An important thing to remember amidst the last few days and differing opinions…which I was thinking about amidst some digging on various Mil and state types including Bolton.
Not everyone who thinks differently then the anons or POTUS in the US is therefore a bad guy, part of thre Deep State…some just have different opinions shaped by different knowledges and life experiences. And those perspectives are NEEDED…even when POTUS decides in the end to disgard them in a particular situation.
We need to be really careful in a world many find more and more frustrating or frightening to not automatically assume people are the enemy not the opposition without sausing the hades out of the former assumption.
Yes there are a lot of DS out there…but spend enough time wandering through a woods you are told is full of wolves and sooner or later in dim light…you might mistake another sort of animal for one of them or so limit your circle of companions the guy with the new pertinent info never gets allowed close enough to share it.
Q team said a long time ago the DS want us divided. They pour tremendous time and money into identity politics. But even if they were to quit doing so at midnight. It'd still be ongoing indefinitely, because more and more in a hyper defensive response to how scary we've learned the world can be, we as a nation also corral ourselves into boxes and such of intractability for them.