Anonymous ID: c28503 June 21, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.6806191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bolton’s Relationship with the MEK Is a Scandal

John Limbert calls attention again to John Bolton’s relationship with the deranged cult, the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK)


“We Know Where Your Kids Live”: How John Bolton Once Threatened an International Official


During his time as Under Secretary of State, Bolton "sought to block, and often succeeded in sabotaging" the negotiations that Secretary of State Colin Powell conducted with North Korea


Back in 2015, Bolton joined Freedom Capital Investment Management, an upstart investment firm with a novel and somewhat grisly money-making philosophy. Whereas society looked down on businesses like guns, oil and coal, Freedom Capital saw financial opportunities.

He served on the boards of Diamond Offshore Drilling, Arizona Chemical Ltd., and EMS Technologies. EMS-T specialized in wireless, defense, and space communications systems.




During the press briefing on the economic sanctions, Bolton held a notepad on his chest visible to cameras, which said “5,000 troops to Colombia,” presumably in his own handwriting. The message — deliberately exposed or not — pinballed around Washington and provoked speculation about pre-positioning American forces inside Colombia for a rapid deployment in neighboring Venezuela, if called upon. The Pentagon refused to discuss the matter, referring all questions to the White House. A White House spokesman responded: “As the President has said, all options are on the table.”

Perhaps most brazenly, Bolton appeared in an interview on Fox Business and disclosed that the U.S. government was in talks with American corporations on how to capitalize on Venezuela’s oil reserves, which are proven to be the world’s largest.


In 2017, the year before John Bolton became President Trump's National Security Adviser, he addressed members of the MEK and said that they would celebrate in Tehran before 2019.

By the 2018 over 4,000 MEK members had entered Albania, according to the INSTAT data.


As of 2018, MEK operatives are believed to be still conducting covert operations inside Iran to overthrow Iran's government.[232] Seymour Hersh reported that "some American-supported covert operations continue in Iran today," with the MEK's prime goal of removing the current Iranian government.

Following the September 11 attacks, the organization publicly condemned the event but its members at the camps reportedly rejoiced and called it "God's revenge on America”.

In January 1993, President-elect Clinton wrote a private letter to the Massoud Rajavi, in which he set out his support for the organization.[262] The organization has also received support United States officials including Tom Ridge, Howard Dean, Michael Mukasey, Louis Freeh, Hugh Shelton, Rudy Giuliani, John Bolton, Bill Richardson, James L. Jones, and Edward G. Rendell.


OPUS 151 More Bolton BS Steve Pieczenik May 17, 2019

Some history here, people. Bolton is a BS er and needs to go! NOW! This is my SIT REP on Straits of Hormuz. Listen and Learn, Trump stay strong!