Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 8:46 a.m. No.6807061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7089

House Democrats to subpoena Trump business associate for skipping testimony

The House Intelligence Committee intends to subpoena the chief negotiator on the Trump Tower Moscow project after the former Trump business associate failed to appear for his testimony. Felix Sater is a key witness in House Democrats' investigation into President Trump’s ties with Russia, and was scheduled to testify on Friday morning but never showed, according to Politico.


A spokesman for committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California said Democrats intend to force Sater to appear after he missed his voluntary interview. "The committee had scheduled a voluntary staff-level interview with Mr. Sater, but he did not show up this morning as agreed," Schiff spokesman Patrick Boland said. "As a result, the committee is issuing a subpoena to compel his testimony." Sater says he is negotiating to reschedule the interview.


Democrats are attempting to establish whether the Kremlin has undue influence over the Trump administration because of the president's past business dealings in the country. Sater worked with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2015 and 2016. The proposed skyscraper was never built. Cohen is currently serving time in prison for tax fraud and other crimes.

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 9 a.m. No.6807146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rare C-SPAN anger flashed in first coverage ban in 40-year history


It takes a lot to get C-SPAN political director Steve Scully angry. In confrontational Washington, his is a calming voice moderating the cable coalition’s coverage of policy and politics.


So it was unusual when he let the South Carolina Democratic Party have it when MSNBC was given exclusive live coverage rights of its weekend convention. Along with Fox and CNN, the party barred C-SPAN from live broadcast, and Scully told the Washington Examiner, “We’re not happy.” In fact, he pulled his cameras out of the event. In his call to the party, he said, “I was pretty direct. I was not happy. It takes a lot to get me angry. This kind of boils my blood. Because of our reputation, because of what we do.” How rare was the decision by the party to bar C-SPAN gavel-to-gavel coverage? Scully told the Washington Examiner, “This is the first time in C-SPAN's 40-years history of covering 'Road to the White House' that we have been denied live coverage of a state party convention.” Other outlets also expressed anger. The party has shifted to let the local public affairs station livestream the 9-hour event.


Sidenote This company knows more about what goes on in DC than any other news outlet, history of recording 40yrs..What secrets do they have and know?

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.6807315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri denies medical license for state's lone abortion clinic


Missouri's health department won't renew the medical license of the last abortion clinic remaining in the state, raising the possibility that the state will have no abortion providers by Friday. The decision, which applies to a clinic owned by Planned Parenthood, was announced just under an hour before the facility faced a hearing in the St. Louis City Circuit Court. The hearing will determine whether the abortion services at the clinic will be allowed to continue.


A judge previously issued a preliminary injunction to let the clinic continue providing abortions after the medical license from the state expired May 31. The judge, Michael Stelzer, had given the state time to consider the license application. One of the reasons the state won’t authorize the license is because it said the clinic botched at least three abortions that resulted in the patients needing to get follow-up surgery. Planned Parenthood has had a judge seal the records and accused the state of violating privacy laws in sharing the information. The state has asked to interview seven doctors at the clinic, and only two have complied. Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood said it would no longer abide by a state requirement that women have pelvic exams before an abortion. In a statement, Planned Parenthood accused state officials of "weaponizing a regulatory process" in order to end abortions in Missouri.


Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons, a Republican, recently signed a six-week abortion ban into law that would take effect in August, but is expected to be blocked because it violates the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide until fetal viability, which is generally understood to be at roughly 24 weeks into a pregnancy.

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.6807368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Cyprus president Christofias dies at 72


ATHENS (Reuters) - Former Cypriot president Demetris Christofias, the island’s first Communist head of state, died on Friday, authorities said. He was 72. The veteran leader had spent about a month in hospital with respiratory problems. Earlier Friday doctors said his condition was deteriorating and non-reversible. Christofias was president of Cyprus from 2008 to 2013, and prior to that headed AKEL, the moderate Communist party which is one of Cyprus’s largest.


He did not seek re-election in 2013 after his presidency was jolted by a financial crisis for which Cyprus required an international bailout. It was on Christofias’s watch that munitions confiscated from an Iranian tanker destined for Syria exploded while being stored on Cyprus, triggering the island’s worst peace-time disaster and killing 13 people. Also during his presidency, Cyprus began prospecting for hydrocarbon reserves off its coast, making its first natural gas discovery in 2011.

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.6807424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7619

European central bankers claim oversight over Facebook’s cryptocurrency


FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Three European central bankers are claiming oversight over Facebook’s planned virtual currency to ensure it will not jeopardize the financial system or be used to launder money. Facebook drew worldwide interest this week when it announced plans to introduce a cryptocurrency called Libra, part of an effort to expand into digital payments. Facebook said Libra would be backed by real-world assets, including bank deposits and short-term government securities, to make it more stable — and thus practical for payments and money transfers — than other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. With the potential to reach billions of internet users and the backing of payment giants like Visa, Facebook hopes Libra will not only power transactions but offer people without bank accounts access to financial services for the first time.


But the central bankers of Britain, France and Germany said Facebook should expect scrutiny. “It has to be safe, or it’s not going to happen,” Bank of England Governor Mark Carney told the BBC in an interview broadcast on Friday. “We, the Fed, all the major global central banks and supervisors, would have direct regulatory (oversight),” he said, referring to the U.S. Federal Reserve.


Global central bankers have so far largely refrained from regulating digital currencies, having failed last year to reach an agreement on how to do so and concluding they were too small to pose a risk to the financial system. Other global regulators have been monitoring the growth of cryptocurrencies. The Financial Action Task Force, a Paris-based global anti-money-laundering watchdog, is expected to announce rules to address the use of digital coins for illegal purposes. But Libra’s announcement has put the issue back on their radar, with the focus now shifting from bitcoin to so-called stablecoins, such as Facebook’s Libra, that are backed by real-world assets.


France said on Friday it would create a task force on the matter as part of its presidency of the Group of Seven club of the world’s seven largest economies. It will be chaired by European Central Bank board member Benoit Coeure. “It will in the coming months examine the anti-money laundering requirements, but also those of consumer protection and operational resilience and any issues relating to monetary policy transmission,” said France’s central bank governor, Villeroy de Galhau. His German counterpart, Jens Weidmann, warned that stablecoins could undermine banks if they became a widespread alternative to bank deposits in conventional currencies. “They could undermine the deposit-taking of banks and their business models,” Weidmann said on Friday. “This might disrupt transaction banking and financial market intermediation.”


One of the issues to be considered by the G7 task force is custodianship, or where and how the official currencies underpinning the tokens would be stored, according to a letter seen by Reuters. This is a crucial point for stablecoins. Tether, the highest-profile stablecoin, with coins worth around $3.6 billion in existence, has faced questions over whether it holds enough U.S. dollars to back the tokens in circulation. The company has said it has sufficient reserves. Facebook is grappling with public backlash after a series of scandals ranging from privacy breaches to accusations that it is restricting freedom of speech.

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.6807523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614


Ah, I think of that EO every time one of these scum goes down! That EO was the greatest gift to humanity any one individual could have ever given. Because it was a gift to the world's people the no-ones.

Anonymous ID: bd017c June 21, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.6807618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7644

China's Xi wraps up lavish North Korea visit


Second image look at the hand shake