Most jobs require "good transportation" which already sets me back.
My resume is just for freelance photography that I've done for the past 8 years but I don't have my gear anymore so that's my only skill.
I can talk to people other than my family since I know how retarded they are, there's no drive for me to even talk to them anymore since they don't truly listen and continuing to do so just eats at my soul.
There aren't odd jobs in my area since everyone is living that suburban life or the facade of it so they can do it all themselves. I don't have funds to get a haircut and shave (pic related) so I'm trying to sell some of my electronics that don't work for some spare cash to get bus money and a cut to look more presentable.
My old man avoids real communication so he avoids me like the plague but talks to the dead space about Fox News bullshit. I swear he has dementia or the beginning stages of it. Fucking nigger. I don't even want to think about that old boomer faggot.
I have good typing skills but that's just about it. Wasn't able to gain any skills throughout my youth because of the coddling I got by family so I couldn't do anything without being told to quit for my own good which meant threats to be kicked out just because I wouldn't jump through hoops.
Thanks for the help though. I'll definitely hit the ground running in the morning looking for work again hoping I can get something.