Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6809270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9328

Guise, I fund this post on a random board from Feb 2019. I thought I would bring it over here to fresh eyes and see if it means anything to anyone. It is not my post, it is from a lurker, I just thought it had a nugget to look at perhaps? Here it is:

Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3


▶Anonymous 02/28/19 (Thu) 13:22:24 ebc671 (14) No.5436924


Hey Q? I believe I have found a Q delta (connection) possibly in this Anonymous Collective video that they posted on Youtube on February 18th here: On this message, at the 2:27 mark, the narrator from the Anonymous Collective states the following: "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the forces of evil". This quote is from Ephesians 6:11 in the Bible which refers to "putting on the armor of God". Then ironically, In Q drop 2904, which appeared on February 26th (8 days later), Q posted this exact verse. Check out the mark on the Anonymous video and then refer to drop 2904 to see for yourselves. Interesting if not related.


Q? Are you familiar with this and is it legitz?


I embefded the video and the drop mentioned from the lurker:


The Armor of God Prayer



26 Feb 2019 - 4:56:40 PM

The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6809328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The narrator in the video does not quote the translation of the bible verse exactly, it seems to be another translation. Not exactly the same as the Q crumb either………but was eight day s before the Q drop.

Listen @2:27 forward.


"our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Our fight is against rulers, against authorities, agianst the powers of this dark world and against forces of evil"

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6809394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9595

Another luker with a pretty good catch

NOT my post:


TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3


▶Anonymous 03/02/19 (Sat) 20:48:58 ebc671 (14) No.5474718


File (hide): 6a63a424334f58b⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 451x685, 451:685, 37d1077573fd4f2e58f21f56d6….jpg) (h) (u)


File (hide): fe1a0c7b5bea0ce⋯.jpg (162.42 KB, 1020x546, 170:91, ebfeff2f2fa73bb8a5f21efc03….jpg) (h) (u)




So if you look at Q Post # 2912, you will see the following:📁


"Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen….."📁


"…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!"


Carpet bombs are ok.


Tactical nukes are better.










ALPHABET: Assign each letter its corresponding number:










Say "RST U" out loud….


"Arrest You?"


Someone getting arrested soon? Is this the tactical nuke we have been waiting for?

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6809448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642 >>9753 >>9787 >>9842 >>9927 >>9938

Facebook is making a big shift to private messages, but it's not immune to security vulnerabilities.


Imperva, a cybersecurity company, on Thursday detailed a flaw with Facebook Messenger that allowed potential attackers to learn who you were talking with on the chatting service.


"It could be sent to high-profile targets to figure out who they've had a conversation with," Masas said. "If you sent a message to a bot to order pizzas, I would know."


Facebook is making a big shift to private messages, but it's not immune to security vulnerabilities.


Imperva, a cybersecurity company, on Thursday detailed a flaw with Facebook Messenger that allowed potential attackers to learn who you were talking with on the chatting service.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6809502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found on random thread, brought it over for guise to ponder:


TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3 J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs



▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 11:06:36 cc2c0c (203) No.5576428>>5576527


File (hide): 2c416d34602780e⋯.png (281.6 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, 2c416d34602780ee35d3df217d….png) (h) (u)


The "corrupted blood" incident in World is Warcraft attracted the attention of the U.S. CDC. This is intriguing on so many levels. What kind of clandestine research is performed on people while they are in a game environment? Why was the CDC interested? How did a virtual.pandemic arise spontaneously? Walter Quattrochiochi wrote a piece in Scientific American about social scientists analyzing the spread of vaccine information. They used the data of 55 million social media accounts. Who authorizes this research? What does it accomplish? They already know that they cannot rebut the truth. People starved for truth seek it out. Walter Quattrochioci's research concluded that people did not respond to further attempts to indoctrinate thrm.once they realized the vaccine hoax.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6809647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

found on random thread:

TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3 J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs 08/11/18


▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 06:35:04 cc2c0c (203) No.5573328


Hey qresearch, hope this isn't considered entirely off-topic; I'm hoping this might help with some investigations into the elites and how they communicate openly to each other using the media. I've been watching this docu "FEDERAL RESERVE 100 years of Money for Nothing" and it seems as if the head of the FED such as Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke all use coded backwards-ish speak to warn all their buddies about how they're intentionally going to bust the economy before they do it.


Am I onto something here? Or am I crazy? The language he uses seems so precisely calculated and thought out. All throughout the video.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6809680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 06:33:51 cc2c0c (203) No.5573319


Q team currently slowly showcasing how DS has been monitoring the world. This post may refer to ALL Apple products. Money says if we look into the A9/A10 chips - designed by Apple - manufactured by TSMC and Samsung - these cores for their products have a Trojan or 3 embedded directly in the chipset. No external malware required. Think about the number of devices globally. The Swamp IS everywhere. (I wouldn't doubt if Intel and AMD have done the same for all PCs.) NOTE: I've always believed that JOBS was Cancer-cided for not letting the spooks into his products. His replacement has likely been far more accommodating.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6809697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 06:33:23 cc2c0c (203) No.5573315




Where did all that dirt go?


DUMB under DIA…..


Q, how about that 30 minute spiral exit parking lot? at DIA?


Where did that dirt GO?


Q., What about that Ground entrance for Military vehicles, hidden in plain sight? For Mil CARAVANS.. Where do these vehicles travel to????


[Phil Schneider is] an engineer who had been involved for many years working in construction for the Industrial Defense Complex building giant “Deep Underground Bases.” He told me that he had been offered the position of head engineer for the construction of the base that was to go under the new Denver International Airport back in the early 80s.




[Phil Schneider] pointed out many things to me, such as, on the lowest level we could go into in the underground was very hot, not cool like a basement. He said it was hot because there were many level below it and the heat from there was rising from below us.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6809753   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this is not my post. I found it on a random thread and am bring ng interesting nuggets over the the active boards. seems a lot of lurkers over there and may not understand where to post. So this notable is not me. IT belongs to the anon who posted it originally. I like to give credit when anons are digging and not take credit for thier finds:

I gues looking at those boards is worht my time as it became a notable, instead of going unseen on the other threds. All anons should go and dig /mine those threads in the catalog and breath some life into the lurkers posts tha no one read:


▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 06:34:26 cc2c0c (203) No.5573320

Facebook is making a big shift to private messages, but it's not immune to security vulnerabilities.


Imperva, a cybersecurity company, on Thursday detailed a flaw with Facebook Messenger that allowed potential attackers to learn who you were talking with on the chatting service.


"It could be sent to high-profile targets to figure out who they've had a conversation with," Masas said. "If you sent a message to a bot to order pizzas, I would know."


Facebook is making a big shift to private messages, but it's not immune to security vulnerabilities.


Imperva, a cybersecurity company, on Thursday detailed a flaw with Facebook Messenger that allowed potential attackers to learn who you were talking with on the chatting service.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.6809809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found on:

TDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3 J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs


▶Anonymous 03/08/19 (Fri) 10:03:15 61c46e (1) No.5575585



Question regarding a Notable:


Signal and DuckDuckGo compromised in some way due to Snowden and Soros funding?

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.6809823   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found on ▶TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Pt.3 J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs


▶Anonymous 03/02/19 (Sat) 20:48:03 ebc671 (14) No.5474704


Back n the day I heard rumors of the patriot act coup and the covert ops patriots who went rogue. WTF is this? He was for sure there. Talking about a need for Q! Any input?


Author is some citizen journalist anon who claims she meet the guy in all the photos. Claims he was posing as homeless, gave her a bunch of files, FBI raid after. I tried contacting her and got no reply. This dude was there. If that is his voice from 1999! Predicting the need for “our Q”. Infiltrating the NATO summit. Running around with Navy Seals. Posing as secret service driving Clinton’s limo! Only covert ops did that sort of thing. Covert ops working domestically in the late 90’s? I confirmed the limo was Clinton’s. Need some top of the line anons to work this one.

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6809879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9927 >>9938

Pubblicato il 04/09/2014

Ultima modifica il 04/09/2014 alle ore 16:32


Peres’ proposal to Francis to set up a UN of religions

The Pope received the former Israeli president and Jordan’s Prince Hassan bin Talal. The Middle East and interreligious dialogue were the focus of their talks


the Pope received the former president of the Republic of Israel, Shimon Peres and then the Prince of Jordan, Hassan bin Talal. Both were directly involved in Pope Francis’ recent visit to the Holy Land;


The former president of the Republic of Israel had a very specific proposal to make at this meeting. He talked about it in an interview with Famiglia Cristiana before the meeting: his proposal was essentially to create a UN of religions. “The UN has run its course, what we need is an Organisation of United Religions, a UN of religions,” Peres said in his interview with Famiglia Cristiana. This would be the best way to fight against these terrorists who kill in the name of faith, because the majority of people are not like them, they practice their religion without killing anyone, without this thought ever crossing their minds.”


“And I think there should also be a United Religions Charter, just like the UN Charter,” Peres went on to say. “The new Charter would state on behalf of all faiths that slitting people’s throats or carrying out mass slaughters, as we have seen in the past weeks, has nothing to do with religion. This was my proposal to the Pope.”


Due to the power of religions and the Pope’s charisma, Peres would like Pope Francis to lead the proposed UN of religions: “When I look around me I notice one thing: perhaps for the first time in history the Holy Father is a leader who has the respect of many people as well as the most diverse religions and their representatives. Indeed, he may actually be the only leader they really respect. Hence the idea I proposed to Francis.”


Francis welcomed the idea with interest and encouragement;


read more:

Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6809937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Found on another thread:

Thought I'd leave this here to relive the night the MSM was exposed.

▶Anonymous 03/04/19 (Mon) 17:24:18 22e3f8 (4) No.5509052


The Pilgrims Society


Vert important connections affecting all countries




The Pilgrims Society, an aristocratic Anglo-American dining club, was established over a century ago and meets at least two or three times a year. Its membership consists of the most influential bankers, lawyers, insurance brokers, and businessmen from the New York and London areas. A handful of career politicians also come from Washington. The club's primary purpose is to keep the ties between the United States and Britain as close as possible. –PLEASE SCROLL DOWN………The London chapter of the Pilgrims Society was established on July 11, 1902, followed by

a New York chapter on January 13, 1903. Its patron is the British monarch, who has plenty of representatives attending the meetings. A member of the Royal family usually attends the London diners.


As you'll find out by looking at the membership list, the Pilgrims Society has clearly fused together the business centers of New York and London, together with a large portion of the political centers of both nations. Ninety percent of the American members are top-level bankers and businessmen from New York city.The club is secret. It might be one of those 'open-secrets', but it's secret nonetheless. If it wasn't, we would have read about it in the history books, we would know all the details of the meetings, and we would have membership lists in the public domain. It is possible to find quite a bit of information in regular newspaper archives, but you really have to look for it.


A great example of the cooperation between the London and American Pilgrims is the

London Bush House, which was ordered to be built in 1919 by Pilgrim Irving T. Bush, a N.Y. businessman. At the time it was the most expensive building in the world and was meant to be an Anglo-American trade center where buyers could purchase goods in one place. It lost its original function after a couple of decades, but still exists today as an office to the BBC World Service. Above the entrance there's a large statue, which represents this Anglo-American cooperation.


The Pilgrims Society is allied with the English-Speaking Union, which is an organization that promotes the use of the English language all over the world. The patron is the English queen and the president is prince Philip. The chairman, as far as we know, is always a member of the Pilgrims.


The institutions the Pilgrims control


All the important members of the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting were Pilgrims; Vanderlip, Strong, Warburg, Davison, Norton, and Aldrich. Senator Aldrich's closest ally in congress, Edward B. Vreeland, was a Pilgrim too, together with his brother. Vreeland helped Aldrich establish a privately owned central bank. Of course, J.P. Morgan, George F. Baker, John D. Rockefeller, and Jacob Schiff were members also. Keep in mind these people were often competing with each other and weren't necessarily friends, as so many (conspiracy-oriented) people seem to think.


N.Y. FED 'Pilgrim-presidents'

Benjamin Strong 1914-1928

George Harrison 1928-1940

Allan Sproul 1941-1956

Alfred Hayes 1956-1975

Paul Volcker 1975-1979

Anthony Solomon 1980-1985

E. Gerald Corrigan 1985-1993

William J. McDonough 1993-2003

Timothy Geithner 2003-present

Red = confirmed Pilgrim


Pilgrims have a large influence on Washington politics




Anonymous ID: 870a05 June 21, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6809955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


▶Anonymous 03/04/19 (Mon) 17:45:10 22e3f8 (4) No.5509535


All about Pilgrim Society, AngloAmerican, Oxycontin