Dark Mother Digs
Gloria Vanderbilt dies at age 95 on June 17th
Just so happens she died on the Full Moon of the Summer Equinox
For those who remember the early digs on this subject, we learned that the Dark Mothers are the big bosses of the left hand pathers who believe that they are not allowed to die a natural death so that they can reincarnate into a new body as a "walk in" incarnation.
When the dark mother says it's time, she will allow herself to be "bleed out" slowly so that she just goes to sleep basically and bleeds to death.
They will try to do this in big ceremony fashion headed up by the big wigs of the cult.
There are rumored 13 or so Dark Mothers
I've personally felt like Gloria Vanderbuilt fits the script to be one.
Then she dies on a full moon before the equinox. With all her crazy shit past and her money. Yeah….sounds like she'd be one sitting on a throne. Also fits the bill that she had a first born that died/sacraficed.
If indeed Gloria was a Dark Mother then who is her replacement?
I also suspect Barbra Bush was as well.
In the dark underworld of God haters, these dark mothers sit in high places of power and call the shots.
But Prayer Changes Things
All we gotta do is see the target clear and pray.