Anonymous ID: 82ed34 June 22, 2019, 2:54 a.m. No.6813987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4009


>all you gotta do is say you're sorry at the end, dumping moar burdens on "Jesus".

I'm pretty sure anyone who actually does this would be better classified as "lukewarm" they want God to just snap his fingers and make the bad go away but don't understand that we've been given dominion and could just as easily do it ourselves as Christians. We should be looking into ourselves and seeing the qualities of Christ we lack then try to strive to change our character to be closer to who he was. As we do with anyone we admire and respect. Regardless of if we are aware that we are doing it.


>Do you know how many Christians I know that spend most of their lives looking down on others, and even judging them

Now I've only been saved for a short time but sounds more like a Catholic thing, no Christian I've ever met has been the holier than though type. I say that because Catholicism supports such behavior saying that the presence of God is only for priests, bishops, etc. As if clergymen are any better than other followers of Christ.


>Christianity is not special.

You've never felt the physical presence of God I take it? Not that that's something to be ashamed of, heck I never even knew it was a thing until late last year so I wouldn't be that surprised if no one here has. But to say that Christianity is not special is a bit of a bold claim, let me tell you, you're not going to feel God's touch calling on Allah or Buddha.


>The symbolism of Christianity is a reminder for what happens when you challenge the authority.

That's a rather defeatist way of looking at it, but I suppose you are not wrong, just rather black-pilled.


>You're never even allowed to question the Bible, in fear of "eternal damnation".

Well if the question is "Did Jesus really die for my sins?" or "Did he really live a perfect life?" than all I can really say to that is that it's not called faith for no reason. Honestly, I cannot answer those questions confidently, accurately or assuredly, because I do not know 100% myself, but my soul knows and it says yes he did because I have faith that he did.


>Just be a Good person, yo! Not because you'll get something out of it in the end. Or because you'll get punished if you don't. Be a Good person, because it's the right thing to do.

Amen, the bible tells us as much.


>if we continue to treat each other like crap and try to do everything only for self, or "God" or "Jesus" or whatever, than the wrong we do will continue to reciprocate in this world for the rest of eternity.

Now I may be talking out of my depth but what better place to do so than on the chans? My bible study has talked about this a few times, now I've come to the opinion that God does not like religion, he gave us free will and dominion of the Earth, religion works against this freedom, religion promotes things like hierarchy and subservience from what I've seen and heard and this goes against the gift of free will that was given to us by God. In my walk there's been one thing that just made so many things click. God doesn't want to be worshiped, he wants a relationship with us, as any father would want with their children.


I don't know, just thought I'd try to clear some misunderstandings you may have had. If any of this helped I'm glad, if it just left you with more questions, than I'm sorry to have confused you further.

Thread reached max and I didn't spend all this damn time typing this for nothing so I'm putting it here. Sue me

Anonymous ID: 82ed34 June 22, 2019, 5:12 a.m. No.6814368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Of course you weren't talking about pizzagate. You were avoiding it, so you could feel good about yourself. As if saving my soul is going to help a traumatized victim one of the many child rapists that rule over this planet.


See, this is why it pays of to read the whole bread I suppose, I didn't read shit about any of that in the last thread. Was just kinda skimming most things, only reading longer posts.

I don't know your story man, hell if anything I probably don't want to know considering all the dark shit out there, the last thing I'd want is to belittle the suffering of others, if you went through such a thing nothing I say could help you, honestly.

I wouldn't avoid the topic if I was aware of it in the conversation, I suppose I just spend to much time on /pol/ reading fedora tier posts


>As if saving my soul is going to help a traumatized victim one of the many child rapists that rule over this planet.

Did I ask you to repent? Did I ask you to give your life to Jesus or confess your sins? Forgive me if I'm wrong here but I don't believe I was trying to save your soul, that's not my job, I'm sure we can both agree I'm no preacher. I saw a chance to speak about something I wanted to try to gain more knowledge in and discuss with people who perhaps knew more than me, and hey would you look at that, it sure does sound like you know more than me.


>Thanks for whatever it is you think your doing while you try to speak on God's behalf.

I suppose this is in regard to the bit at the end

<I've come to the opinion that God does not like religion, he gave us free will and dominion of the Earth, religion works against this freedom, religion promotes things like hierarchy and subservience from what I've seen and heard and this goes against the gift of free will that was given to us by God. In my walk there's been one thing that just made so many things click. God doesn't want to be worshiped, he wants a relationship with us, as any father would want with their children.

Perhaps this was a poor way to convey the thought, I will try harder.


>If you read any of the scriptures I posted in the last bread, then perhaps you'll realize that I know enough about Jesus. Probably moar than you.

I did not and I already stated that I was saved no more than 7-8 months ago, my understanding of spirituality is that of a new-born practically. Meanwhile you know Gnostic texts, I wouldn't know my ass from my elbow regarding those.


>Which is why I tried pointing you toward some Gnostic texts. They are closer to the original source than the Bible and there is much more insight about Jesus' life.

I'll have to look into it, most certainly. I've known for a long time, since before I started going to church again, that the current bibles are all tampered by man's hand but I didn't know where to go from them. I just chalked it up to needing to trust in God that this is what I needed for now, as if it was some test of faith is suppose. But if there is more truth out there I'm not going to just disregard it.


As far as my repentance is concerned, I'm sickened with myself on a daily basis and as such I repent every night, I thank God every day that I have a functioning body and a roof over my head. I thank him that I have a family that cared for my health and that I have a bed to sleep in, I beg for forgiveness that the body that he gifted me with has been put into such a dismal state by my hands. I know how lucky I am, or at least I have a good guess. I know that I am only smart enough to know that I don't know shit, and that I'm very damn lucky to even be that smart. As far as reconciliation goes, I don't think saying sorry for the rest of my life would even come close to how much I should be asking for forgiveness. I believe that through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross he's paid that debt I could not, now it's my job to change as much as I can so as to not place more burdens on my savior. Now I've only read the bible once, but this is what I took from it. Take it with a measure of salt. But the other things I've mentioned, do you not have any input on them?

Anonymous ID: 82ed34 June 22, 2019, 5:19 a.m. No.6814387   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also if it would help clear anything up, I remember you speaking with another anon, perhaps you think I'm him? But just to let you know I wasn't able to post anything in the thread I quoted you in because it reached the limit. For whatever it may be worth