Exactly. And he's not stupid enough to not know that, either. He was playing
the victim trying to make it look like he was being persecuted. Whether Hannity
was playing along or truly fooled is hard to say for sure.
Exactly. And he's not stupid enough to not know that, either. He was playing
the victim trying to make it look like he was being persecuted. Whether Hannity
was playing along or truly fooled is hard to say for sure.
This latest incarnation of ETS has been a touch more accurate than
in the past, but "he" still has a long way to go to overcome past cons,
the most recent of which was the switch to TrueEyeTheSpy. If "he" is
correct on this, "he" may be behond guessing. I'll reserve judgment.
Reports say Sunday morning, so either before then, or it's a ruse. YMMV.