Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6808465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491

Poll: Only 7% (!) of Americans Support Private Companies Selling Personal Data Without Permission


More proof that the average American – John Doe, if you will – is smarter than he's given credit for by the elites:


American voters do not want private companies to be allowed to compile and sell data about people without permission, a new poll shows.


In a Hill-HarrisX survey of 1,000 registered voters, only 7 percent expressed support for the current U.S. privacy system which allows companies to sell adults' personal data without permission or compensation to those affected.


Thirty-six percent of those polled say there is no scenario imaginable to them in which it's OK for companies to collect and sell such information. Read that again: one-third of those asked always oppose companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Google collecting and selling such data. Another 36% said they can support the collection and selling of personal data if the individuals involved are compensated for it.


Only 21% say they believe companies should be able to collect and sell personal information of users if they've expressly asked for permission. As for selling and collecting it without permission:


Eight percent of Republicans and also Democratic respondents said that firms should be allowed to sell information without permission. Seven percent of independents agreed.


In other words, this is a bipartisan issue, which makes perfect sense. After all, this issue affects all of us, whether we are conservative or liberal.


It also signifies something else, though: increasingly more voters realize that Big Business poses as big of a threat to individual liberty (and security) as Big Government. The reason this is so? Simple: they know more about us than any government – even the most dictatorial government in history! – ever knew… and they're more than willing to use that knowledge to a) enrich themselves and b) silence us.

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.6808489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8802 >>8869 >>9018 >>9137

Press review: Highlights from Putin's Q&A and Xi's hunt for sanction loopholes with Kim


Media: How this year's Q&A differed from Putin's previous sessions


Increasing household incomes and solving social problems for Russians took the spotlight at the annual televised Q&A session with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 20. In 4 hours and 8 minutes, the head of state managed to answer more than 70 questions from 23 regions. Even DDoS attacks detected during the broadcast could not stop the president. What's more, some issues were sorted out during the Q&A marathon.


Putin stressed that the main conditions for bolstering living standards was increasing the nation's labor productivity and economic development. By 2024, this will allow the GDP to surge by 3 trillion rubles ($47.69 bln) and will have a positive effect on people's well-being, General Director of the Federal Center of Competences in Labor Efficiency Nikolay Solomon told Izvestia.


According to Putin, genuine market or pure command economies simply do not exist, and "as soon as the economy has certain failures, or some problems, the role of the state immediately increases". "Economic theory assumes that the state can act better than the market. Especially in the public sector. But the question concerns the state’s share in the economy and the extent to which the state controls operations in the market," Director of the Center for Development at HSE Natalia Akindinova explained to Izvestia.


Some experts interviewed by Vedomosti believe that the Q&A marathon was not successful, while others were satisfied with the event.


"I do not rule out that the authorities were afraid to make concessions, not wanting to create a precedent and give people extra hope. The result was an extremely strange Q&A session, where the authorities seemed to show that they were aware of what was happening and understood everything, but were not going to change anything," Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics Alexander Kynev told Vedomosti.


"There is still no direct connection between the Q&A session and the well-being of citizens. The session has two goals. First, setting up the public administration system…. Second, clarifying the problem field, the level of sensitivity of society to various solutions, and social well-being," Chairman of the Board of the Civil Society Development Fund Konstantin Kostin told the newspaper.


Meanwhile, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov believes, "The president conducted an effective event within the framework of the traditional ‘manual control’ paradigm. The event was well organized and Putin himself showed good form."

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, noon No.6808582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8600 >>8695

ICE to Begin Pre-Dawn Immigration Raids in 10 Major US Cities on Sunday


ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is set to begin raids with court-ordered removals in 10 cities beginning Sunday.


President Trump said on Monday evening in a pair of tweets that ICE will begin the process of removing millions illegal aliens who have illicitly entered the US.


According to reports by CNN and WaPo, the raids will begin Sunday.


“ICE agents will likely execute predawn raids starting Sunday, targeting as many as 2,000 migrant families facing deportation orders in as many as 10 U.S. cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles,” reported the Washington Post.


“The agency is planning to use hotel rooms as temporary staging areas to detain parents and children until all the members of a family are together and ready for deportation,” reported the Washington Post.


ICE agents will likely execute predawn raids starting Sunday, targeting as many as 2,000 migrant families facing deportation orders in as many as 10 U.S. cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles by @NickMiroff


— Hamza Shaban (@hshaban) June 21, 2019


“If you’re here illegally, then you should be removed,” acting head of ICE Mark Morgan told reporters Wednesday during a call. “And in this case, that includes families.”


Field agents at local field offices are receiving briefings and trainings, according to a senior immigration official, reported CNN.


“Due to law-enforcement sensitivities and the safety and security of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, the agency will not offer specific details related to ongoing enforcement operations before the conclusion of those actions,” ICE said in a statement Friday.


Well now that the illegals have been tipped off, they will likely flee to another hiding spot.

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6808605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone else experiencing board fuckery????


Just got stuck in endless loop of 24 hour catchpas


Had shutdown system scan and start over

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6808622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawmaker: Revoke Al Jazeera’s Congressional Press Credentials


Letter: 'Suspension of Al Jazeera's press credentials is not only in order, but imperative'


A Republican lawmaker has formally petitioned the Congressional Press Office to revoke Al Jazeera's press credentials pending an investigation into the outlet's ownership, according to a letter obtained by the Free Beacon.


Rep. Jack Bergman (R., Mich.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, petitioned the Capitol Hill press officers earlier this month to immediately suspend "press credentials for the Al Jazeera news network" in light of "recent reports that the sole owner and shareholder of Al Jazeera International is the Emir of the State of Qatar," according to the letter.


Al Jazeera's press credentials should be revoked until Congress and the Department of Justice completes an investigation into possible violations of U.S. law by the network, the letter discloses.


Bergman and other lawmakers have argued that the outlet operates at the will of Qatar's ruling body and should be subject to laws compelling disclosure of these ties with the Department of Justice. Other foreign-owned media outlets such as Russia's RT had their press credentials revoked in 2017 over similar concerns regarding the dissemination of state-approved propaganda in the U.S.


Congress went even further in recent months to compel foreign government's to disclose their media ties when they passed a measure requiring outlets like RT and Al Jazeera to register with the Federal Communications Commission, which Al Jazeera has thus far declined to do.


Bergman told the Free Beacon more must be done to ensure that primarily foreign-owned media outlets are not permitted to disseminate state-sanctioned propaganda in the United States.


"In late 2017, the Congressional Press Office revoked the credentials to Russia’s state-owned broadcast and internet network, Russia Today," Bergman said. "The network had been forced to acknowledge its relationship with its foreign principal and, rightly, registered under FARA. In a letter to RT, the Press Office made clear that its credentialing rules ‘state clearly that news credentials may not be issued to any applicant employed by ‘any foreign government or representative thereof.'"


"When it came to RT, the Press Office made the right call," Bergman said. "It was misusing our free press in order to broadcast a foreign state's propaganda into this country. Al Jazeera may have more expensive lawyers, and teams of lobbyists, but it is no different. Clever accounting and legal tricks don't hide the fact that Al Jazeera is an appendage of Qatar."


While Al Jazeera does receive a large portion of its funding from the Qatari government, it has maintained that it has editorial independence and, therefore, is not subject to FARA or FCC disclosure rules.


This debate spilled into public view earlier this month after Bergman penned an op-ed criticizing Al Jazeera for failing to register with the Department of Justice and FCC.


Al Jazeera's Washington, D.C. representatives contacted the lawmaker to demand a correction to his article, which Bergman's office declined to make. The exchange was first reported by the Free Beacon.


Bergman, in his letter to the Capitol Hill press office, maintained that Al Jazeera operates as Qatar’s official press arm.


Exposed Israel lobby in DC now this!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6808708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8745

White House Pushes 'Trump Pulled Back' Story - He Likely Never Approved To Strike Iran


Last night U.S President Trump allegedly pulled back from a military strike against Iran after it had already been ordered.


That is the official story but there are doubts that it is true. The Iranian campaign of "maximum pressure" against Trump's sanctions is still on. But there are first signs that it is successful.


The New York Times headlines: Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back


WASHINGTON — President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions.


As late as 7 p.m., military and diplomatic officials were expecting a strike, after intense discussions and debate at the White House among the president’s top national security officials and congressional leaders, according to multiple senior administration officials involved in or briefed on the deliberations.


Officials said the president had initially approved attacks on a handful of Iranian targets, like radar and missile batteries.


The operation was underway in its early stages when it was called off, a senior administration official said. Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down, the official said.


The NYT story blames the hawks in the Trump administration, Bolton, Pompeo and CIA torture queen Gina Haspel, for arguing for a strike. The Pentagon and some congressional leaders are said to have been against it. The NYT report includes this curious paragraph:


Asked about the plans for a strike and the decision to hold back, the White House declined to comment, as did Pentagon officials. No government officials asked The New York Times to withhold the article.


The Associated Press has a similar story: US prepped for strikes on Iran before approval was withdrawn. The Washington Post and ABCNews also report along the same line. The White House is clearly pushing this version of the story.


But not everyone is buying the claim of a planned attack that was called back. Jeffrey Lewis, a scholar on international conflicts, remarks:


Jeffrey Lewis @ArmsControlWonk - 3:43 UTC - 21 Jun 2019


I don’t buy this. Trump’s team is trying to have it both ways — acting restrained but talking tough. This is pretty much what Nixon did in 1969, too. Why not just admit that sometimes restraint is smart?


The @nytimes ran the same story Nixon in 1969. 🤷‍♂️ Nixon was not going to retaliate but he wanted people to think he almost did — and the Gray Lady obliged. -→ Aides Say Nixon Weighed Swift Korea Reprisal

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6808753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Revilo Oliver - The Homosexual Conspiracy against Society


DR. REVILO Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years and one of the leading philologists of his time, read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for more than half a century wrote scholarly articles in four languages for academic publications in the United States and Europe.

One of the first to sound the alarm about the world Communist conspiracy, he recognized that, in their desire to destroy Western civilization, Cabalists find a natural ally in gay activists.


Gay activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen admitted "a surprising large percentage of gay men are pathological liars and con men." (Even Gays Admit They are Sick)


As "outsiders," both Cabalists and gays feel a natural resentment against civil society and wish to destroy it. It's no coincidence that leading Illuminati figures like Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, Tony Blair, George W. Bush and Barack Obama were/are homosexuals. Here he barely scratches the surface but I am sure that if we dig deeper, we will discover that homosexuality plays a prominent role in the Illuminati conspiracy. We're not saying all gays are subversives only that a disproportionate number of Illuminati subversives are gay.


As R.G. Waldeck summarized it in Human Events, "the (homosexual) conspiracy has spread all over the globe; has penetrated all classes; operates in armies and in prisons; has infiltrated into the press, the movies, and the cabinets; and it all but dominates the arts, literature, theater, music and TV." So long as the degenerates were furtive and discreet, the American public had no conception of their number and power. Oliver-The-Homosexual-Conspiracy .html

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6808768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8802 >>8817 >>8869 >>9018 >>9137

Kirklees grooming gang: Police arrest 44 suspects over sexual abuse of girls in Yorkshire


Police investigating a grooming gang that allegedly abused girls in Kirklees have arrested 44 suspects in a series of raids.


Officers have detained 36 men and three women from homes across Kirklees, Bradford and Leeds in the past two weeks.


Five other men were arrested last year in connection with the same investigation.


The suspects, who are aged between 39 and 81, have been interviewed and released under investigation.


West Yorkshire Police said four women had made allegations that they were sexually abused as children, predominantly in the Dewsbury and Batley areas between 1995 and 2002.


The complainants were aged between 12 and 16 at the time.


Detective Inspector Seth Robinson said: “Safeguarding and protecting children remains the top priority for West Yorkshire Police. We hope that these recent arrests reassure our local communities that we are wholly committed to tackling child sexual exploitation in Kirklees, both current and non-recent.


“Child sexual abuse and exploitation is an abhorrent and heinous crime and one which affects some of the most vulnerable people in our society.”


Det Insp Robinson also said police could not tackle child abuse in “isolation” and were working with councils and charities to support victims and bring perpetrators to justice.


“We would urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse, whether recent or historic, to report it to the police,” he added. “Please be assured that you will be listened to, taken seriously and supported by professionals with experience of dealing with these kind of offences.”


The investigation is separate to Operation Tendersea, which probed the abuse of underage girls in Huddersfield.


Two men were jailed for abusing one of the victims in that case on Friday, bringing the total number of abusers imprisoned to at least 20.


Police said the girl, who was among at least 15 victims, started being sexually abused when she was just 12 years old.

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6808797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police said gearing up to indict minister suspected of aiding alleged pedophiles


Law enforcement slated to recommend Yaakov Litzman be charged for pressuring employees to prevent extradition of Malka Leifer, who faces 74 child sex abuse charges in Australia


The Israel Police are gearing up to recommend that Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman be indicted for using his office to illicitly provide assistance to alleged sex offenders, according to a report released Friday by the Kan public broadcaster.


Israeli law enforcement intends to indict the United Torah Judaism party chairman in two cases, the report said.


The first case involves Malka Leifer, a former ultra-Orthodox girls’ school principal charged in Australia with 74 counts of child sex abuse. The police announced in February that they were investigating Litzman on suspicion that he pressured employees in his office to change the conclusions of their psychiatric evaluations to deem Leifer unfit for extradition.

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6808821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.


You open your browser to look at the Web. Do you know who is looking back at you?


Over a recent week of Web surfing, I peered under the hood of Google Chrome and found it brought along a few thousand friends. Shopping, news and even government sites quietly tagged my browser to let ad and data companies ride shotgun while I clicked around the Web.


This was made possible by the Web’s biggest snoop of all: Google. Seen from the inside, its Chrome browser looks a lot like surveillance software.


Lately I’ve been investigating the secret life of my data, running experiments to see what technology really gets up to under the cover of privacy policies that nobody reads. It turns out, having the world’s biggest advertising company make the most popular Web browser was about as smart as letting kids run a candy shop.


It made me decide to ditch Chrome for a new version of nonprofit Mozilla’s Firefox, which has default privacy protections. Switching involved less inconvenience than you might imagine.


My tests of Chrome vs. Firefox unearthed a personal data caper of absurd proportions. In a week of Web surfing on my desktop, I discovered 11,189 requests for tracker “cookies” that Chrome would have ushered right onto my computer but were automatically blocked by Firefox. These little files are the hooks that data firms, including Google itself, use to follow what websites you visit so they can build profiles of your interests, income and personality.


Chrome welcomed trackers even at websites you would think would be private. I watched Aetna and the Federal Student Aid website set cookies for Facebook and Google. They surreptitiously told the data giants every time I pulled up the insurance and loan service’s log-in pages.


And that’s not the half of it.


Look in the upper right corner of your Chrome browser. See a picture or a name in the circle? If so, you’re logged in to the browser, and Google might be tapping into your Web activity to target ads. Don’t recall signing in? I didn’t, either. Chrome recently started doing that automatically when you use Gmail.


Chrome is even sneakier on your phone. If you use Android, Chrome sends Google your location every time you conduct a search. (If you turn off location sharing it still sends your coordinates out, just with less accuracy.)


Firefox isn’t perfect — it still defaults searches to Google and permits some other tracking. But it doesn’t share browsing data with Mozilla, which isn’t in the data-collection business.

Anonymous ID: feb932 June 21, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6808831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869 >>9018 >>9137

Saudi Arabia buys $300m spyware from Israel


Saudi Arabia has bought $300 million worth of spy software from Israel as part of a large scale military deal.


Senior Arab sources told Al Khaleej Online that the deal was struck without a mediator, despite the fact that the two countries do not maintain formal diplomatic relations. The sources stressed that the Saudi intelligence services have sought to obtain advanced spyware in order to trace the Kingdom’s citizens – both in the country and abroad – amidst increasing criticism of the Saudi royal family.


Saudi Arabia therefore reached out to the Israeli market and struck a deal worth $300m with representatives of Israeli firms, the sources said, adding that both sides met and reached the deal in UK capital London.


According to the sources, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) know about the deal, which includes 1,000 small yet sophisticated tracking devices that can be placed in the target’s mobile phone.


The Israeli representatives received full payment for the deal before handing over the devices and, according to the sources, plan to hand over another 2,000 such devices by 2020.

