Anonymous ID: 7714c7 June 22, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6814923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4989 >>5231 >>5446

>>6814387 (lb)


>I remember you speaking with another anon, perhaps you think I'm him?

Yeah. I totally mistook you for someone else. I apologize for that. I was trying to let this topic simmer down this bread. Sometimes, I have "anger management" issues. Not worth going into the details. I'm going to play some meditation music to cool myself down.


>>6814368 (lb)


>do you not have any input on them?


There's a lot of confusion regarding religions.

Most of this stems because man has corrupted whatever the message was originally supposed to be. It wouldn't be so bad if folks didn't abuse the authority of speaking on behalf of "God". Events like the Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah are actually historical accounts. They didn't happen because the people "sinned". They were genuinely part of the "Creation" story. Something that took place World Wide. These were not ordinary disasters. They were caused by spectacular, yet horrific, cosmic events. There are scars all over this Earth from this process. And you'll find references in just about every religion, myth, culture and symbol on this planet.


Try to imagine, all hell was literally breaking loose. Nobody knew what was going on. Nobody knew how to stop it. Things like this are what led to things like human sacrifices. Also, this is what led to authorities blaming this or that thing for the "punishment". Think of how we expect our government to function for our benefit because we allow them the privilege to govern us. Now, imagine if there was a problem like one day the sun just stopped shinning. Can you picture a person like Nancy Pelosi trying to explain to the state of California what was going on or how to fix it? 'Cause that's probably not too far off from what might have happened.


When I see the scars that are left on the Earth, my heart weeps. To even think about what it was like for anyone alive is gut-wrenching. This is where the "God-fearing" stems from. You better hope that you're not alive when that day comes. And you wouldn't dare wish it upon any child. These events were so tragic, it permanently scarred our psyche. This may be a little heavy for you, right now. I don't think everyone was meant to have to carry such a burden of knowing. Which perhaps was why some of this was hidden. However, there will certainly be a time when humanity will want to know these things. Otherwise, we won't even be close to ready for when that time comes. If I had to guess, that was the main point of being Good onto others. This is not something you would wish to go at alone. You need a civilization working together to ensure the survival of humanity, should something like this ever take place again. . .


You sound like you are being hard on yourself. I don't know what you did to feel that way. You don't have to confess to us here. But the fact that you feel sorry for what you did at least shows that you're on the right path. I'm not one to judge. Definitely not perfect on my end. I try to better myself. Not for salvation, but in hopes to help do my part to try to make this world a better place. You shouldn't have to live your entire life in repentance or sorrow. There's much moar productive things you can do if you just try to be a better person than to focus on evrey little thing you may have done wrong.


I'm pretty sure that's kind of the reason Jesus forgives. If you feel like you're on the right path to making yourself a better person, by all means stick with it. I'm don't want to lead anyone astray. I just don't like it when folks get over-preachy about this stuff. Again, I apologize for the over-reaction on my part. This world will never find peace if we just go around trying to convert every last human into our own beliefs.


We should learn to appreciate one another. Really we should learn to appreciate all forms of Life. We're never going to find "God" if we keep our nose in a book our whole lives, trying to understand what our ancestors we're attempting to relay. There is nothing but words in there. Words that were written down by men…


There are a number of Gnostic Texts you can look into to expand your knowledge n these areas. A lot of people talk about the Book of Enoch. It's interesting, but often misunderstood, because of how far removed we are from that time period. Other than that, the Dead Sea Scrolls are popular, but less known is the Nag Hammadi. But if I had to recommend a good place to start with lost scriptures, I would say read the Gospel of Thomas. I'm pretty sure this is what folks are referring to as the "Q source". Here's a link. I'm sure there are better links out there for this.


Anyway. Sorry for writing so much. And for attacking you in any way. Peace, fren.

Anonymous ID: 7714c7 June 22, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.6815048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wonder what this is all about

Anonymous ID: 7714c7 June 22, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6815211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5257


>Snoop looks like a human trafficker reluctantly shaking hands with a cop.

Snoop is NOT a good dude.

I'm not going to make any accusations here..,

but we may want to revisit a few characters (pic related) in regards to a the two iconic rappers who had to be "sacrificed" for hip-hop to be what it is today. . .