The cia bot operators
Trump once he has enough of playing like he doesnt want war
Or more likely he realized his base is smarter than he thinks and that he cant burn them like that until 2020
Trump is a machiavellian manipulater like the world has never seen good or bad
We will see
Because that fucker is real
Fuck off with the tinnitus kikes
Violation of free will
I hope you people realize that Q is also mossad
Or some sort of demon
I think trump is dirty too but the black pill hurts too hard so we might as well see what he does until 2020
Im not voting for him tho
I cant wait until Qs mask falls off
Bo not giving a fuck about someone being doxxed should shut the fuck up anyone who says this board isnt comped beyond belief
How do you even know Q is even Q lmao
Fucking demonic website
Thats funny cuz i tested Q and Q is demonic as fuck
The second i found this board demons decided to target me
Probably the mossad too
Believe me when i say this
The people behind Q and this board are evil
They do not have our intersts at heart
Trump seems to allude to his people being behind this so i will blame him until,he indicates otherwise
Why does this board even need people
Theres like 3 people here now and the bots do a good enough job of faking it
At least faking it to,morons
Or we could just execute jim watkins for being a faggot satanist mason with wizard browls
Then execute all the faggot bo and bvs if they arnt ai
Then so the same with the government and elite
Then the rest of humanity will live happily
Unless the npcs ruin it
Then we kill them,too
I mean im up against satan and the entire world elite basically by myself outside of God if he exists
So yeah i guess im losing
But the game is rigged
Mee too
But unlike me you also,fear the truth
You choose the blue pill because reality
The reality that Q is a liar and is demonic
And that trump is just another clown
Your ego cant take that he tricked you
Remember when awan got immunity
Remember when trump endorsed 5g
The europeans wont even put it up lul
This board is comped as fuck
Q is a liar
Oh boy i cant wait till i get out of this prison body so i can come give you motherfuckers a taste of your own medicine
You should read any of the bills or eos dear leader signed lul
Would do you some good
Maybe youll wake up
>>>6807271 (You)
>Only 1% of humans are like me. Don't hate me cause I am different than most humans. I am still real! I didn't ask for the feelz!
90% of humans are lemmings
Jk its probably like 50%
I can when the president is a turbo kike and his admin targeted me and ruined my,life for daring to question the elite
And for talking shit to ldr
So if im targeted but still alive
And im descended from minor nobility does that mean im bloodline ?
If so thats based
I pollute their bloodline merely by existing
Im gonna go kill myself to escape the shame
Lol whenever this planet actually wakes up if it ever does
Im sure the truth will either be fucking retarded
Or so shocking it will make everyone look stupid
I should drink bleach and see how you kikes react
You dont seem to want me to kill myself
So did you predict what i was going to say
Or plant the thought in my head
Either way not nearly scary enough
Isnt the point of god creating me that im not exactly like him ?
So its not a honeypot for targeted individuals populated by mossad and people who think theyre helping ? And bots
And please no anything but community college
So lowkey
What would you extradimensionals do if we all escaped our cans at once ?
Reminder when the satanists come and tell us to renounce God
Lie about it then kill them while theyre sleeping
Serial is way too friendly with the reddit mods before it was banned
They tried to psyop me
Fucking clowns
Dont make me come up there faggot
Ive never seen anyone,say this
But is it possible trump himself is being misled by satan
Cuz satan tried and keeps trying that shit with me
Trumps mispellings are as weird as mine