Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6810781   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mauritanian President : Qatar supports and funds terrorism in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday quoted by Mauritanian media outlets , Abdel Aziz said that Sheikhdom of Qatar contributed to destroying Syria, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen , and threatening the security of some European countries and the West through supporting terrorism and spreading extremism and violence.


Maher al-Assad Visits Frontlines in Idleb

The brother of the Syrian president and the commander of the Fourth Division inspected the Hama Military Airbase reports Etihad Press.

The fighting in the area is intense, and the noted airbase is under rocket fire from factions in the “Clear Victory” operations room, which have repeatedly targeted positions with mortars and Grad rockets.


Military Situation In Syria On June 20, 2019 (Map Update)

On June 18 and 19, Russian and Syrian warplanes stuck several militant targets in the outskirt of Idlib’s city center;

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered large ISIS weapons workshops near al-Mayadin and Zur Shmir;

The SAA uncovered an ISIS cell hideout near al-Quriyah seizing several assault rifles, hand grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, military uniforms and flags;

ISIS cells allegedly killed 17 SAA soldiers in recent attacks around Sukhna;

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies suffered large casualties in recent clashes in Hama. According to different sources, from 30 to 70 militants were killed.


Russian, Syrian Warplanes Carried Out Over 100 Airstrikes On Greater Idlib

Step News, a pro-opposition outlet in Idlib, released two videos showing Su-22M4, Mig-23BN and L-39 warplanes of the SyAAF and a Su-35 warplane of the Russian Aerospace Forces carrying out airstrikes on northern Hama and southern Idlib.


Bias, Lies and Videotape: Doubts Dog ‘Confirmed’ Syria Chemical Attacks

Disturbing new evidence suggests 2018 incident might've been staged, putting everything else, including U.S. retaliation, into question.

Use link for full article 5 min read.


New Wave Of Infighting In Turkish-Occupied Areas In Northern Aleppo, Casualties Reported

The clashes and the tension between the two sides began around 4:00 PM, sporadic clashes are still ongoing,” a local source told Step News.


Intensive strikes on fortified positions, supply routes of al-Nusra terrorists in countryside of Hama, Idleb

The strikes resulted in killing and injuring several terrorists and destroying rocket launch-pads for them.

The army’s strikes came in response to the terrorists’ frequent attacks on safe villages and towns of Hama, where terrorists positioned in Kafar Zeita and al-Thamina in northern Hama , and on the outskirts of al- Habbit in southern Idleb targeted with several rockets the towns of al-Sheikh Hadid and al-Garniya in northern and southern Hama, causing material damage to the locals’ houses, properties and a number of agricultural fields.


4th Armoured Division Ceases Operation In Northern Lattakia, Redeploys Troops To Northern Hama

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 4th Division has ceased its military operation in northern Lattakia and redeployed most of its units to the northern Hama countryside, the al-Masdar News, a pro-government blog, reported on June 21.

The deployment of the 4th Division will boost the SAA’s offensive capabilities in northern Hama. In the last few days, the army begin what appears to be preparations to resume its ground operations in the region.

Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6810798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0855

Robert Kraft pledges $20 million to set up foundation that will fight BDS


New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft has pledged $20 million to establish a foundation that will fight anti-Semitism and BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement). Kraft made the announcement while in Israel accepting The Genesis Prize, a $1 million award that Time Magazine has called “the Jewish Nobel.”


The award was presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the prize is administered in partnership with Israel’s government. Like President Trump, Netanyahu has been friends with Kraft for years. “Robert Kraft fights back,” said Netanyahu, “and he’s committed to fight BDS and the slanders against Israel and to stand up for the state of Israel.”


In his acceptance speech, Kraft explained that the new foundation will focus on social media messaging and target individuals between the ages of 18-35. “When I was awarded The Genesis Prize in January,” said Kraft, “I promised to dedicate myself even more than before to fighting anti-semitism, BDS, and other efforts to delegitimize the state of Israel.”


“My vision is to work to end the violence against Jewish communities, “Kraft explained, “To counter the normalization of anti-Semitic narratives that question Israel’s right to exist, disguised as part of legitimate debate on campuses and in the media. To educate, to inform, and to heal inter-communal relations. In combating the scourge of anti-Semitism, my solemn ambition is to counter all forms of intolerance in the spirit of the ancient Jewish value of tikkun olam – to heal and repair the world.”


Kraft aims to begin the foundation with $50 million and is currently seeking partners. He has already secured a $5 million gift from Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich.


Last year’s ceremony was canceled after the actress Natalie Portman declined to attend the event citing “distressing” events in Israel. Although Portman didn’t specifically detail her motivations, the move was viewed by many as a BDS victory. This year’s selection was initially uncontroversial but shortly after the award announcement, Kraft was charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution in Florida. He has pleaded not guilty.


Kraft has visited Israel more than 100 times. He was accompanied on this trip by a number of former and current NFL players, including Drew Bledsoe, Ty Law, Vince Wilfork, Stephen Gostowski, Nate Ebner and Julian Edelman. He’s traveled with similar delegations throughout the years, including 2017 when he visited the country with football greats Joe Montana, Jim Brown, Roger Staubach and Mike Singletary to open the Kraft Sports Campus in Jerusalem. The campus includes the country’s first full-length football field.

Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.6810812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1193

It’s snowing in Yellowstone—on the first day of summer.


Snow can happen any month of the year in the national park, where wildlife has adapted to fluctuations in climate.

Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6810823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0840 >>0856 >>0911 >>1380

Reparations – A way for democrats to buy black votes by asking everybody to pay blacks for what democrats did.





A way for democrats to buy black votes

by asking everybody to pay blacks

for what democrats did.


Don’t believe me?


Let African American Carol Swain professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University tell it like it is

Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.6810851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930

Corrupt and Wicked Obama-Appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson Orders Roger Stone to Respond to Latest Contempt Motion by Thursday


Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointed corrupt liberal judge with an angry disposition toward Americans who think differently than Obama, continues to put her own distorted interpretation of US law ahead of the US Constitution.

Her actions with Paul Manafort alone were ample cause for her to be removed, impeached or jailed.

Amy Berman Jackson will likely kill Paul Manafort before she is brought to justice!


We reported months ago and again in May 2018, that Obama appointed liberal activist Judge, Amy Berman Jackson, was assigned to the most important court case in US history, the Manafort case in the Trump-Russia hoax investigation.


Sadly, Judge Jackson has a horrible far left record on the bench. In 2013 Judge Jackson rejected arguments from the Catholic Church that Obamacare’s requirements that employers provide cost free coverage of contraceptive services in spite of being contrary to their religious beliefs. This was overturned by the Supreme Court.


In 2017 Judge Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit against Hillary Clinton filed by two of the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi. The families argued that Clinton had done little to help their sons and then lied to cover it up.


Then on January 19, 2018, Paul Manafort’s case was reassigned to Judge Jackson on January 19th, a few weeks after being filed.


It is unknown how she was assigned to the Manafort case or by whom. What is clear is that with her atrocious and slanted record to date, the Deep State and the Mueller team certainly wanted Judge Jackson overseeing the Manafort case.


On January 3, 2018, we reported that Paul Manafort filed a suit against the “Deep State” DOJ (Jeff Sessions), Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein and Corrupt Investigator Robert Mueller that should have shut down Mueller’s corrupt investigation!



To put it plainly, Mueller was tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He was being asked to do something that was manifestly unattainable.


Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein because what they were doing was not supported by US Law.


Manafort’s case argued in paragraph 33 of its filing that the special counsel put in place by crooked Rosenstein gave crooked and criminal Mueller powers that are not permitted by law. Mueller was given the latitude to investigate whatever he wanted to and that is not permitted by the law. Manafort’s filing paragraph 33 stated –


But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


Manafort’s case was solid but the judge was Obama’s corrupt liberal Judge Jackson. On April 27, 2018, Judge Jackson dismissed Manafort’s plea.


Judge Jackson was not only wrong in her judgements, she was also overly abusive to Manafort. She scolded Manafort and his team for a statement his spokesman issued maintaining his innocence and said the comments appeared to run afoul of the order she issued in November limiting public statements about the case by lawyers involved and by the defendants. Of course she said nothing about the many leaks from the corrupt Mueller team.

Anonymous ID: ef5bf7 June 21, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.6810900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0916 >>1373

Israeli is pissed about Trump not attacking Iran


As threat of conflict with Iran grows, US has temps running the Pentagon


Administration has no defense secretary and the temporary one just quit. His replacement might only stay for six weeks; top Democrat calls situation ‘appalling’


US President Donald Trump’s brinkmanship with Iran is on the boil, spilling beyond diplomacy to a planned air attack on Iran that Trump said he ordered, then pulled back at least for now. This, as the US undertakes an unusual troop deployment to the Mexican border, tends its nearly two-decade-old war in Afghanistan and grapples with stalled talks with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program.


Through it all, the US has no defense secretary, but rather an acting one who is taking over from another acting one, who suddenly quit.


And the latest one, Army Secretary Mark Esper, who takes over on Sunday, might only be able to serve as acting Pentagon chief for less than two months under the rules, requiring yet another short-term boss before it’s all sorted out.


Temporary leadership is a hallmark of Trump’s administration. “It gives me more flexibility,” Trump has said of the many people in acting leadership jobs, not always by his choice.


The practice lets Trump quickly, if temporarily, install allies in important positions while circumventing the Senate confirmation process, which can be risky with Republicans running the chamber by a slim 53-47 margin.


But the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, says it’s out of hand.