Anonymous ID: 6bf16e June 21, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6808542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8606 >>8660 >>8695 >>8802 >>8827 >>8869 >>8906 >>9018 >>9079 >>9137

Conservative Supreme Court justices reverse precedent on property rights cases

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled 5-4 to overturn a decades-old precedent on property rights, a decision that marks a victory for conservatives.


The previous 1985 ruling found that an individual whose property is taken by a local government cannot file a federal suit under the Fifth Amendment until that challenge fails in state court.


But on Friday the justices ruled along ideological lines to reverse that precedent, finding that the requirement “imposes an unjustifiable burden,” conflicts with other similar rulings and “must be overruled.”


“A property owner has an actionable Fifth Amendment takings claim when the government takes his property without paying for it,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.


“That does not mean that the government must provide compensation in advance of a taking or risk having its action invalidated: So long as the property owner has some way to obtain compensation after the fact, governments need not fear that courts will enjoin their activities,” Roberts continued.

“But it does mean that the property owner has suffered a violation of his Fifth Amendment rights when the government takes his property without just compensation, and there may bring his claim in federal court.”


Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh joined Roberts on the majority decision.


Justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor — the liberal members of the court — dissented.

Anonymous ID: 6bf16e June 21, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6808650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>DHS admits this “family op” will separate more kids from their parents. Shameful.


What's shameful is Americans paying for the illegal acts of their fucking parents, Libtard! GTFOH, jackass!

Anonymous ID: 6bf16e June 21, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6808745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He Likely Never Approved To Strike Iran


Trump Denies He Gave Final Approval For Military Strikes Against Iran, Says No Planes Were In The Air

President Donald Trump announced that he had not given final approval to launch military strikes against Iran and denied that any planes were in the air, according to an interview with NBC News Friday.


Iran shot down a U.S. Navy drone on Thursday following an alleged attack on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman earlier this month. The actions led to the Trump administration calling for a military strike against Iran before retracting the decision Friday morning.


Trump denied giving final approval for the proposed military attack Friday in an NBC News interview that will air Sunday. He also said that while planes were not in the air, there was the possibility of them taking off. Trump said that a plan for a military attack was ready but waiting his final approval, which he did not give.


“Nothing was green lighted until the very end because things change,” Trump told NBC News during a “Meet the Press” interview Friday.


Trump tweeted that he was ready to launch an air strike on Iran, but stopped it “10 minutes before” stating that he was “in no hurry” because America has the best military in the world.


Trump asked his generals how many people, specifically “Iranians,” would be killed in the attack. When the generals responded that approximately 150 people would die, Trump stopped it because it was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone,” he tweeted Friday.


“I thought about it for a second and I said, you know what, they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it, and here we are sitting with a 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within a half an hour after I said go ahead,” Trump said, according to NBC News. “And I didn’t like it, I didn’t think, I didn’t think it was proportionate.”


Previous reports stated that Trump had killed the military attack while the planes were already in the air, which Trump denies in the interview. The full interview will be available Sunday on “Meet the Press.”