Anonymous ID: 3640e3 June 21, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.6807778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797



↑↑↑↑ THIS


There is no doubt that the deep state and their agents in Iran counts on luring the USA into a war to distract from current events such as declassification and other discoveries.


The FF on the oil tankers didn’t do the trick ergo they upped the ante.


It’s the same M.O. they always use and have gotten away with it at the same time. We have 9/11 ending in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On and on it goes.


President Trump, his team and military command are not interested in another war spending countless lives including our men and women who always bear the brunt together with innocent civilians.


Like NK who was also held hostage to the deep state using that country issuing threats time and again our military and president Trump assisted Kim in finding and ‘removing’ these deep state generals.


Iran is no different: Deep state agents are there for the same reasons namely to issue one threat after another.


Iran is so far the only country left to cleanse it from the deep state having a chokehold on its leadership.


Lastly: Hussein and gang sold nukes to Iran and NK. Think about that for one moment.

Anonymous ID: 3640e3 June 21, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.6807828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7840 >>7855 >>8392

Pay attention to any changes in shipping traffic, especially the oil tankers… when nations begin recalling their merchant marines, something big is in the works.


A significant draw-down in, or detouring of commercial traffic away from, the Hormuz routes would be a strong indicator of the severity of any potential responses.


Also bear in mind that such a draw-down or detour may take several weeks.

Anonymous ID: 3640e3 June 21, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6808131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8151 >>8199



I first heard Iran was “six to ten months away” from developing nuclear weapons in 2005.


I’ve no doubt the Iranian government has an active nuclear weapons program, and that- if allowed- it will be successful. However, I don’t put too much faith in a defined window of time. Nor do I think domestic unrest is driving Iran’s recent actions.


I think something else does: China.


Go back and look at the behavior patterns of North Korea and Iran since Trump became President. When North Korea is acting up, Iran is quiet. When North Korea signals possible progress towards peace, Iran and its proxies in Gaza and Lebanon begin to act up.


What just happened this last news cycle? Iran attacks tankers… North Korea and China send out peace signals… Iran shoots down a US drone.


Much is made of Russia-Iran ties. However, Iran’s top oil customer is China. China has invested heavily in Iranian energy and infrastructure, including a railway which is key to the “One Belt” program. China is Iran’s second-largest trade partner. China sells Iran arms and weapons systems. In short, China and Iran have substantial economic ties.


I suspect China deploys Iran and North Korea as complimentary attack dogs. China may not be calling the shots in Tehran as it does in Pyongyang, but it does have the power and motive to offer incentive and support for Iranian provocation when it is desirable to do so.

Anonymous ID: 3640e3 June 21, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6808201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q ramarks about GODFATHER movie:


I think it is about this:


NSA has ALL recordings = Trump has been briefed about EVERYTHING.



What’s the hurry? Like a kid who pokes a sleeping giant, the giant does not move, the kid keeps poking and then, all of a sudden the giant makes a “giant” move. That takes care of the kid’s behavior!