My 2 cents, but I recommend maybe 2-10% of a portfolio in crypto. 75% in Bitcoin(proportions in BTC, BCH, BSV according to mkt cap), then 25% in MAID. ETH is maybe a short or even medium term play, but long-term, it is not an investment. MAID would absolutely destroy it from one end, and the facebook Libra from the other. People who haven't looked into crypto still think it has a future…as well as others like EOS or whatever. All garbage…but again my two cents. get some gold though too first. that's a safer play. crypto is high speculation, but with a once in a lifetime risk/reward profile…only play with what you can lose. and for god's sake, learn how to control and safeguard your accounts and keys.
This dissertation investigates two emerging global mega-trends which are aptly described as a lack of faith in monetary policy and increasing symptoms of internet architecture failure. Both of these trends produce symptoms which stem from unbridled and unchecked centralization on multiple fronts: political, social, technological, and even philosophical, among countless others. Under the general banner of decentralization as an emerging countertrend, the innovation of Bitcoin and its underlying technological solution to the philosophical and practical problem of distributed consensus through a creative use of cryptography have ignited thought-leaders in their research to develop technologies which have massive disruptive implications for the world. These technologies will parallel or even replace core assumptive architectures currently underpinning the developed world while also providing legitimate reform propositions for the two problems described. The rise of the digital economy has been driven by the monetization of personal information. These technologies reverse the personal data-mining, advertising, and surveillance capitalism model of the digital economy through decentralization so that the users once again have greater privacy, security, and control over their money and data while simultaneously allowing for a thriving digital economy through tokenization and incorruptible monetary policy. After having conferred with relevant literature to fill in the background plot and confirm assumptions, a scenario planning technique was applied to the potential emergence of a decentralized autonomous internet, e.g. SAFE Network, to produce four fictional future scenarios for how such a technology will impact the ecosystem of the current internet and strategies for companies in the database and cloud markets to prepare for such changes. Being such a broad and all-encompassing topic as well as a focus more on the general business implications, the outcomes should not be taken definitively nor as all encompassing but as contours of an initial medium-term forecast.
yeah, I can't share what I know about it here without doxxing myself, but I do hope that the authorities are not only looking into Brock and Larimer, but all the giant ecosystem of people, accelerators, etc. I could draw you a direct line to Soros money, hitting old money billionaires on the very first connection. EOS is bad news.
Then fuck it. Go big. 100% MAID. It might be a little while still, but that's your biggest bet. It's 20 cents today. In 3-5 years, could easily be 100-1000.
well, you're catching it at the bottom so a great time to pick it up before all of crypto starts going crazy for the next halvening. Also, after years of R&D, maidsafe is about to start pushing real product out in the next 1-3 months that will prove their case. Once people understand what it is, blockchain, except for maybe bitcoin and private ledgers are done. Maid is a whole different non-blockchain paradigm.