Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 3:51 a.m. No.6805604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5612


justification of the welfare profiteering that goes on seems to be what you show.

you have networks of 'service providers' who bring in their 'voucher people' who they then treat as slaves.


Illegal immigration is the new Slavery, and illiegal immigrants the new slaves.


that is what you are supporting by trashing the efforts to STOP IT.


and you are ready to send us to a lake of fire for daring to be against these networks of unholy profiteers, all of it set up long before the current administratin, all because you ? ? ?


why exactly are you doing this troll here today?


ah, and because fighting you parasites 'costs less' we should just give in?


If you take money for this shilling of yours you are a propagandist who exploits the situation to profieteer off of problems which th epeople who pay you make through their influence and selling out of our nation to . . . human traffickers.


Illegal immigrants are the new slaves.

those who profiteer off it ( YOU ) are the new 'slave holders'.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.6805621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if all you do is meme then sometimes people don't see it.

your memes look clownish, not very well done. who, exactly you calling a Shill, Willis?


"no . . . yOUr the shill"


what is your position on welfare profiteers who support bring in small children to have as 'anchor babies' for their tenants, most of whom get public welfare?


or do you just accuse people of being shills?


plus: why you answer me when I never said a word to you, and don't adress any of the issues raised?


sounds shilly to me.


troll someone else if you are trolling.

if you are a shill . . . well I think if I tell you what you should do that brings the energy low.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4 a.m. No.6805629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5631 >>5639


you and the other one are having a creepy fest encounter.


the statement 'when the likes . . . I will shine.' is glaring out at me.

you don't want compromise, you don't redemption. You want anhilation of someone who is just trolling you?


very very sad for you.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:05 a.m. No.6805641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not sure what you message to me is.

if you got something, please use words as I ain't clicking your graphic.

PS: why are you responding to me when I didn't respond to you?


if you are 8 plus 1 then I get what you are doing. otherwise what is your problem with me.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:12 a.m. No.6805658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


maybe the board is slow because perhaps the war mongers are paying the shills to shill some place else?


Seriously slow here. It's not just because of captcha.


We often do battle with each other thinking the others are shills, and sometimes they are just trolls.


I want you all to know that htere is a certain heartbreak with thinking that people are 'gone' who seemed to be sane and helpful, if not out of control at times.


It makes it seem lonlier, even though they were here to do battle.


ah, yes, the real world, the real fight, caring foir people.

and they are like 'why, what the fuck is wrong wht you that you care for me, a broken person?'


and the answer: that is what we do when we are human. We want the success of even those who seem to be opposed to our own.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:16 a.m. No.6805669   🗄️.is 🔗kun


17 posts to say that? in great big red text?


'you are all . . .' how do you know what we are, you don't. you're here too, so whatever you say about us maybe is true about you?


you say 'then claiming you are. . . '

everyone doesn't claim here in a concensus. You are speaking to the wind.

you tell us what we are, what we do, meanwhile being that which you condemn.


who isn't self aware. you might have a few things to fix for yourself. Maybe nine.


if nine then I know what you are doing, troll on then

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.6805687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5710


is there anyone in your country with a free speech board.

why don't you go there and bitch at them.

you work for those who seek to keep the world as slaves. take care of your own house. How dare you come here and insult us all with your prattleing little girl threats and bullying red text.




It must be almost quiting time in Asia, anyway, and your shift will be over.


Hey, it's hillarious that America is accused of imperialism when it's always bee just a proxy for cabal activity, all of it usurped by the Swiss and the . . .


and you are obviously working for them.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:28 a.m. No.6805705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5761



ok, so you claim to be real.

do you really 'shine' when others are vanquished and gone from the scene?


there is no way that some unknown person off on the internet can just go on with his stupid point of view, or maybe motify it but they have to be gone from the world too?

a world view with no redemption.

If you want 'peace' is that just the kind that we've always had that can better be described as the interlude between wars?


the way that the 'bad ones' work:

they always want peace. And after the war that they start is over, they'll want a piece too.


must I be MSM or a baiting clown? or am I just a skeptic who mirrors back-atchas in your direction?


so that's it, I'm giving you a moral lecture. If you are really on Q's side then you are battling someone who . . . is as well.

I'm not really battling you, but just commenting on the juvinel assumptions which you wove into your arguments.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.6805729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one post wonder IP hopping?

'there is no "them"?


that's what you got?


when did I say there was a 'them?'


you have no idea what I think about these matters, or who or what I know about it.

the idea that there aren't many 'thems' is just living in a delusion.

In fact the 'them' is a collective corruption that has the effect of 'seeming like' a 'them'.


but no, you have to be in control so you say that there is delusion here, but you don't even know me.


here is another point: what purpose of yours, one post wonder, other than deflectin shilling, do your respond to me your nacent mind-pablum claiming that the world has no evil in it?


If you grew up in certain parts of the US you know that there are 'many' thems and they battle each other, but also collude to control the rest of us.

your head in the sand approach is false.

you are a shill, and rather blind at the same time.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.6805745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


signalling between shills? sloopy.


who is who,

owls or . . .


putting out false quotes and attributing them to someone is what shills do, spooppy

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:44 a.m. No.6805764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they can't imagine that Trump was a witness to things and Trump didn't walk away because he was gathering evidence.


they have to have Trump as a villain.




its curious to me how suddenly some have flipped their narratives.


Like yesterday, all the shills were 'oh your Trump will get you in a war' and then, when Trump turned the tables on all of it, did any shill say 'Oh, I guess my reevaluation of Trump was wrong'?


never a manly apology.


the process must be slow, due to the logistics of courts and government. Meanwhile the shills are still funded.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:48 a.m. No.6805778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784


is that code for something?

you never got back to me with a real message. You responded to me with a grahic which was a video but I didn't click it.

I was hoping for news, items of interest, or something fun.

but you're the "i'm a bull with a devil name" guy (or gal)


hows that going for you? does that gig pay well?

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.6805795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5802


I know you mean 'you' and not the identity word in paranetheis. plus, I'm not your 'enemy' so . . . but that's your schtick. as if you are atlking in an old New York cith bourough dialect. Chew get what I mean?


I know you're like the troll at the gate persona. how did you get this gig? did you make it up, or did the ones who hire you say 'oh it's a great gig, you get to larp as a rodeo bull in a devil suit, like a bit actor in a milk-food commercial. You'll love it. You can put 'emoji' on your resume.

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 4:58 a.m. No.6805818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


how could I be?

what do you do that makes me your enemy?

I think most enemies are internal unless there is an actual encounter and you are physically threatening me. But you have not done that to me.


if you are a fallacy, am I an 'enemy' if I 'solve the confusion' in the person who holds that fallacy? When lies die, does that imply that someone 'killed' something?


why am I an enemy, merely curious about your rodeo bull bit, attacking everyone here.

I assume you are paid, I'd like details of it all.


for example, how do you put "iwas a devil on 8ch " on a resume?

or "I shilled for the cabal" on your resume?

If I web search for 'devil shill' will I find your resume?

Anonymous ID: 82faf9 June 21, 2019, 5:08 a.m. No.6805859   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what happened, activity in another direction? did bosses call and tell you not to deal with me because I brake you out of character?

how many boards are you able to shill at once? or are you kind-of a shill-moderator?


I suspect chew work for the ones who you like to chew-up wiht your venumous prattle. Chew know what I meme?


do you speak english, or do you just work through a translator? do they let your take cigarette breaks?

do you smoke with out a filter?

did I break your programming? you're taking a long time? did you have have to go to the bathroom?

If I've never met you and have no real why of knowing who you are, how can you be an enemy?