Decriminalization of any drug use
= Decriminalization of petty crimes/theft up to $1,500 = cops don't care, crime is way up, broken car windows everywhere
= Homelessness is allowed
No rule of law but the fat cat Democrat Politicians live in their gated communities, with guards with guns and the middle class flees (there goes the tax base).
Yes. California Values = 3d World Shit Hole Values