>Iv'e heard rumors, from people that work for Alex's lil sock puppet call center. The rumor is that is where most of these shills are based.
>Who would have thought.
The answer to what the elite had planned and 322 is in this vid.
Fuck em though
You could miss this if your not really paying attention
The video background is filled with shit like this.
Notice the Masonic G and the crack forming
So mid video Wayne says "I know what they don't wanna tell you, just hope your heaven sent and hell proof"
He's wearing a shirt that says listen to Wayne.
In the window it says LEARN
Also EU^
I know that Iv'e looked up the address for this video like where it was recorded or something or the 621. I wanna say it was a masonic lodge 322
Don't quote me, I'll have to double check