Anonymous ID: d3c3d2 Inspiration for you all March 15, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.681379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1394 >>1398 >>1408 >>1410

I have been watching the 8Chan Boards, the Facebook Areas, and Twitter basically anywhere I could find info on Q. I have been reaching out and just soaking in all of it.

I have avoided posting on the boards because well I am 51 and just a lady in Arkansas and what do I know about all of this Q stuff.

I personally latched onto Q because he/they gave me hope that the world really wasn’t going to hell and that just like in the movies the good guys are plotting to win.


But lately things have changed. What has changed… Well you guys seem to have lots of book sense and knowledge in your fields but seem to be lacking in a few things such as.…

A big fat dose of Common Sense - Guys everything that has been for-told and revealed to us has been very carefully selected so as to let us know things are happening, but to not endanger any of those who are telling us the info or to let the cat out of the bag to those they’re after. It should be enough to know you’re on the side of GOOD!


As to all those who live in our wonderful country and take advantage of the great things this country has to offer, yet still bad mouth her. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is real life not a movie. You make bad choices you suffer the punishment. I think all those students and extreme liberals are living in a fantasies land if they think nothing is ever going to happen to them because of the side they choose to support or the laws they choose to break.

Time is not on their side… We will win! The tide has turned and God and Mankind will prevail. Justice will be served. Have faith…


Faith… do you know what that is? It takes a stronger will and staying power to withstand those who will scream in your face or badmouth you on social media because of what or who you believe in then just normal stamina. It takes FAITH that your working for the right, that your fighting for the best outcome of any situation to be for the good of the people and the world. This is the theme of any good movie plot… Take Independence Day for example (since Q likes likes to quote movies…)


The President: (pretend it’s Trump)

Mankind – that word should have new meaning for all of us today.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps its fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution – but from annihilation.

We're fighting for our right to live, to exist.

And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to live on!

We're going to survive!"

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!

Those words inspired us from our chairs in cramped movie theaters to cheer for the winners. We were the winners… BUT - This is real, the time is now, the battle is just beginning, we all have something to contribute, we will win! Rise up and be above the petty fighting among ourselves. We are better then that. Do not get disheartened by lack of communication from Q - he/they are busy and will get back to us… they always do.

Let’s stop this fighting and stay true to the course and do what Q ask’s us to and fight for man, for country and for those close to your heart. GO Q… GO TRUMP… GO USA … GO WORLD… GO MANKIND!

WE ARE THE WINNERS - UNITE! … it how all good movies end. LOL

PS: Many of you are so young! I am glad you’re here because your world is so different from the world we grew up in and it is such a sad and scary world these days. It gives me hope for the future!


Oh and one more thing… I am a woman, I am white, I am from Arkansas - I have never voted for a Clinton - I never will and my Hubby and family did not instruct me to vote TRUMP! GO TRUMP- GO GET THEM!!!!