Anonymous ID: e86ea0 June 20, 2019, 10:54 p.m. No.6804909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4932

1 RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


So I took a look at Epstein Island (6 times in Q). I passed it twice, the real thing. That was my hope, to put my eyes on it. I did not plan the cruise, it was a family thing. By map, I looked it all over pretty good, long, and often. But what I would get to see remained big mystery, good seat, the weather, angles and distance. Those types of things wears down good hope until you're getting the thing done. Of course, what I thought I wanted most was Little Saint James, that bird-like looking island of Q 999-1000-1001, 1860, 3050 frame and fame.


For me, it was a Ray or Rachelle Chandler sort of thing, RC, Q 3157 and 3158. We all know Chandler morphs to C Handler, 3136, Child Handler. I was hoping to get a sense of the operations, all the comings and goings of many different sorts, the handling of it all.  I was not focused on the one guy, one rotten creep, Mr Drop Money-Pants. Then I realized I cruised RC to focus on RC, RC/RC. I do not spell out the second RC… As far as I know they are as innocent as the rest of us. I traveled on RC to envision RC, a coincidence. I believe in those. It happens. Our cruise ended Father's Day 2019. Second RC simply helps to confirm and describe my comings and goings. I got my eyes opened readily envisioning the pageantry of all the many players. I saw it, I get it, still think on it all the more.


My first surprise was a great tour guide on one hour hop from Saint Thomas, south side, over to Saint John, east end, going right past Great Saint James Island. The Guide knew the area well. He came from the States, I caught every word. He was up on top deck. For first pass, west to east, I huddled below around a table with family. The guide knew all about Epstein, deliberately cutting talk short of full disclosure respectful of sheep, mothers and children deserving care. He kept it all above board, top deck. But he scarcely concealed venom snagging Epstein both ways. My second surprise was that both Saint James Islands, both Great and Little are owned by Epstein. 'Little' has the blue and white temple, Q 3050, but both belong to Epstein. Many more insights popped my lil head. Some I saw, some I heard, some I recollect. It is all the stuff of being right there, owning the time and every mile.


By sight, three tall flag poles fly American flags. 1 on each end of Little Saint James, one on Great Saint James, atop a roundish bluff, the central east side point. The local rumor says when flags fly, Epstein is home. I'll bet they fly 183 days each year or more because that is how many days Epstein has to claim to be there to keep US Virgin Island status, business advantages. These are American Virgin Islands. In that sense, the flags are appropriate. Both James islands are low compared to the much bigger, taller, Saint Thomas and Saint John. 59 feet above sea is the height of Great James Island. Little James not found, but must be similar if not a bit taller. The poles were very tall for land beneath. Maybe phallic like on rounded mounds… is that intended point, obscene stick up? Maybe it's pretense for American patriotism, in a Clinton/Epstein/Obama very upside-down, mixed up, screwball fashion, much the LEFT rave these days.


I traveled see level, plus 12 feet at most, always moving, no drone like advantage. One might know map well, but up-close and personal makes it all different, no surprise.


Getting the sense of it all at sea is tricky. I found, off to east leaving Saint John gives best view. Studying satellite views first, both Q and online, one knows the Little Saint James bird flies towards approximately Daytona Florida, north west.  Coming from port off Saint John, the look is south-west, tail left, head right, both under flag. The wing span is straight off, blue roofs foreground, temple mount behind and above. There is no sense of bird, just low rise about half a mile length, never closer than 1 mile off.  My naked eye could not find the temple with confidence. But my 300mm zoom, my best, got it, shooting on the move riding open sea. More lens would lend well. Notably temple dome and and roof top ornaments are gone, plausibly Irma or Maria took them in 2017. Then there is the rumor of fire, 4-9-18, another write. Trust that fire like flying flags means Epstein is home. 


Frankly, the flags sickened me from first sight, knowing the high shaft, the wave of our beloved red, white, blue may frame final glimpses of daylight for condemned children, Epstein slaves gathered from around the world. I was there to imagine things getting done, going down. Do I hope you feel something similar? No I just know you get the sadness, the anger and the horror of it all. These are sick creeps.

Anonymous ID: e86ea0 June 20, 2019, 11 p.m. No.6804926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


How close was I? Falling out with a float, I sink like rock, I could have made it to Great Saint James, if the current was not bad against me. On that larger island of the two, off the north bay, west side, their is a huge construction scar with significant equipment setting on it. Hump like elevation and vegetation not cleared kept me from seeing much. No signs of this online, but that should not surprise since those caps took to be before 2017 storms. Is the island being worked… to some new end? More on this too, another write. This bluff is also north end of Christmas Cove, marked on maps with the closest beach to most off of Saint Thomas.


Christmas Cove… this too needs yet… more write.


Early that day, coming to port on Saint Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, I spotted a jet coming down. Knowing the gist of the place I knew the airport was on the west side of bay ahead and we docked east side same bay, south side of island. That is what worked out. For island standards the airport on Saint Thomas is significant, well able to handle many private jests, a 727 easily, like Epstein's Lolita Express. Add a few easy minutes of limo, THAT crowd can be on dock to board yacht or catch a launch out of bay, whisk, wisp, away. Helicopters work well too. A very easy transition, any time of the year, barring hurricanes of course. From there all of the American Virgin Islands, British too, Puerto Rico and much more, they come like Caribbean cool sea breezes. Being there, imagining Captains lot, makes it very real.


I mean we were a couple days from the near States and much more from Europe. You don't think, THOSE, people spend all that time plotting on, plowing through open seas. No, I well imagine they send the crew out ahead, in their private keeps, so they can drop out of the sky at the last minute to climb aboard. I mean THAT jet/yacht set of elite rank and file (more like pure rank and all filth), Epstein's type. I was there to get a sense of the pageantry of it all. How all the players move.  Then there's Christmas Cove.


Saint Thomas, Saint John too, these are very curvy, up and down places. A lot of natural barriers and angles cut vision short in someway or another for all. But make no mistake, Little Saint James west side can be seen easily by many all day with the help of a little glass from Saint Thomas. Likewise the east side of that dirty little bird falls under the aided eyes of folks on Saint John, til sun is done. The bird perch has never been isolated… what do locals know, what do they see, of course, Christmas Cove is one of them things too. Like an extra back yard, likely any local can tell you all about that.


There is a thing I came to understand about these islands, all of them throughout the region. There is no running water, natural that is. No streams, rivers, lakes. What you will find, right down low, slightly above sea level are catch basins for rain water. Most are engineered, carefully maintained and well managed. These are likely a sign of people living close. Most residents have their own cistern system too, to catch fresh rain. Study and count the catches on the James Islands. I count 5 on Great Saint James, one being very small. Little Saint James has 1. They say Little also desalts. They all look well designed and strategically placed. These are the American Virgin Islands (USVI). They have rules and regs for things like watersheds, shorelines and immigration. Strict enforcement is understood… unless maybe your name is Jeffery Epstein. By the way, the public owns the shorelines, not Epstein… should any dare, to mean high tide or vegetation. So why does Epstein plant palm trees on shore lines. It's his welcome mat shouting keep off. Christmas Cove soon.

Anonymous ID: e86ea0 June 20, 2019, 11:23 p.m. No.6805006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


Christmas Cove, like I was saying, shorelines are public things, 50 feet beyond mean high tide or to first vegetation, whichever comes first. Palm trees planted on sea edge means stay off. This is common understanding throughout the American Virgin Islands officially sanctioned, Open Shorelines Act. Pieces of the Act can be found online. Boating, swimming, sunning, snorkeling, diving, reef fishing are are all common along the many sandy beaches. Dropping anchor into the quietness of Christmas Cove has long been popular, close to Saint Thomas, Saint John. That is the bay on the west side of Great Saint James, Saint Thomas side. Maps mark it.  Why the name, Christmas Cove, sounding a bit like the ever popular Smuggler's Cove, so SMUG ? ? ?


Locals tell, on Christmas day a billion dollars worth of yachts snuggle up to each other in Christmas Cove to share ship-to-ship smorgasbord. I am not sure if they know when it began. Yachs seem to arrive like clockwork, year after year. Don't know, maybe an above average count of private jets just happen to sit down at the mile long airport, minutes away, same season. But GREAT yachts have collected in Christmas Cove , off Great Saint James, oh, I do not know, for about as long as Epstein has owned Little Saint James. That is local word.


How do you remember the fall of Christmas day? Well for me, it is personal thing. I know winter solstice falls first, like Dec 21 or 22. The Eve, Christmas Day, then comes soon. Don't we all have to wonder where the collection of a Billion dollars of Yachts lounge on nearby, WINTER SOLSTICE. Close proximity, context, context, context is always underlying argument. I do believe in coincidences but do not believe this is one of them.  Airport so near, whisk, whisk. Proximity, fresh load for New Year! What is going exchange rate? Who manages it? 


Day after Saint Thomas, our ship, 6000 plus, docked Saint Maarten, Dutch. They say 122.16 miles east by south east from Saint Thomas. Point 22 hours by plane, whisK, whis… by jet. We did Island tour, 10 of us. Few years back, some of the party covered the Island by jeep, 2016 October. This island also has mile long airport next to sea, literally surrounded by beaches, bays, docks, large comfy lagoon. Surprise, surprise, they too have GREAT influx of yachts at Christmas, bays, lagoon, Saint Thomas like. Is that pattern, no coincidence? By the way, did I mention Epstein bought Great Saint James in 2016, $18mm they say. They say early year, like long before fall? Hmm, 'H'mm, wHom lost it, latter that same year, Q 1K, reminds me of cay, 1-cay. Spoiler alert, spoiler alert Mr. Epstein, Trump won! Plot thickens, pots boil, Epstein fumes.


Ancients said ALL roads lead to Rome, great for free roam? Do Q crumbs hint Epstein brokers ALL, even Rome, his roads, his home?


On Christmas day, 2019, Anons, Saint Thomas, Saint Maarten, why not have a pic luv fest? Blast Internet, pics of yachts Christmas Cove, Saint Maarten, meme like mean. Maybe call it Epie's GREAT dinghy Christmas Curse. Dingy, ding, dong, sounds like gone. Ask where all the children go, you know, underage, under-deck, from sight gone? Ring their chime, rhymes with crime! Take up the beef, maybe Beef Island too, British Virgin Islands. Look big picture, maybe Anguilla, Saint Croix, Saint Kitts? Do they box themselves in? Airport, yachts, close to Christmas, WINTER SOLSTICE, where are they all? Where do yachts Ep-n-flow, Dec 21, 22, 23? Time to snap big shot, ask THE CHILD question too, it is the SEASON, HE cares. I mean, meme, demand transparency. We The People must MAKE AMERICA GREAT, to KEEP it.