>Looks like there was a 2 hour gap between bread #8715 and 8716. Is this true?
seems unlikely. what is your logic for this ?
>Looks like there was a 2 hour gap between bread #8715 and 8716. Is this true?
seems unlikely. what is your logic for this ?
baker kayfabe continues
in the absence of BO action or locking, let that bread fill and then use this one and we'll renumber later.
everything's back to normal. keep posting.
using every part of the buffalo wrt shill graphics led to this magnum opus about two cubit entanglement.
it was the wrong bread, now it's the right bread.
you want a medal?
or you could go back to reddit and we'll keep going 24/7 without you.
> 7.4 million tons of gold
ounces not tons or they own the universe and we should make a deal with them.
outed twice by own words, good work.
we'll keep the full "other" 8716 you are trying to nuke, and renumber this one. reported hours ago. you're slow.
time flies when you're a faggot.
so many anons. no way of knowing.
pedo swirls white rabbit
how many more times can you tell this story ?