Anonymous ID: 84c6d0 June 21, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.6807951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Same reason he barely mentions Israel or Jews.

Just about all logical and rational discussion shuts down at that point.


People have very deep rooted belief systems about what is true and what is not. You could build an exact replica of the WTC complex and recreate the events of 9/11 and that in and of itself would prompt conspiracies about whether or not the results could be believed.


The disinformation campaigns regarding 9/11 and Israel have been entirely successful. It is almost impossible for people to arrive at any kind of agreement on what the truth is. The only possible way to do this would actually be to construct fake evidence of a demolition conspiracy and plant it.

The reaction that sentence will prompt is proof enough of the success of a disinformation campaign. The only side that will potentially budge is the average person toward diabolical conspiracy.


The problem is that there was a conspiracy on that day - just the nature of it has been so muddled and seeded with black pills that people are effectively reduced to shills when discussing it.


The other fact is that it is largely irrelevant outside of a few factors. The debate often revolves around why the towers fell or if they should have. It often misses the subject of just how much the CIA knew about the hijackers and who would have been involved in planning/facilitating the attacks.


So… There is a relevant portion - but people have gotten distracted on the irrelevant issues.


Same with Israel. The relevant question is why any sane person would choose to create a place for Jews within the midst of Arabs and Persians. Even if you argue "it's because they were abused by nazis" - putting them between their historical enemies ain't exactly much better than popping them in an oven or a gas chamber.

The existence of Israel only makes sense as a geopolitical powder keg just waiting to explode.


Whether or not Israel is "good" or "bad" is irrelevant to the fact that they are very blatantly being used to leverage geopolitics.

Anonymous ID: 84c6d0 June 21, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6808141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is what we call a Nihilist, anon. Being unable to comprehend a purpose to this universe beyond yourself - you have decided that the universe therefore exists for yourself.


Do not misunderstand - I do not believe you are evil. Your stated reasons for being suspicious of the existence of God speak to a sense of empathy. So, those who truly feel confused by the existence of morally wrong things are not evil people.


I do not believe that god must be "good" insofar as if everything went without conflict or question - there would be no purpose. Consider my pet cat. I take care of her and make sure she is not harmed and has a pleasant life… But I am troubled by how… Pointless and selfish of me it is. The cat knows nothing other than a life within my protection. (Not by my choice) she will never reproduce as a normal cat in the wild would. She's a dead end who was content - even a bit of a genius among cats… But… For what? To make me happy? Kind of fucked up. So - if I could - I would have my cat reborn into a life where she had more agency and more opportunity to experience the universe and interact with it.

No - I don't harm my cat to "give her experience" or rationalize recklessness the same - but if I were to only let her go places she is completely safe - then she would never go outside or never know what is beyond the window.


I suspect God is not much different. I can't prove things are reborn - that there is something beyond our life here - be it a supernatural existence or simply being a newborn again - but even without that concept, a life devoid of opportunity to understand what it means to be a part of the universe is a pointless life that could pass without notice.


Take that for what it is worth.