Anonymous ID: e82f32 June 20, 2019, 10:07 p.m. No.6804727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744 >>4757 >>4776




>Question. Anyone else getting a shit load of e-mails


Yeah. I been meaning to talk to him about that.

I've made a total of less than ten thousand dollars since Trump took office. I thought spending several thousand hours trying to help Q, fight fake news, wake folks up, make memes, etc. was a good enough contribution…


If homie just wanted 5 bucks, he should've asked me a lot [soon]er, before my life went from bad to complete shit. . .


I tried explaining this to them by actually replying to the email. The reply was that they would "look into my claim" or something BS response like that. . .


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these are probably not really members of the Trump family emailing us, but some kind of "spam" mail. But in all likelihood, could be legitimate fundraising going on. It's disgusting. But that's politics for ya.

Anonymous ID: e82f32 June 20, 2019, 11:18 p.m. No.6804983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5013 >>5030


>Wait, you're blaming POTUS because you quit working

No. My life sucked really bad from the jump. I had no fucking clue what 8chan was before Q. Do you really want my life story? Dude. I been working since I was ten years old. You know how many child labor laws that were broken throughout my employment history? Do you want to talk about WHY I had to work at such a young age? You people act like you're so fucking righteous and mock the victims of the same crimes you're supposed to be standing up against. Fuck you. I could give two shits about money. It's fake bull shit and you know it. Our monetary system already goes against TRUE Christian beliefs. Literally. Read Revelations.


I've been judged unfairly way too many times in my life by ignorant faggots to sit here and take your ignorant shit. Yeah. Sadly, I'm a real person. I'm not getting shit to be here. Nor do I really care about that. I've done more charity work in my life for people less fortunate than myself, and I've been taken advantage of by way too many people for one lifetime. You think I'm slacking? Dude. I've worked my ass off for over a quarter of a century and I'm not even forty. 60 hours a week was about average for most of my adult life. Brutal, hard-working, skilled labor. Fixing up houses for people during the entire market crash is a major part of why I'm so broke. "Friends" and family who stole from me while hooked on those pills y'all FINALLY woke up to see where a MAJOR problem. People like me where sucked dry, and many people I know are still trying to snap out of pill-comas.


Don't even get me started on that school shit ether. I almost went to school to be a pharmacist before realizing how fucking disgusting that field was. Tried a few others. Many are disgusting. If you think the opiod crisis is bad, you really should look into some of the various psyche meds. And how they prescribe them to "troubled" or "depressed" youth. Along with other things like ADD/ADHD. I'm not even getting into the rest. You do your homework…


This system failed your kids. Which is part of the reason why it's so troubling to see the youth, right now, as a bunch of idiots waste their time arguing opinions on the internet. I barely used a computer before Q. But I have skills in art and design, so I've been learning moar about computers to help you fags in the meme department. Along with whatever knowledge I've accumulated over the years and occasional digs that I can manage to contribute to the collective. I'm here to help you fags. But WAAAAAAY moar importantly, I'm here to make sure this type of shit doesn't just get passed down to the next generation. Consider me your accountabilibuddy. I'd rather be that than your enemy. Don't you want to get this shit right? I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for people like me who DID get fucked over, too. And the ones who could possibly get fucked over in the future. Why are you here? To feel like your a winner? To getcha gold on? STFU if you can't be real.



>Wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhh Might want to look in the mirror…

Fuck you faggot. You don't know shit about me or what I've been through. Or how I've contributed. Or even why I'm here still.


So, just take your retarded cry-baby projections somewhere else. I'm not in a great mood today. I'm not a fucking democrat. Nor am I a republican. I'm independent, like the MAJORITY of America. So, you really should watch how you treat other people before if you want them to help your cause. 'Cause I can just as easily expose the corruption and hypocrisy I see around here. It's not fucking hard.


Truth IS that BOTH parties were RIGGED for awhile now. They've both been corrupt as fuck MY ENTIRE LIFE. Yes .That's why my life sucks. And I knew about a lot of the bull shit that went on with the elites and how we're all slaves to this corrupt system with little or no say. Fuck. I didn't even want to look into pizza gate when it happened because I know how well-off they are compared to ENTIRE nations. And I'm not really whining that this shit is taking too long. Because I understand the necessity for leaving certain pawns on the board. Like fake news. Leave that pawn on the table. Let them permanently brainwash a decent portion of the population while the idiots that chase money look at me like I'm a retard for not wanting to support child rapists. Until we won, we ain't winning. No matter how hard you try to ignore the real.

Anonymous ID: e82f32 June 21, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.6805194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It is mind blowing how much they have going in so many different directions.

Yeah. It hurts to think about and that wasn't even half of it. I do think there is a lot being done. And I'm smart enough to know that everything is not "Don's fault" like the media has been pushing since he decided to run. He's done moar good than any POTUS in my lifetime, that's for sure. Shit. He did that by simply acknowledging us.


Wish I was able to get back into the workforce, but I'm kind of fighting an uphill battle with my states over a few technicalities that put me in a pretty shitty situation and basically left for dead. Don't worry. I'm not the type to ask for a hand out. I just want to earn a fair wage for my work before my body goes completely to shit.


I’m sure he will get to all that but there some more pressing this to get to first


Totally. I'll stop complaining, now. I'm a survivor. And I know far too many people have it way worse than me. Which breaks my heart… I'm not going to try to pretend like I know what their lives are like. All I can do is be myself, and try to make sure that we're not leave anyone behind in the process. . .

Anonymous ID: e82f32 June 21, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.6805281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5287


>Testing of sewage confirms rise in marijuana use

Seriously!? Can't we find a better use of our scientific funding??


>>>Hey, scientists. You look smart! Why don't you go collect a bunch of piss and analyze the shit out of it. We'll even pay you for it! We have a sneaking suspicion that people MIGHT be smoking "the reefer"… If you know what I mean. . .


This is the result of generations of propaganda that turned too many people into useless idiots. For every penny they've dumped into trying to terrify people about weed, they've neglected to further research far too many poisonous chemicals that are being green-lit to be tested on children and the rest of the ignorant general population.


How many of these areas that are showing a decrease in alcohol consumption? There seems to be a correlation. Maybe that's why all these corrupt politicians who have ties to the liquor mobs want to keep trying to scare us about the "dangers" of "marijuana". I dunno. I'm sure the tobacco, pharmaceutical, and private-prison lobbyists weighed in. Along with a bunch of other grumpy-drunk faggots, each with their own "special interests".


We all know the "justice" system loved arresting stoners for financial exploitation, among many other things. So, keep dumping money into the slander-pot propaganda until all the dickhead judges who made careers out of ruining people's lives finally die off, and hopefully those craaaaaaaaaaazy "pot-heads" will just forget this whole thing ever happened.


>>>That's how pot works, right? It's supposed to make people 'tarded or something? I dunno how all this works. Better keep analyzing piss so no one suspects that we're onto them…

Anonymous ID: e82f32 June 21, 2019, 1:45 a.m. No.6805327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Forgive me if already posted.


Never hurts to review this stuff. Lot of people were getting huge amounts of mind-blowing information thrown from all directions at them in a relatively short time-span. And there's always new eyes who will see these things for the first time and be shocked that something so outrageous could possibly happen in this world…


They have no idea. . .