This, all day long.
I'm only marginally following "news", other than what hits here and a couple of other places.
Keeping it at arm's length gives a different perspective (which may be wrong of course)
This woman claiming she was raped is just some old hippie activist from California 1960's (eyeroll)
The Iran thing seems so outrageously CIA/Brennan/Deep State as to be almost laughable
How many false flags have we seen fizzle out?
Every single one of the Democratic candidates is laden with tons of messy baggage of every description
The current big-mouth House Dem freshmen are such parodies of themselves that other Dems are rejecting
MSM keeps shilling "polls" that are obvious jokes
Trump talks about winning
One way he wins, is WINNING OVER PEOPLE
Little by little people are rejecting identity politics
In my work life I looked at marketing data and sales trends
Trends have a proven record of continuing at a steeply curved increasing rate
Think of a snowball rolled down one of the Alps
That snowball is rolling right now
There are just too many pluses in Trump's universe for the Dems to handle
Every day, more corruption and evil is getting cleaned up
Death by a million paper cuts
So many arteries for illegal money and influence, one by one, getting clamped shut
Remember that old joke about how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time?
We've been gradually eating that elephant since Trump took office, despite Dem interference
It's starting to make a difference
They're playing the last cards in their hand.
This place has been a better experience than my four years of college. I've learned to dig and think critically, in this fantastic freeform place. I've learned about countless topics I'd never heard of before, and become fascinated. Read that Sun Tzu book and a bunch more things recommended by anons. It's been a privilege to be with you all from the beginning, after leaving plebbit and halfchan in a search for something more.
"We have it all."
"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."