Anonymous ID: dd540a June 22, 2019, 4:10 a.m. No.6814163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4199 >>4368 >>4387


> Would love to see how many here could actually survive on 30k a year.


You don't wanna know. . .

But I really like this discussion.

Real people. With real problems:











These are issues we need to resolve in life if we wish to give our children hope for the future.

'Cause this isn't working for us, and it's only gonna get worse for them if we never address this and just expect them to be happy with what's leftover….


I'm pretty sure this is why they keep us occupied and distracted with fake news every single day. So, nobody ever even thinks to talk about this stuff. But they all want us to think that it's everyone else fault that isn't us. So we all just run around blaming who ever they tell us to.


Great job on keeping it real, y'all! If we don't speak up for ourselves their just going to keep creating new problems to throw in our faces, taking our money, doing what ever they want with it, and expect us to act like we should be so lucky to have them ruling over us on 17 different levels of anything we try to do…



>Wait what? I wasn't even talking about pizzagate. Is this just a bot or something?

(You)… Of course you weren't talking about pizzagate. You were avoiding it, so you could feel good about yourself. As if saving my soul is going to help a traumatized victim one of the many child rapists that rule over this planet.


No, seriously. . . I'll wait. Thanks for whatever it is you think your doing while you try to speak on God's behalf. If you read any of the scriptures I posted in the last bread, then perhaps you'll realize that I know enough about Jesus. Probably moar than you. I'm not going to pretend like I know what you know, but if you're gonna quote scripture, you should at least know it's origins. Which is why I tried pointing you toward some Gnostic texts. They are closer to the original source than the Bible and there is much more insight about Jesus' life. It's worth checking out…

Anonymous ID: dd540a June 22, 2019, 5:02 a.m. No.6814335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4355


I worked as a department manager in a corporate grocery store. You don't even want to know. . .


Not only is there a ton of waste, but that gets factored into the price WE pay. Stores average about 50% mark-up on the costs, do hundreds of thousands of dollars in business or more per week, and still operate in the red all the time. I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the salaries of the corporate idiots that make terrible, unrealistic decisions without any rhyme or reason. But yeah. My first week taking over a dairy department there was 4 PALLETS worth of juice & food, that was basically going to expire soon, if it hadn't already. Why? Because anytime there's a sale, usually the store gets the product for a few cents cheaper. So, they'll often encourage managers to buy extra during those periods, not only to cover the sale, but to get that same reduced rate on the item when it returns back to full price.


Kind of makes sense, in theory. However, corporate policy would not let me reduce the price or even donate anything. Probably because they got paid moar money to write it off and let it go to waste. So, not only did I have to keep short-dated dairy products on the shelf, which no one in their right minds is going to buy and the very sight of it may deter the customer from ever returning to shop at our store, but when the items did finally expire, I had to waste some 20-30 hours dumping out juice, cheese, eggs, you name it, because we had to save the package to get credit for most of these things.


You don't want to know how they treat or pay the workers, either. When I was hired, there were all kinds of promises, opportunities, bonuses, team spirit, etc. My first week on the job, I had to drop out of school because they hired me as an outsider, screwing over the person that was supposed to be my assistant who also happened to apply for my position after working for the company for 3 years or moar. So, my 40 hour work week turned into 70+. And even though I was a manager, I'm pretty sure the rate that I started off at was less than a dollar above minimum wage. Oh. And the bonus I was promised, finally came in 3-years later.., as a $5 gift card. They actually told me I should be happy about it. . . You should've heard what they told me when I asked for 2 days off for my grandfather's funeral. . .