Anonymous ID: a9d61f June 21, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6808558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8586 >>8626

>>6807692 (lb) Anon Muses on Trump's Decision Making in the Iranian Drone Incident


Excellent insight - but it's not possible to weaken the Iranian government and have the people take it over.


A government is an organization, a system, not a person or a group of people. It's a collection of institutions. People cycle in and out of institutions.


When you make it impossible for institutions to continue operating, they fail, and their functions (mail delivery, payroll etc) stop being fulfilled.


New institutions don't pop into existence, with popular legitimacy, and take over the role over failed institutions. Creating a new institution with popular legitimacy is a very slow process, requiring elections and then legislation.


So you can't just make "the government" fail and expect "the people" to fulfill all of its functions. How would such a thing work in the United States? If the government failed, would "the people" step in and ensure that the mail still gets delivered and pensioners still get their benefits?


So I presume that POTUS and Q understand that hoping for such a thing in Iran is just as absurd as it would be in the US.


But you can definitely remove evil people, once you identify them.