One could hope and pray.
As long as we are slow walking going after ANYONE of importance and changing the narrative with the actual TRUTH, they will continue these retarded hit jobs. Let's see this bitches text messages and emails. Bet you $$$$ we'll see "collusion" with the Dems and MSM.
We need a vid of all the clips of Dems and media clowns saying the POTUS cannot be above the law with a pic of Barry at the end, #LockHimUp.
I suck at that shit or I'd make it myself.
Needs to be taken to the SC. Challenge the constitutionality of snuffing out an INNOCENT LIVING HUMAN BEING for NO REASON.
BTW, there's NEVER a reason to MURDER a full term baby for the "health" or "life" of the mother. You DELIVER the baby.
Wasn't his crazy wife and mom twatting last night? Any update on that? I don't twat.