Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6810068   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0162 >>0204 >>0266

Trump and 5G (1/3)


5G worries me far more than everything else put together. Far, far more. And until now, I've been able to form no idea at all as to what Trump really thinks about 5G. Obviously he knows the military and industry line, which is that winning the 5G "race" is essential for US survival, must be fast-tracked, and all health and surveillance issues must be ignored:


However: listen very carefully to what Trump said on April 12 2019, talking about the accelerated rollout of 5G, with tower workers behind him wearing hard hats, symbolising the jobs that will be created to put up millions of small cell towers for 5G everywhere across the landscape:


Just before he asks Ajit Pai, FCC chairman โ€“ former Verizon lawyer and lobbyist and Trump's designated swamp monster deluxe โ€“ to say a few words, this is what Trump says:


"We're going to โ€ฆ extend broadband access to every American โ€“ no matter where you are, you will have access very quickly to 5G, and it's going to be a different life. I don't know that it's going to be better, maybe you're happy the way it is right now, but I can say technologically, it won't even be close. So Chairman Pai, thank you very much, please say a few words."

(Around 5:13 in this video).


So: after saying how it's going to boost the economy, and boost jobs, and just be the best thing ever, Trump suddenly says, and please forgive the capital letters:




In other words: your happiness, and everything else you may hold dear, like your children, are being put second to "technology". We used to use tools; now the tools are going to use us. That's the evolution of the human species, Deep State style.


I believe Donald Trump is revealing here that he is actually a hostage in this situation. He cannot buck the trend and deny the military their vast stealth weaponry over the entire population. But there is a signal here, and not such a subtle signal, that you may not think this is going to make the world better, you actually may be happier with life the way it is.


If you are actually relatively happy with life the way it is, without 24/7 surveillance and microwave towers right outside your kids' bedrooms: it's up to YOU to fight. You want to fight the Deep State, you say? Well, the Deep State is coming soon to a lamp post right outside your house, to irradiate you, and track every movement you make, inside and outside, whether you're on the phone or not.


Donald Trump cannot act to save the American people and their brains and bodies from being fried, unless there is a huge groundswell of popular opposition to 5G. I've been fighting towers for over 20 years, it's a vicious and thankless war, but more and more people are now waking up. You need to join us.


Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.6810084   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Trump and 5G (2/3)


You want to fight the Deep State, you say? Then let your President know that you don't want 5G towers on your building, in your street, in your hospital corridors, in your children's playgrounds.


China is winning the 5G war: they have hundreds of thousands of cameras with AI face recognition, making sure the Chinese smile at the right moment, or they suffer the consequences. Is this a war you really want to win?


Take a look at the health effects in countries that have microwaved their populations. In South Korea, 96.5% of 19-year-old males are short-sighted, according to the top scientific journal Nature:


The same article reports that in mainland China, the myopia rate has gone from 10% to 90% among young people over the last 60 years.


A CBS 60 Minutes program reported preliminary details of a National Institutes of Health study that found that 9-year-old kids who had spent seven hours a day on "devices" showed premature thinning of their cerebral cortex. "Premature": this thinning normally happens when you are in your 60s and are going senile. Repeat: 9-year-olds are showing the same signs of brain decay as senior citizens.


Do you really want to win the 5G race? You already have an entire generation of blinded and brain-damaged kids. Mr Barrie Trower, the UK government's former microwave warfare expert, warns that pregnant women exposed to microwaves will give birth to daughters whose eggs (which develop while they're in the womb) will already have suffered genetic damage. This means that the grandchildren of these irradiated women will suffer terrible birth deformities. Mr Trower (who does not say one thing he cannot back up with extensive scientific evidence) says that this is going to make Thalidomide look like a picnic.


You have no time left at all, anons. The 5G network is being rolled out all around you, as we sit here. You need to rescue yourselves and rescue your President, as a matter of the most critical urgency.


Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6810091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Trump and 5G (3/3)


I have been wavering as to whether this whole Q exercise is a decoy to get 5G rolled out while you all fantasize about Hillary Clinton swinging on the end of a rope. Believe me, really believe me, I also want to see her locked up, at the very least. But recognize what the true agenda of the Deep State is. Once 5G is rolled out, and the entire US population is subject to stealth radiation warfare, it's game over for you as human beings. You have no time โ€“ NO TIME AT ALL โ€“ to start fighting.


I've been battling towers for 20 years now. It's a bitter, desperate, thankless war. But the entire human species depends on us stopping 5G.


I choose to believe now, after studying this small throwaway statement, that Donald Trump โ€“ whatever his faults โ€“ is actually on the side of the human race. I've taken a decision to pitch in here and continue to support this board. I am speaking here to the silent Anons, who want to know the real score. Anyone who wastes their time attacking me, should be aware that we true tinfoil-hat cases are way, way beyond any insults you can heap on us. We've seen and heard and been subject to it all, for many years. Save your barbs for someone who cares.


You need to fight 5G with everything you've got. You need to empower your President with actionable information and irresistable public pressure.


You are the Q Research forum. Go and research cellphone towers and health. There have been 24 studies conducted worldwide on this subject, as of 2017. Every single study โ€“ every one โ€“ has found a consistent pattern of ill health, including drastically raised cancer rates. The scientific findings are UNANIMOUS: microwave towers are a danger to health. Yet the WHO and the FCC say there is no evidence of harm. This is an outright lie, a lie being propagated using your tax dollars.


Mr Barrie Trower held the world's most comprehensive list of pulsed microwave frequencies and their effects on body and brain, during the 1960s, obtained from exhaustive interrogation of Soviet spies. These frequencies were discovered through the irradiation and torture of thousands of psychiatric and political prisoners by the KGB. These frequencies are now being turned on YOU by your own government. Donald Trump, I am now certain, is aware of this. He cannot stop it, no one can stop the military/industrial complex, unless there is overwhelming political pressure. This can only come from you. All desperate appeals from the outside world, from thousands of petitioners and scientists, are just ignored by the powers that be. Only political pressure from within America will do anything.


Anons claim to be awake, compared with "normies". But it is clear to us 5G activists that most of you are also fast, fast asleep, waiting for Q to tell you what to do. Q said: you have more than you know. You need to act on your own volition now. 5G is the clear and present danger.


The Plan you trust centrally involves masses of researchers showing that the mainstream media are shameless serial liars. They have lied about nothing so consistently as the dangers of cellphones, smart meters, 5G, AI, the whole microwave bang shoot. You need to activate all your resources and look into this issue. I guarantee you, the more you look, the more terrified you will become.


So: fuck it all. This 5G fag is staying put on this board, after a lot of soul-searching. Not because I believe in Q and the Plan, so much as I actually believe in this forum, there is real research going on here. Don't take my word for it. Research microwaves and health, the evidence stretches back nearly a century now. The more you look, the more you will find. I have been researching this frantically for 20 years and I haven't even scratched the surface. Go read and see just how systematically you have been lied to by all the authorities โ€“ scientists, politicians, media. Lies, lies, lies and more lies.


What lies ahead โ€“ is more lies ahead.


Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.6810213   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This radiation not only entrains brainwaves: it hard-wires your brain synapses with these anomalous frequencies. We are being hard-wired as zombies. The dominant entrained brainwave frequency (found in literally dozens of studies with ordinary GSM cellphones) is just above 8 Hz, this is in the low alpha brainwave spectrum. This is a zombie state, as your mind switches from external to internal attention, as you fall asleep.


And your brain is hard-wired into this state, through a process called "long-term potentiation" of the cortex. The radiation also interferes with this natural process of LTP, this is why kids are showing premature thinning of the cortex.


Take a look: the zombies are all around you. This is now a commonplace of modern life.

Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.6810239   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Useful idiot, maybe, but coward, I think not. We have suffered more death threats and insults than most people.


I said: I choose to believe that Trump is actually on the side of the human race. This is a very flimsy reading of an apparently throwaway statement he made โ€ฆ just before handing over the the mike to Ajit Pai of the FCC. Very interesting timing. I choose to believe it may be significant. Let's see. I am fighting on all fronts, this is just another one.

Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.6810338   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The Ramtha people also have spurious patents filled with gobbledygook they've copied and pasted from various studies. This is Blu Room therapy:,919,162.PN.&OS=PN/9,919,162&RS=PN/9,919,162


"1. A method for providing therapy to a user positioned within an enclosure, comprising: generating a plurality of settings for the therapy based on one or more of: measured information, reported information, historical information, or operator selected information; selecting one or more of the plurality of settings to provide therapy to the user, wherein the one or more settings are operator configurable; positioning the user at a location within the enclosure, wherein the enclosure comprises a plurality of walls arranged in an octagonal shape with a diameter of approximately nine feet to focus light at the location when light is provided by a plurality of directly emitting light sources, and wherein the plurality of directly emitting light sources are located equidistant from the location at four or more positions on separate walk of the enclosure to directly emit light to form a three-dimensional region of maximum light density at the location and also achieve resonance of the directly emitted light at the location; providing therapy to the user by employing the plurality of light sources, over one or more periods of time, to emit light directly onto the user positioned in the three-dimensional region at the location based on the selected one or more settings, wherein the maximum light density and the resonance of the directly emitted light occur at the location to promote the effectiveness of the therapy for the user; providing post-therapy information that includes one or more of measured and reported information regarding the user; and generating a report regarding the user based on the post-therapy information."


I won't bother you with point 2. I've looked carefully, I can't find any real justification for any of this, it's just babble. Twenty minutes of UV light: maybe you'll get a skin burn? A hot tan?

Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6810560   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I've measured intensity fringes underneath towers for years, interference patterns just like this. Two people a few inches apart will experience very different exposures.


If you sleep on a bed with a metal-sprung mattress, there will be interference patterns all across your body. Prof Olle Johansson of Karolinska U (before they got rid of him) showed that these hot spots will be intense a few centimetres above the bed. Most people lie (mostly) on their right side, otherwise there is pressure on their heart that wakes them up. There is a statistically higher rate of breast cancer in the left breast, they cannot explain this โ€ฆ but Johannsson showed that it could be because of this habit of sleeping on the right, it puts the left breast right in the middle of the hot spot. Interestingly, this asymmetry in breast cancers does NOT occur in Japan, where they mainly sleep on cotton futons. This is a basic application of cymatics or interference patterns.

Anonymous ID: 63576f June 21, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.6810656   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This interesting document describes US government mind control, no one seems to know quite where it came from:


Take a good look, it says people who meditate properly and use marijuana are much less susceptible to mind control. So chill and hit a doobie, it may just work. Many sources say that dope inhibits mind control, this is why so many people in the US are in jail for weed.