Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.6805662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS a member?


Some quotes from the article…


"Melchizedek is described in Genesis as “a priest of the most high God” and the “King of Salem.” The word salem literally translates to “peace,” making Melchizedek the “King of Peace.”"


"The deterioration of the Dead Sea Scrolls has obscured much of the text surrounding the coming of Melchizedek. But, he is clearly depicted as the leader of God’s angels in the war against darkness, ranking above the Archangel Michael (whom the Bible cites as the leader of God’s angels) "


"Recorded within the Bruce Codex are instructions by Jesus for baptism through fire (as opposed to holy water). Melchizedek was the beholder of this holy fire, which, like holy water, purifies the body and washes away past sins."

Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.6805680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5756 >>5777 >>6119


boatfags and planefags…need your help on this one…shovels on ANY plane or boat movements in/around Iran?


This will be a hard dig..what other evidence would there be if we were spinning up? Shit ton of boat plane activity…what else? Navy and AF anons?

Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.6805719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746 >>5932

Hmmm…what happened to the article?


Bahahahahahahahahah.."prince of the jews.." bahahahahahah


E.Bronfman basically "bought" entertainment when he purchased Universal (MCA) in the 90's…he is one evil fuck…

Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.6805746   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmm..was poking around the SchustaFuckers website and noticed they support a local "family/child" based charity in TulsaOK…


What is "safecare" with a registered trademark? Anyone ever here is this program? Safecare? Sounds like a way to snatch up kiddies and id families who can be used…


"SafeCare® is a program for parents of children 0-5 years. The Parent Child Center of Tulsa’s Parent Educators visit families in their own homes for weekly sessions spanning five topics:


Parent Infant and Child Interaction

Managing Child Behavior

Home Safety

Child Health

Healthy Relationships

We help parents to:


IDENTIFY resources within their community and help families get essential needs met;

ASSESS their children’s health care and medical needs, use a health manual, prevent illness, identify symptoms of childhood illness or injuries and provide or seek appropriate treatment when needed. A health manual, first aid kit and thermometer are provided;

IDENTIFY and eliminate home safety and health hazards by removing them or making them inaccessible. Safety latches and other safety devices are provided, as needed;

SET GOALS for their family’s future; and

IDENTIFY and utilize fun activities that will increase positive interactions with their children.

Pregnant women, and families with children up to age five, may enroll. Services are provided FREE OF CHARGE and are available to both English and Spanish speaking families."

Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.6805771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6119


sure as heck does


look like we are about to go to war…we would have EC3's up..we would have a fighter cap up…we would have major ship movements in the gulf…


Looks like NYT jumped the gun based on leaks from Pelosi/Schummer…



Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 5 a.m. No.6805827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5831


shovels are out anon and a nice bun being built…


boatfags..any unusual activity?


Again..if we were going to war, or even just launching a missile strike we would have EC3's up, fighter cap up, boats would be moving around like crazy…so far NO indication of any of that…

Anonymous ID: 9074d5 June 21, 2019, 5:24 a.m. No.6805932   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First..EB Sr is dead…sure you are talking about Jr…Sr is the one I am ref…


Second..he bought MCA which became Universal Studios…


"Bronfman made his fortune with his family’s Seagram’s liquor empire, taking over as chairman and CEO in 1971 and continuing the work of his father, Samuel. Under Bronfman’s leadership, Seagram expanded its offerings, acquiring MCA from Japanese conglom Matsushita in 1995 for $5.7 billion. But the studio had a tumultuous run under the leadership of Bronfman’s son, Edgar Bronfman Jr., and was eventually acquired by French media and telecom group Vivendi Universal in 2000.


Bronfman Jr. more recently headed Warner Music Group, though he exited his exec role at the company earlier this year."